Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!

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Benchmark Media’s DAC3 series has gotten quite the buzz lately.  So, I thought I would start a dedicated thread rather than all these snippets in various other DAC threads.  I will forward the link to this thread to Benchmark.  Whether they will participate or not I don’t know, but good chance they are reading, anyway.

I ordered a DAC3-L to replace my Cambridge Audio Azur 851N (combo CXN streamer and 851D DAC) after obtaining a used AURALiC Aries.  The Aries made a marked difference in sound quality.  Now I had a streamer/DAC only being used as a DAC and one that is quite large.  The Aries and DAC3 together aren’t as big as the 851N. 

I also had a good quality (DECWare) passive switch to change between pre/pro for home theater and preamp for stereo.  The DAC3 HT bypass feature lets me eliminate that extra switch completely along with the extra connections and cables involved.  Though I haven't yet done the reworking of the connections.  This weekend for sure.

Initial listening has been positive playing through my preamp with XLR connection and jumpers for padding at -20db.  I’m hoping for more improvement with various trials of different connections, particularly directly to the amp using the DAC3 as preamp.  Benchmark strongly recommends this approach and I’m looking forward to it.  Tonight I'm listening with RCA connection to the preamp.

Next post has product info and links.  I will post more of a review with photos (we gotta have our porn!) after trying the different setups.
Have one yourself?  Post a review and photos.  Questions?  Fire away.  I may not be able to answer everything, but someone will likely have answers.




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A New Reference - Going Beyond the Legendary DAC1 and DAC2

The DAC3 is Benchmark's newest 2-channel D/A converter featuring the new ESS Technologies ES9028PRO converter chip. The DAC3 converter has lower THD and THD+N noise than Benchmark's DAC2 converter.
Benchmark's DAC1 and DAC2 D/A converter families have been the reference to which other converters have been compared. It is rare to find a converter review that does not draw comparisons to the DAC1 or the DAC2. Benchmark converters are in daily use at many of the world's finest recording studios and mastering rooms. Benchmark converters are also enjoyed by thousands of audiophiles. Benchmark has raised the bar again ... the DAC3 defines a new reference.

Reference Performance

The DAC3  delivers outstanding musical detail and precise stereo imaging. It employs an advanced high-headroom digital filter design, and a high-sample-rate Asynchronous USB Audio interface. All inputs are fully isolated from interface jitter by Benchmark's new UltraLock3™ jitter attenuation system.
Internal digital processing and conversion is 32-bits, and this processing includes 3.5 dB of headroom above 0 dBFS. This headroom prevents the DSP overloads that commonly occur in other D/A converters.
Four balanced 32-bit D/A converters are summed together to create each balanced analog output. This 4:1 summation provides a 6 dB noise reduction, and gives the DAC3 industry-leading performance.

DAC3 vs. DAC2

The DAC3 builds upon Benchmark’s highly successful DAC2 product family. The DAC3 maintains the familiar DAC2 form factor and feature set, but adds the higher performance available from the new ES9028PRO D/A converter. The DAC3 offers the following improvements over the DAC2:
•   Active 2nd Harmonic Compensation
•   Active 3rd Harmonic Compensation
•   Lower THD+N
•   Lower passband ripple
•   Improved frequency response
•   Faster PLL lock times
•   Faster switching between input signals

DAC3 vs. DAC1

The DAC3 and DAC2 added these features that were not found on the DAC1:
•   Asynchronous 192kHz USB Audio 2.0
•   32-bit D/A conversion system
•   Word Length Display
•   Sample Rate Display
•   Polarity Control
•   Direct DSD D/A Conversion
•   -20 dB DIM
•   Bi-Directional 12V Trigger
•   Power Switch with Auto-On Function
•   Home Theater Bypass
•   Digital Pass-Through
•   High-Headroom DSP
•   Dual-Domain Hybrid Gain Control
•   Additional I/O


Product Pages
Stereophile Review



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Miscellaneous info that I'll add to as we go along.........

The DAC3 series has three models.  The DAC3 HGC is the consumer DAC/Headamp.  The DAC3 L is the consumer DAC without the Headamp.  Otherwise the same.  The DAC3 DX is geared towards pros.  It is the DAC/Headamp but with an AES/EBU connection instead of analog inputs.

You can order any of them in black or silver and with or without the remote (very classy remote, BTW).

In order of cost, from most to least is HGC, DX, L.

I think there are four settings done with jumpers (two with the DAC3 L).  One is only if you are using the balanced XLR outputs - gain padding (lowers output).  One is only if you want one input to be digital pass through (rare use, IMO).  Two are for headphones - output level and whether or not the analog outputs are muted when headphones are plugged in.

« Last Edit: 20 Nov 2017, 04:00 pm by pstrisik »


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Thanks for starting this thread.  Benchmark is a no nonsense American prosumer manufacturer (high praise in my book). 

Seems that Benchmark is focused on low distortion/noise levels (but not at the cost of transparency, dynamics, neutrality, precision, or imaging) with balanced design being an essential part of the design.  In fact they recommend pairing the DAC3 directly with their AHB2 power amp which also has vanishingly low distortion (balance inputs only). 

pstrisik:  What pre/power amp do you use with the DAC3L?  What other DAC/preamps have you compared with?  Have you connected to an analog source (that some reviewers report it's only relatively weak spot)?

Likes:  good preamp performance, balanced design, the ES9028PRO chip, not power fussy/power supply built-in, small size

Quibbles:  no balanced inputs (currently have no need), LED's used vs. digital display, no digital volume display, only goes up to DSD64 (currently have no need), no MQA (currently have no need)

Note:  The Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ has just been released that is very competitive to the DAC3 in sonic terms but adds digital display, higher DSD formats, and MQA for the same price.


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Agreed about Benchmark rep. 

So far I've only compared XLR (with -20db padding) to the RCA output, both into my preamp.  Very close but, to my ears, the XLR has a slight advantage in high frequency response.  That may be more related to level matching and/or perception though.  I am able to switch back and forth between the preamp inputs so I don't have to do any connection changes to compare.  The preamp fortunately remembers level setting for each input.

The chain is:  flac files on NAS or Tidal lossless via Roon control => AURALiC Aries => miniDSP DDRC-22D => DAC3-L => Audio-GD HE-1 preamp => DECWare passive/manual switch => First Watt J2.  I am using Omega Super Alnico Monitors (SAMs), single driver, full range, ~93-95db.  But, am tri-amping.  A Marchand active xover splits signal at 190Hz with frequencies above to the First Watt, below to powered stereo Rythmik 8" mid-woofers.  The mid-woofers extend down to 30Hz and a stereo pair of Rythmik F12s do the below 30Hz work.

Today I will eliminate that DECWare switch that has let me choose between my pre/pro for HT and preamp for music, routing through the DAC3's analog input HT bypass.  Then will be to connect DAC3 directly to the First Watt (can try both XLR and RCA there, too), bypassing the preamp.

I've had a bunch of different preamps and DACs over the years though, until I got my Omega/Rythmik speaker system setup, I don't feel like anything before that is comparable.  So main comparison is with Dennis Had Inspire LP-2 preamp and with Cambridge Audio Azur 851N (the network streamer version of their well-regarded 851D - basically a CXN streamer/851D combo in one box (that will be for sale shortly if anyone is interested  :wink:)). 

No analog input.  Sold my turntable and vinyl a couple of years ago.  Since the DAC3 doesn't have a phono input, I would think the phono preamp would be a bigger variable than the DAC3 in analog sound.  Analog would bypass the DAC processing.

The DAC3 seems to offer some improvement over the 851N.  No wine tasting jargon - just sounds more natural, more present, more definition of instruments and voices.  I'm still evaluating whether I am getting a slight edge with the added resolution or whether that is just the unfamiliarity of the new equipment.  If break-in change is real, that will help.  And, I'm hoping that removing the switch and routing directly to the amp will remove all doubt.  Stay tuned!

The Brooklyn looks like a worthy competitor.  It betters the DAC3 with features adding phono input, digital displays, but has no HT bypass function that I can see.  But sound quality would be the determining factor.  Would need to have both to compare.  The Brooklyn manual refers to some kind of volume control bypass - perhaps that could be used as HT bypass if it can be applied to a single analog input.  I don't have any interest in MQA or DSD.  Sound quality determination aside, I think the biggest weakness with the DAC3 is the lack of digital display.  Hard to see what's going on, particularly in dim light, even visually seeing volume level.  But, if it gives the performance I like, this would be lower on my list of criteria.


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I'm very much with you pstrisik.

No vinyl, literally dropped my TT 30+ years ago and never looked back (was just out of college and hadn't built up a big vinyl library in anticipation of digital).

Have also listened to MQA a couple of times and not impressed.  And prefer the original "classic" recordings that I know and love versus the "authenticated" versions.

I listen in my man cave (audio front/office rear) that follows Cardas Golden Cuboid ratios and near-field setup.  I use six GIK 244 panels at front/side wall first reflection points and front corners.  Although effect elsewhere, in this room/setup offer little advantage.

Also run single driver (AlNiCo) speakers, with a Late Ceiling Splash (search AC) tweeter and recently added a nice 10" sealed sub (even though the speakers are rated 25 - 20,000 Hz). 

My source is my laptop, using a 10ft USB cable to a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core DAC/preamp/DSP.  Tried Schiit Gungnir multi-bit DAC and Freya balanced tube preamp last spring but overall (for my ripped CD based library) preferred the DSPeaker.

My very basic (low priority) AV system is in another room, so no need for HT bypass.

Yes, it's all about the sound.

Hope others jump in.   :icon_lol:


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I emailed Mytek out of curiousity and said: "My question is regarding the Brooklyn DAC+.  I don’t see any reference to a Home Theater Bypass function.  But I see some reference to volume control bypass ability.  Could the analog line in input only be setup to bypass volume control, either resulting in full output or unity gain (the latter being preferable)?  Is this different than a HT Bypass function?  If not, is there a reason you don’t promote it as such?" 

Meanwhile, I eliminated my passive switch now that I have the HT bypass function in the DAC3.  Works as advertised.  I switch to the Analog1 input, the HT light comes on and the volume knob moves to 2:00.  Very seamless going back and forth between video and music and without having to get up to do it,  :thumb:.

I realized, to my embarassment and chagrin, that I can't utilize the XLR connection with my current setup since I have the Marchand active crossover splitting the signal before going to the amps and that piece is RCA only.

Perhaps XLR would add a bit of quality (or lose a bit of noise) if I could do that, but no matter for now.  My system is at its all time best.  Unfortunately, I don't know what is most responsible for the positive change since eliminating the switch affected the relative levels of the amps and I had to recalibrate with Dirac Live in the miniDSP DDRC-22.  Getting happier and happier!  Next - probably next weekend - will be bypassing the preamp altogether and connecting the RCA output from the DAC3 directly to the Marchand xover which then goes to the amps.  This will be the real test for the possibility of major changes with that approach.  Even if no difference, I'd be happy with the sound now and glad to eliminate a major heat generating large piece like the audio-gd preamp. 

Bottom line for me is that this DAC is helping my system be the best that I've heard yet.   :singing:



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I was recently thinking "Brooklyn" until I read this thread and also saw the Benchmark's DAC 2 excellent rating from Stereophile... After snooping some more I saw this review on YouTube which made me wonder about its complexity (?).  Any thoughts on the setup issues mentioned in this review?



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If any one thinks Benchmark DAC's are complex, wait until you start to look into servers.

Seems to me that for most users (those with single analog and digital inputs and one pair of headphones) the DAC3 will be a plug and play affair, with no need to pop the top.  It might be another story if you swap gear constantly, but personally would still prefer changing internal jumpers than wade through a myriad of menus.

And love Ron's New Record Day review that follows.


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Not complicated, but inconvenient to have to take out 8 screws, remove the cover, in order to change settings.  On the positive side, these would typically be done at setup and rarely changed.  I think there are four settings done with jumpers (two with the DAC3 L).  One is only if you are using the balanced XLR outputs - gain padding (lowers output).  One is only if you want one input to be digital pass through (rare use, IMO).  Two are for headphones - output level and whether or not the analog outputs are muted when headphones are plugged in.


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #10 on: 20 Nov 2017, 06:13 pm »
Not clear exactly what the complexity complaints were from the youtube video reviewer, but this is after all a 3-in-1 piece.

Mike B.

Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #11 on: 20 Nov 2017, 06:26 pm »
The review in Stereophile was glowing positive. Their test results showed a very well engineered product.


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #12 on: 20 Nov 2017, 06:29 pm »
Not clear exactly what the complexity complaints were from the youtube video reviewer, but this is after all a 3-in-1 piece.

I think he overdid it a bit in that regard!


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #13 on: 20 Nov 2017, 06:30 pm »
The review in Stereophile was glowing positive. Their test results showed a very well engineered product.

Yes, and a bit geeky. 


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #14 on: 20 Nov 2017, 11:32 pm »
I talked to Mytek about HT Bypass in the Brooklyn.  He said they have received more than my inquiry about this.  I may have been the straw; he is seeing if engineering will incorporate this in a firmware release in the next month or two - waiting for their response.  The Manhattan already has this, so I imagine it isn't an exceptionally difficult feature to implement given the similarities and the programmers existing familiarity with implementing it.

Edit:  And the reply from Mytek engineering:

I've added this feature to the TODO list. We will implement it in the next firmware version.

« Last Edit: 21 Nov 2017, 05:14 pm by pstrisik »


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #15 on: 23 Nov 2017, 02:15 am »
Now running the DAC3 directly to the First Watt J2 with no preamp.  Sure enough, clearer, fuller, cleaner.  Didn't really lose any gain.  I had my pre volume fixed at 3:00 which must be close to unity gain.  So the pre may have really only been serving as a buffer, but added a fair amount of electronics and connections to the path which are now gone.

I can't believe I'm about to sell my preamp (I still have a Dennis Had Inspire LP-2 tucked away though  :wink:).  It's a big, heavy, hot (Class A) box (Audio-gd HE-1).  That and changing out the Cambridge Audio 851N for the DAC3 and I'm losing quite a bit of cubic inches in equipment (and gaining in space).  Solid state electronics has turned a corner I'm believing! 



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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #16 on: 23 Nov 2017, 05:22 pm »
Got an email with a new "Application Note" from Benchmark.  Very interesting article on THD measurements and converting that .01% or .001% THD figure to something meaningful.



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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #17 on: 23 Nov 2017, 06:37 pm »
Yes, audiophiles should know that the relationship between distortion (or power) and sound pressure levels (spl) is logarithmic. 

I appreciate their "Application Notes" and that they provide insight into their thinking.

I get frustrated when folks quibble between say 90 and 100 watts when the difference can't be heard (less than 1 dB).


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Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #18 on: 23 Nov 2017, 07:09 pm »
What was useful to me in that article was the sense of what .001% THD means in db and audibility of distortion in relation to the spl output of the system and what is currently playing. 


Happy Thanksgiving to all in this part of the world!


Re: Benchmark DAC3 series thread. Official? .... Nah, but goooood!
« Reply #19 on: 23 Nov 2017, 07:43 pm »

I think you made an excellent purchase with the DAC 3. In Europe it is more complicated to buy Benchmark hard.

In EU, a great option, from world pro: RME ADI-2 Pro. But it is not a preamp.