If we were to offer mods for a DAC....

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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #80 on: 11 Jun 2018, 10:47 pm »
Dan, I just saw the Pro iDSD DAC from iFi Audio, perhaps too expensive but has switchable tube/SS outputs.


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #81 on: 11 Jun 2018, 10:56 pm »
I saw it too!  Looks quite interesting. I am eager to learn more when people get them.




Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #82 on: 14 Jun 2018, 10:56 pm »
I have a Project PreBox S2 DAC with SABRE DACs, DSD and MQA playback!

Aside from being physically TINY, the sound is good and the potential is huge!

Any mod that we do will involve a separate enclosure, ideally of similar profile as the Project box, but larger in at least one dimension I expect.

More as I get into it!



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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #83 on: 14 Jun 2018, 11:23 pm »
I have a Project PreBox S2 DAC with SABRE DACs, DSD and MQA playback!

Aside from being physically TINY, the sound is good and the potential is huge!

Any mod that we do will involve a separate enclosure, ideally of similar profile as the Project box, but larger in at least one dimension I expect.

More as I get into it!




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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #84 on: 17 Jun 2018, 02:21 am »
This has probably been mentioned, the Musical Paradise MP-D2 AK4490 has a big chassis, now optional AKM or Sabre chips, tube rectified and tube output stage, it could have a lot of what you do in a massageable package, base price $900.


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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #85 on: 17 Jun 2018, 02:47 am »
And the Mk III version with updated USB module and improved power supply is coming soon. This info supposedly supplied by Gary was posted on the CAM forum.

The MP-D2 Mk3 rumor mill. Coming to your favorite online supplier end of July 2018

New upgraded USB board with DSD 512 capability. Other clocking refinements. A DSD 512 file is roughly about 5 times the size of a 24/192 wav file. There is quite a bit more number crunching involved.
New motherboard allowing PCM 192 on coax. Also upgrades and changes to power supply regulation.
New firmware to optimize the new boards.


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #86 on: 18 Jun 2018, 04:10 pm »
Hi guys, RE the Musical Paradise DAC, I actually have  MP D2 DSD DAC here, with AKM DAC chips, Mundorf coupling caps and USB input.

I am shipping the first unit today, with the following mods:

Re-biased tube analog stage (optimized for 6922 driver tubes) and replaced signal path resistors with Tantalums.
Revised power supply operating voltage as part of bias revision.
Added our own SS High Voltage Regulator circuit to provide rock solid regulated B+ to the tube output stage.
Bypassed the B+ and regulator rails with MWI custom capacitors.

It sounds MUCH better than stock now!

It is actually a well designed and built DAC. In stock form, I found the soundstage to be too diffuse and the tonal balance off. When I looked at operating bias and where the 6922's were operating on the tube curve, I could see that they were operating in a VERY non-linear region. Once this was resolved, alone, things got much better! I then added our own SSHVR (Solid Stage High Voltage Regulator) with MWI bypass and the B+ became VERY clean and VERY tight!

This translated to tighter and better defined bass and control across the frequency spectrum. The combination now, of proper operating bias, upgraded tube signal path resistors and regulated supply, gives the music a controlled but natural and organic flow.

I am very pleased with the result!

Finished photos to follow.


Dan W.


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #87 on: 18 Jun 2018, 04:11 pm »
I am going to be digging into the Project S2 DSD DAC also this week.  I will first post photos of the TINY and well designed unit!




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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #88 on: 18 Jun 2018, 06:37 pm »
Dan, Great news about the Musical Paradise mod! Can you give an estimate of the cost, and some info comparing it to perhaps a 205 MW?


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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #89 on: 18 Jun 2018, 06:49 pm »
hello dan, which version did you do the mod on, will the mod work on the original akm 4490, mkII , or upcoming mkIII ?
again price? :)


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #90 on: 18 Jun 2018, 07:44 pm »
This unit has the AKM DACs and USB input. Not sure exactly which model that is, but I doubt that the tube circuitry is really any different for the MK II vs MKIII.

The mod as shown, with re-bias, MWI cap B+ bypass (on bottom of audio PCB), and MWI SSHVR (Solid State High Voltage Regulator).

I did compare it to an Oppo 205 and I was pleasantly surprised to find the sound with our mods to be on the same level as the modified 205.  There are some tonal differences, but the level of sonic performance was right on par! Both mods use the 6922 tube and both are optimized for a similar operating point on the tube curve.

I am very pleased and excited with how this turned out! Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Mod Price: $500 + shipping.


Dan Wright


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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #91 on: 18 Jun 2018, 08:40 pm »
I run mine in set mode so I only have 2 upgraded tubes and 2 upgraded caps.  will the mod work if you are not using balanced?
  Here is a pic iof the mkI insides.


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #92 on: 18 Jun 2018, 09:15 pm »
This looks virtually identical to the unit I just modified.  The USB board is a different color, perhaps a different rev.  The coupling caps are also different, but I can tell that the audio PCB is the same.




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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #93 on: 18 Jun 2018, 11:20 pm »
And the Mk III version with updated USB module and improved power supply is coming soon. This info supposedly supplied by Gary was posted on the CAM forum.

The MP-D2 Mk3 rumor mill. Coming to your favorite online supplier end of July 2018

New upgraded USB board with DSD 512 capability. Other clocking refinements. A DSD 512 file is roughly about 5 times the size of a 24/192 wav file. There is quite a bit more number crunching involved.
New motherboard allowing PCM 192 on coax. Also upgrades and changes to power supply regulation.
New firmware to optimize the new boards.


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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #94 on: 18 Jun 2018, 11:26 pm »

Per the previous posting about DAC options, especially from China...
I have the Audio-Gd R2R-2 DAC, which is a ladder resistor DAC, because, well, I always wanted to hear how an R2R DAC sounded.
This model sounds fantastic!  Full disclosure, most folks run this unit on Non-Over-Sampling (NOS), but i think the sound is better with the Oversampling (OS) engaged.  Actually, I am stunned at how good this sounds.  Not as good as your Oppo 205 mod, mind you, but really excellent, and under $1K US. 

That said, having purchased a decent amount of gear direct from China over the years (but mostly, as you can attest, I buy US), most units are one-and-done designs, and I have not seen a whole lot of longevity and stability in product production, in general.  Not saying this about Audio-Gd in any way, because I have zero experience with them until a week ago.  The much heralded designer, Mr. He Qinghua, known as Kingwa, produces high quality gear at affordable prices. 


Dan, you mentioned you did not have much experience with the list of DACs from China, so I thought i would mention that my experience with this DAC is quite good.  BUT your comment about needing consistently and reliability available gear is well taken.  You might want to reach out to the firm and see what their plans are...

Bill C

Bill, you're 100% correct!  Kingwa's gear is very impressive for the $$$$ spent.  In fact, I owned the Audio-gd Reference 7.1 DAC that John Darko liked so much in this review:  https://darko.audio/2011/04/audio-gd-reference-71-dac-8-x-pcm1704uk/  But I sold the Audio-gd DAC to purchase the Musical Paradise MP-D2 and I never regretted doing so.  The MP-D2 is simply a better sounding DAC IMHO or at least in my audio system which consists of a YBA Genesis CD4, CDP (used strictly as a transport) a Musical Paradise MP-D2 tubed DAC, a 135LB, 40W/ch, Mastersound Reference 845, integrated, SET amp and Beauhorn Virtuoso speakers with Lowther PM5 drivers using Ticonal magnets.  Dan, I cannot wait for you to complete your Musical Paradise MP-D2 tubed DAC mod!

I'm listening to A Paul Simon Songbook by Bill Cunliffe

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom Scata)

Central Florida Audio Society -- SETriodes Group -- Space Coast Audio Society -- Full-range/Wide-range Drivers -- Front & Back-Loaded Horns -- High Sensitivity Speakers



Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #95 on: 19 Jun 2018, 04:46 pm »
I am very impressed with the Musical Paradise DAC.  What they have accomplished for the asking price is quite good! It is significantly better with our modifications. Our mods simply take a very good product and make it great!

I hope that our first customer, who will be receiving it today, will share his impressions.




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Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #96 on: 19 Jun 2018, 08:47 pm »
dan, since you optimized the mod of the musical paradise for 6dj8 tubes, if I decide to put some 12au7's in will the dac also sound better or revert back to stock sound or worse ?
same goes for caps since you has mundorfs installed ?


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #97 on: 19 Jun 2018, 09:20 pm »
Hi and good question.

The caps will not be impacted by the mod. If you put different caps in, it will sound different, and you may prefer Mundorf or another cap.

As for the bias and voltage, I honestly would have to test it with a 12AU7, once optimized for the 6922. The bias voltage and operating point for the 12AU7 would certainly be different than stock, but I am not sure where it would end up. The next unit I modify, I will let you know.

I have mods being scheduled already today, so I will soon be able to tell.  To be clear, I did modify the first unit specifically for use with 6922 tubes. That doesn't mean that it won't work well with 12AU7 tubes also, but I need to verify.




Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #98 on: 20 Jun 2018, 04:42 pm »
Musical Paradise D2 DSD DAC Mods: $500

RE-Bias tube stage for optimum operation (for tube type) and upgrade signal path resistors.
Revised high voltage to be compatible with new tube operating point.
Add MWI high quality bypass caps to B+ supply - none present in stock unit.
Install MWI's own Solid State High Voltage Regulator (SSHVR) circuit for tightly regulated high voltage supply to tube plates.

The result is a huge improvement in sonics. Tighter and more controlled bass. Lower distortion, bigger and better soundstage as well as focus. Overall tonal balance is more natural and accurate, while still providing the beauty of tubes.

We are now taking mod orders and scheduling start dates.

Please call: 360.247.6688 or email modwright@yahoo.com if interested.


Dan Wright


Re: If we were to offer mods for a DAC....
« Reply #99 on: 20 Jun 2018, 10:10 pm »
Hi All,

I'm the first to have my MP-D2 modded by Dan so I plan to write a comparison of it to the "stock" sound and my Metrum Acoustics HEX.  I missed UPS yesterday so I'm hoping to

I am unfortunately having some issue with my system that I believe is due to worn out tubes in my preamp.  I hope to isolate the problem tonight and resolve it before the weekend.  If tubes are bad then it's unlikely that I'll get replacements before this weekend.  Wish me luck.
