You Bryston cultists

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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #40 on: 30 Oct 2017, 04:45 pm »

I have literally spent hours updating metadata for my music using the MM "editor" and the results NEVER get saved.

Don't use the MM editor. I looked at this issue this summer and found nothing useful and efficient on Mac. I had to use my old Windows laptop and used MP3Tag:

It works with any format and can let you do batch corrections and even look up stuff for you. It saves the metadata correctly. I did it for around 200 albums and it worked perfectly on Manic Moose. However, it was still very time consuming. I never ended up doing my whole library. Roon solved it. FWIW, I've had problems with WAV on Roon as well with duplicate/split album versions. FLAC works the best.

MP3Tag is especially great for compilations and playlists you want to make.

Larry Dickman

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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #41 on: 31 Oct 2017, 09:34 am »
Hi Folks

This is not a whine – just an explanation of the evolution of our BDP products.

The original BDP concept was quite targeted in that all I wanted was a dedicated quality computer to allow the playback of USB type drives and have the ability to create playlist etc. But over the years more and more features were being added due to our customers wanting more and more flexibility in the software.

The earliest versions of the MM software were rudimentary in feature sets but over the years has evolved to become much more feature laden than what I originally conceived the BDP to be. So not an excuse just a realization that the software interface was becoming more important than the technical expertise and sound quality in the BDP’s.

So long story short the latest software being developed by Chris is head and shoulders above the first software offerings (especially the latest beta versions) and is improving every day. So please bear with us as we go forward and be aware that we are attempting to improve the software continually and allowing our customers to update their BDP’s with better software interfaces as we go.


Sorry, a $1250 purchase doesn't qualify me as a guinea pig for your UI experiments. Manic Moose/Tidal UI is poor, and internet radio interface is no prize, either. One quick example: Tidal 'back' buttons.


Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #42 on: 31 Oct 2017, 10:22 am »
MM will never be competitiv with the user interface on streamers like Auralic, Lumin, Naim etc no matter how much you tweak it.
These other apps are seamless, responsive and easy to learn, not like the MM wich is like a scool project in comparison.
Get professional help to make an app (from scratch) that a 3500$ streamer should have, and I believe customers will gradually demand.
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2017, 12:43 pm by Xinon »


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #43 on: 31 Oct 2017, 12:38 pm »
Sorry, a $1250 purchase doesn't qualify me as a guinea pig for your UI experiments.



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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #44 on: 31 Oct 2017, 01:28 pm »
Sorry, a $1250 purchase doesn't qualify me as a guinea pig for your UI experiments. Manic Moose/Tidal UI is poor, and internet radio interface is no prize, either. One quick example: Tidal 'back' buttons.

Why dont you sell it and move on?


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #45 on: 31 Oct 2017, 05:26 pm »
MM will never be competitiv with the user interface on streamers like Auralic, Lumin, Naim etc no matter how much you tweak it.
These other apps are seamless, responsive and easy to learn, not like the MM wich is like a scool project in comparison.
Get professional help to make an app (from scratch) that a 3500$ streamer should have, and I believe customers will gradually demand.
I have had a BDP3 since August and love the sound. Manic Moose is used for setting DSD and enabling DAC's. I run a Chromebook with the latest operating system and an Android phone with the latest operating system. On both these devices the side tab for quick scroll on music selection in Manic Moose does not work properly. The same with the drop down letter menu. This is immensely frustrating. I use MPD for slecting music and managing play lists. Unfortunately the latest update for Chromebook operating system has killed MPD. For the moment MPD still works in current Android operating system but I suspect the end is nigh there as well.
This means that Bryston will have to develop an app as an adjunct to Manic Moose for music selection or bite the bullet and fix Manic Moose for playing music. Again I love the sound and have no intention of selling the BDP3. Bryston please address these issues.

Larry Dickman

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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #46 on: 31 Oct 2017, 06:30 pm »
Why dont you sell it and move on?
Point well taken. That's probably what will happen.


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #47 on: 31 Oct 2017, 07:32 pm »
Why dont you sell it and move on?
I never BOUGHT one. LOL
As for ever buying something like it? I will most likely be dead first.
(I don't need no stinking computer music. I GOT music. thousands and thousands of album IN THE FLESH.)


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #48 on: 31 Oct 2017, 08:56 pm »
Point well taken. That's probably what will happen.

Before you do that, ask yourself did you buy the digital player for the sound or the cover art? My cover art does not show unless I play an HDTrack file, but I don't care because, I am not interested in the cover art, only the sound of the music.  :)


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #49 on: 31 Oct 2017, 09:25 pm »
I never BOUGHT one. LOL
As for ever buying something like it? I will most likely be dead first.
(I don't need no stinking computer music. I GOT music. thousands and thousands of album IN THE FLESH.)

I guess you're missin' out on a ton of good musik, eh?  :green:


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #50 on: 31 Oct 2017, 10:52 pm »
Before you do that, ask yourself did you buy the digital player for the sound or the cover art? My cover art does not show unless I play an HDTrack file, but I don't care because, I am not interested in the cover art, only the sound of the music.  :)

Wow are you missing the point. Other viewers allow you to use cover art to browse your music collection. Text lists suck for that.  MM did experiment with the dashboard doing that but it was flawed because of the inability to jump up and down the list using an alphabetical scroll. Soundirok is much better at these kinds of tools, but far from perfect as well. I dont just play music and stare at the art.

Manic moose should be a configuration tool only. Pull the music player out of it. I agree with the previous poster that MM will never provide the experience that beautiful players like these deserve.


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #51 on: 31 Oct 2017, 11:29 pm »
ok, this is getting pretty good...

here's the deal. we love music. we love great sounding gear. we're talkin' digital...
and we ALL agree, the sound of bryston gear is top notch. SQ is through the roof.  it is a beautiful thing.

we all bought bryston digital players (most anyway, Elizabeth) because we love the bryston sound.

the convenience of apps, phones, iPads, androids, etc to control our listening experience has evolved at a rapid pace.
the point is, do you spend your R&D resources on making the music sound pure and beautiful. or do you spend it on making your app, or iPhone display album art in a pretty way, and organize your files for you? it's a no brainer folks. its about the music.

for those folks who spent $3K on a digital player (or $1250), and thought they were getting a fancy app, i feel your pain. but as a knowledgeable buyer, you gotta take responsibility for your purchase decision. reading only a few articles should educate buyers of weaknesses in the interface - it's a fairly common observation of reviews.

i have an old BDP-1 and i love it. I am impressed the Bryston folks have dedicated time and energy making the BDP1 compatible with Tidal and Roon. This upgrade has transformed my listening experience and i didn't have to pay Bryston a dime. Simply a download. they did that for all of us. and continue to do so. let's be patient folks.

I believe the Bryston guys have bent over backwards for us. How many manufacturers would spend the time listening to our moans and actually DO SOMETHING about it? It is amazing customer service, respect and accountability for making improvements based on our feedback. Anytime i called or emailed bryston about a technical issue, the response was second to none.  respectful, no questions asked, and boom. done.  AND Canadian made. Cant't get much better.

come on folks. ease up. and keep listening  :thumb:



Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #52 on: 31 Oct 2017, 11:57 pm »
Before you do that, ask yourself did you buy the digital player for the sound or the cover art? My cover art does not show unless I play an HDTrack file, but I don't care because, I am not interested in the cover art, only the sound of the music.  :)

Do you still use DOS also?  Maybe the user interface doesn't matter to you but I am pretty sure a generation of buyers who are accustomed to intuitive graphical interfaces on their smart phones, tablets, computers...and other electronic devices are not going to be too thrilled with a list of their albums.  You no longer have to make a choice between slick interface and sound quality.  You can have it all.  You just will have to venture away from the "cult".


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #53 on: 1 Nov 2017, 12:02 am »
TJ, I agree with much of what you have written above. I also believe that constructive criticism, in a frank but polite fashion, is not only fair, but is often the impetus for excelling -- in this case, pushing Bryston to develop a version of MM that is less failure-prone/flawed. It's also a fact that there have been many too frequent releases of updated versions of MM, which turn out to be flawed after users (owners) find glitches that can be really annoying -- failure to save certain parameters, accessing playlists, etc. Beyond just cover art imperfections.

Bryston never releases amps or audio gear that are sonically or electrically flawed. That would be fatal for their reputation. I applaud that (I own 14-squared, BDP-1, BCD-1, BDA-1, and BHA-1 currently, for a few yrs now). So...why would Bryston not be cautious with releasing flawed versions of MM prematurely?

Bryston should stop releasing versions of MM until they can iron out the imperfections identified by clients, troubleshoot at factory, and then release a version that runs smoothly vs. the problems i.d.'ed by these posts. It was Bryston's choice to get into the BDP UI. They should take the same high bar of quality control as with their electronic gear and TTs, apply it to MM, and release the Moose only when glitches have been ironed out. The remark by Larry, "guinea pigs", isn't too far off the mark.



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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #54 on: 1 Nov 2017, 12:10 am »
p.s. I think it would be really useful if Bryston kept a systematic log book of problems encountered by users of their BDP UI, as described here in this forum's many threads. Then they could check them off as they work towards a perfected version of the UI. Seems like some problems with UI get repeated by diff users over a stretch of time, judging from the threads. They never really get eliminated completely (the problems, that is).


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #55 on: 1 Nov 2017, 12:45 am »
I don't think anyone is here bashing. I see a handful of people here over the years that are always helping provide feedback meaningful feedback in the software that improves things for all of us. I appreciate it, as it saves me from writing up things.

Bryston does listen to customers. IMO they got it right with I/O on the BP-17 cubed and the upcoming BDA+BP combo. As a local provincial neighbour to Bryston, I'd like to continue to stick with Bryston whenever possible. So all the feedback helps IMO.



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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #56 on: 1 Nov 2017, 12:53 am »
CM, I hear ya, and agree.  and i believe, in all of this debate,  we should recognize and credit the origin of the BDP, it's original design and intent. The player removes a computer from the picture and plays digital files. It works. And the software is in fact continually improving. It is an evolution and will take time. I think a previous post mentioned it, and I would agree - the MM interface will unlikely ever achieve the level of integration as others have without an overhaul of the approach. To start over. We shall see, I suppose. But I think JT, Chris and the gang hear the 'constructive criticsim'  loud and clear and, like everyone else, it comes down to priorities and resources. Would you rather have new cubed series amp, new digital crossovers, new active speakers, new 3 channel amps, BDA3's,  turntables, etc...or a slick interface? maybe that's unfair. but I guess we know the answer, and I'd probably do the same.


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Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #57 on: 1 Nov 2017, 01:45 am »
TJ, absolutely. The dedicated music player, with none of the computer innards that make noise/distortion, was what sold BDP for me. I don't doubt it. Bryston's a leader with amp design, and more recently, digital playback design. It's their choice to do it, as it is with the UI for BDP. Specialists are great, jacks of all trades....the ones who do everything really well, are a rare breed.

[An "expert" is not someone who knows everything in their field. It's someone who knows what they don't know, and can take actions to fill those gaps in knowledge].

NYC is in mourning tonight. As a former New Yorker, I am shattered by today's events, so close to the WTC Memorial.

Off to think.

Phil A

Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #58 on: 1 Nov 2017, 01:16 pm »

for those folks who spent $3K on a digital player (or $1250), and thought they were getting a fancy app, i feel your pain. but as a knowledgeable buyer, you gotta take responsibility for your purchase decision. reading only a few articles should educate buyers of weaknesses in the interface - it's a fairly common observation of reviews.


I agree.  Places like here are a great resource to help make a decision on what is or isn't ones cup of tea.  I also have a friend who is a reviewer (and has reviewed Bryston stuff and currently has a BDP-1 and a BDA-3 I believe).  He is not only a really great reviewer and has a great grasp of knowledge on digital audio but he is wonderful to bounce things off of either via email or telephone.  Before I moved almost 4 years back (almost 900 miles), he would help out on occasion at a local audio shop.  If I was in the market for something I'd wait until I know he would be around.  For one thing, I am familiar with his preferences and probably would be inclined to have similar ones on 90+% of things and the other is that I would get an honest analysis and opinion vs. sales guy hype (and he also has worked in the industry for a very long time from retail sales to part of the audio manufacturing environment).  Before the move, we would also get together on occasion and do comparisons either in the store or in my house.  It was such a helpful experience of both learning new things and refining knowledge as well.


Re: You Bryston cultists
« Reply #59 on: 1 Nov 2017, 04:05 pm »
I took the plunge and bought Roon.
Now I have the best sounding streamer and the best interface(imo)  :thumb: