Which DAC do you use with Folsom's great little 7297 chip amp?

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Hi, all.

I did not want to tack this question onto the already LOOOONG thread, so I'm opening a new thread to discuss which DACs have been used with this amp. Why am I asking this? Well, I finally broke down and ordered a kit from Jeremy, and politely asked someone to build it for me. The idea of my actually putting something like this together is pretty scary. I always used to end up with extra pieces back in my model airplane days.  :duh:

How well does this amp pair with DACs?
Has anyone tried an expensive DAC/pre? What were your impressions?
Has anyone gone whole hog and hooked up a Lampizator? A Gustard? An MP-D2? an Auralic? A Nuprime 9 or 10? An AVA DAC? A Modwright DAC?

You get the idea. Inundate me with thoughts, impressions, and criticisms. Go for it!



[Edit: I'm specifically asking for DACs with volume control (DAC/pre)]

Here's a link to the long thread:

« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2017, 03:49 am by mresseguie »


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I would look for a used DAC-9 or if you want to kill multiple birds with one stone try an Oppo Sonica with their 30 day return policy.  I have never used mine as a preamp, but it is a first class DAC/Streamer.  Might even find one used at this point.


I am not a fan of the Oppo. I think it suffers some silly problems out the gate. MAYBE with a good buffer inbetween it would be ok, like a Kuarlotron, but I wouldn't be too hopeful.

One fellow uses Allo's kit with his, and bares no shame compared to his previously expensive gear.

I think that this unit is very attractive. But any of their units will be probably pretty stellar, especially since they're all a pittance compared to what R2R DAC's cost commercially - like the TotalDAC at $16k or whatever.


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Ya know, Jack, I actually seriously considered the DAC-9 today. I may still go for it if I can get a low price on it. I'm looking for an inexpensive DAC/pre to pair with my new D Sachs amp that ought to arrive by next week (knock on wood). It'll be a temporary pairing since my amp will fly back to Taiwan with me in 2 weeks. The DAC will chill here while I'm away. Then, I can use it in an office setup next year. That's kinda my plan anyway. I haven't thought it through very well.


I'd forgotten about Soekris' DACs. I think they lack volume controls, yes?

I was hoping more people would pop in to discuss which DACs they're using with your amp, Jeremy. I guess folks are busy preparing for Halloween.

Thank you!



They all have a digital volume control. And you can upgrade the PSU in the future. No remote, however.

I have never had a remote, but I have my turntable and preamp near me, to the side.

The only other thing I think is really cool is the Kuartlotron buffers. They can feed multiple amps, sound awesome as you could ever want.

Wind Chaser

I think that this unit is very attractive.

My that DAC does look interesting, but I'm less inclined to buy products that don't originate on my side of the pond, mainly because of potential service issues.

Given the praise and attention Folsom's little amp gets, I be it has been paired with some nice DACs, and perhaps turntables too?


I have had it playing on a slew of things. Lampizators, Bel Canto, Wave Kenetic NVS TT, Brinkman Brado TT, SME TT, Sony HAP-Z1ES, McIntosh, DartZeel, and other stuff I don't recal. Others have a wide mix of things like Dodd, terminator arms, iFi stuff, Bottlehead, DIY Salas, etc. Really, I can't keep track of it all.

The only flop was trying to power some old planar type speakers that probably need like 200w to wake up.

The Soekris isnt something that is really going to need service, it isnt like a Lampizator with a lot of mixing low & high voltage with tempermental tubes. Besides, the cheapest one is cheap enough you could just order a second before you get one serviced... then you find a pair of headphonez when you got both :)


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I'm using a Schiit Bifrost Multi, which shares some characteristics with the Soekris, is similarly priced and made here in the good ol' U.S. of A.  Down side is, no volume control built in so you'll also need a preamp.  The Schiit folks make a lovely $350 preamp (which I haven't tried).  I've tried a couple of modern tube based preamps that work beautifully with the Folsom and allow the Bifrost to strut it's stuff.



I have most of the parts to make a Soekris Dam-1021 DAC and Tortuga Preamp combo. Just need enclosures and transformers.

I was planning on making a 4 channel Folsom amp. I have 2 sets of boards.


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Have you thought about trying the Preamp outs on the IDA-8?  I had a friend that did that for a while with the IDA-16 into an ARC VT-50. I don't know how much time Jeremy spent with the OPPO Sonica, but I have had mine since the first release and once broken in it is fine for what you need plus the free streamer included.  I don't think all the reviewers and owners can be wrong.  And as Dan has proven you can mod anything and make it better for a price but not for the price point at which it was intended.  If OPPO had wanted to sell it for $3500 like Dan's I'm sure they would have done things differently too. Check with Woody as he has one in a pretty high end system.


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Re: Which DAC do you use with Folsom's great little 7297 chip amp?
« Reply #10 on: 29 Oct 2017, 02:56 am »

Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion.

I have considered the Sonica a couple times in the last week or so. I like that it has a streamer included. However, it uses the ES9018 chip which I already have in my Gustard X20u. That's not a negative so much as it is more like a redundancy. The Gustard is still in Taiwan, but I expect to bring it back in January to use until something more exciting comes along.

If the D Sachs amp arrives in the next few days, I'll buy a DAC-9 from John Casler. [Already spoke with him about it.] Then, once life settles down next year (knock on wood), I'll use it in an office system.

The idea of using the IDA-8 as DAC/pre for a separate amp is possible, but not ideal, I think. I scanned the IDA-8 thread and found John's post saying it's certainly possible, but the DAC-9 or -10 would be much better.

Arrival times of amps will determine whether I buy the DAC-9 or make due with my IDA-9 as DAC/pre.


P.S. I'm getting a Denafrips Terminator DAC for my Taiwan system which is why the Gustard will come back to the States in January. - at least, that's the plan. 


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Re: Which DAC do you use with Folsom's great little 7297 chip amp?
« Reply #11 on: 29 Oct 2017, 03:28 am »

I agree the DAC 9 or 10 is a better option than using the IDA-8 but just thinking out loud as to the simplest and cheapest option since your situation is in flux.  I think you will be happy with the DAC-9 if you go in that direction. 

Congrats on the Terminator as it appears to be an awesome piece of gear.


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  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven
And so...

The new D Sachs Kootenay 120 will arrive at my apartment in Vancouver, WA in a few days. The DAC-9 will be here soon as well. Joy and happiness abound - or will once they arrive. I'll get about 4 days of bliss before I have to pack it all up.  :cry:

Folsom's amp will go straight to my friend's home in Corvallis and be put into service there while I'm overseas. [The guy is a budding audiophile.] I'll leave the DAC-9 paired to the chip amp with him to enjoy until I return in January.

Now I'm getting excited... :thumb:


I just got the oppo sonica dac to pair with my folsom amp and it's sounding pretty good but it is lacking a certain something my $92 sabaj da3 usb tiny dac has in soundstage/imaging which is pretty crazy evidence the sabaj is great.  I'm mailing the sonica dac to rick schultz for extensive modding and new output stage as soon as he replies to my email :P  I got my logitech harmony remote to control the volume on the sonica dac which is pretty neat.. I just got this harmony remote too.  the UPNP music streaming works really well with smartphone/ipad apps on the sonica, but I still prefer to just use jriver on my pc with usb connection


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  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven
I'm sitting in my friend's living room listening to Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio on a pair of old AV123 2-ways (5.25" midwoofer) powered by Folsom's chip amp connected to a Nuprime DAC-9. The source is an iPad running Tidal beaming weak Bluetooth signal to a Chrome Cast which is connected to the DAC with the cheapest RCA ICs you can imagine.

It sounds f@&$!)9 amazing! Radu assembled the kit for me. It looks great. Eventually, I'll slap a pretty piece of wood on the front to add a touch of warmth, but this is great as is. The volume is set at 17 on the DAC-9 because it's not my living room.

The first couple songs after turning everything on sounded a little off, but what do you expect from a cold amp and cold DAC? This amp now has a couple hours of burn in and sounds this good!?!

I can see why some have likened this amp's sound to a tube amp. Eva Cassidy sounded lovely 30 minutes ago. I won't have much time to listen tomorrow, but I know this is going to be a great addition to my harem. This will eventually be my office system powering my Adelphos speakers.


The DAC-9 sounds really nice. Why did I wait so long to try it?  :duh: Mine is a demo unit, so it's already thoroughly burned in.


This amp is not just a fantastic deal, it sounds fantastic, and it runs so cool. It's been on for three hours now and I can feel just a hint of warmth directly above the heat sink. I opted for the 4" high case over the 3" case.

I probably won't get a chance to hear this amp with my Daedalus Apollos until February, but I'll wager it'll sound great.

I waited to buy it until two weeks ago because I lack soldering skills and confidence- plus I didn't understand how so few watts could sound this good. Well, I'm a convert.  :thumb:

Damn! Time for bed.
