Stand By Me - a movie haiku

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Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« on: 12 Oct 2017, 05:22 pm »
Ever since getting a 4k projector I've been on a tear, watching older remastered movies and just marveling at how amazing they look.  Many of them, like Stand By Me, look like they could have been filmed this decade (except for, you know, the clothes - haha). 


A story about 4 boys about 11 or 12 years old.  This is their treehouse, where it all begins:

One of them hears about the body of a dead boy and they all decide to go see it:

Here they are at the beginning of their journey.  It's a 60 mile walk that'll take them 2 days.  Did I mention that they forgot to bring food  :duh:

They do eventually get food after hanging out in the junkyard shop along the way:

Let's cross here!  It'll save us time.  Great idea.....


After a crazy day like that, time for some sleep!  We also get to see Gordie's story telling talent:

Finally we get to the body, but big bad (and actually pretty scary) Ace is there to try to steal the glory of finding the body:

But Ace doesn't know, you DO NOT mess with Gordy's friends:

I see why everyone loves this film, its a hugely insightful into all those small (and not so small) rites of passage from boyhood toward manhood.  And maybe one of the best buddy films ever.  I'm also glad I saw it because it give a lot more resonance to other movies like Mud and shows like Stranger Things.  Love it when that happens  :thumb:
« Last Edit: 12 Oct 2017, 08:05 pm by Tyson »

brother love

Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #1 on: 12 Oct 2017, 06:11 pm »
Nicely done. You are on a Rob Reiner kick of late.  :thumb:

Keifer Sutherland was a good bad boy in this one (I can still see him whacking those mailboxes with a ball bat). Since this movie, I have never had a piece of blueberry pie since! Seeing that pic of River Phoenix saddens me to think what might have been ...


Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2017, 07:19 pm »

Compare that top frame with any from the new IT and you'll see why I have no desire to see the movie. The sheer charisma, young star power, and direction in that one shot says so much. THAT is a proper King adaptation. Not 80s nostalgia porn.


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Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2017, 07:27 pm »
There should be 9 pictures up there - are they all showing up for you?


Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #4 on: 12 Oct 2017, 07:34 pm »
There should be 9 pictures up there - are they all showing up for you?

Yeah I was referring specifically to the first pic...

Jealous. I love my 1080P BenQ. But I'm going to wait for the eventual BenQ 4k budget model. Probably at least 2yrs away...


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Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #5 on: 12 Oct 2017, 07:42 pm »
Yeah I was referring specifically to the first pic...

Jealous. I love my 1080P BenQ. But I'm going to wait for the eventual BenQ 4k budget model. Probably at least 2yrs away...

First pic should be of Gordy climbing up to the treehouse - is that the one you're referring to?  I'm a bit paranoid because I've had images not show up for people correctly in the past. 

Re: nostalgia - you have to also realize that Stand By Me was a movie shot in the 80's and set in the late 50's.  So it sort of has that double-nostalgia thing going on.  There's no way a new movie made in 2017 is gonna be able to replicate that very well.  Plus, some movies just grow in stature over time.  When Stand By Me came out, I remember there was a lot of carping about how it was Stephen King but it wan't horror and King should just "stay in his lane".  The years have been kind to this one (not that it doesn't deserve it).


Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #6 on: 12 Oct 2017, 07:59 pm »
First pic should be of Gordy climbing up to the treehouse - is that the one you're referring to?  I'm a bit paranoid because I've had images not show up for people correctly in the past. 

Re: nostalgia - you have to also realize that Stand By Me was a movie shot in the 80's and set in the late 50's.  So it sort of has that double-nostalgia thing going on.  There's no way a new movie made in 2017 is gonna be able to replicate that very well.  Plus, some movies just grow in stature over time.  When Stand By Me came out, I remember there was a lot of carping about how it was Stephen King but it wan't horror and King should just "stay in his lane".  The years have been kind to this one (not that it doesn't deserve it).

Oh oh. No Gordy pic for me. It's the three boys.
Good point about the 80s/50s nostalgia.
Fair enough. My concerns with IT are a bit deeper in this regard, but that's OT.
Funny. I was too young to recall the critical reception of SBM, but old enough to watch it on HBO a couple years after it came out. Back when HBO would show the same movie over and over and over and over in a day. I loved it every time.


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Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #7 on: 12 Oct 2017, 08:13 pm »
How about now, pic of Gordy showing up?

Re: things we love from when we are younger - its interesting to go back and re-watch those things.  Some of them hold up really well.  Others, not so much.  For me, things like the Princess Bride (also by Reiner), The Breakfast Club, Star Wars IV, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Shining, Blade Runner, etc... all are still freaking fantastic.  However, others that I loved back then, not so much staying power.  Things like 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Gremlins, Beetlejuice, etc.... all have not aged well.

On the other hand, I've recently been discovering some of the great movies that came out before I was born and have been loving a ton of them. 


Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #8 on: 12 Oct 2017, 08:27 pm »
How about now, pic of Gordy showing up?

Re: things we love from when we are younger - its interesting to go back and re-watch those things.  Some of them hold up really well.  Others, not so much.  For me, things like the Princess Bride (also by Reiner), The Breakfast Club, Star Wars IV, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Shining, Blade Runner, etc... all are still freaking fantastic.  However, others that I loved back then, not so much staying power.  Things like 16 Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Gremlins, Beetlejuice, etc.... all have not aged well.

On the other hand, I've recently been discovering some of the great movies that came out before I was born and have been loving a ton of them.

Ok, I see Gordy now. Any chance you can shrink some of them? They are large and when viewing on a PC at least, it forces the text to be smaller, don't know if that's an issue for anyone else.

Lol. Hey now, we're still big fans of some of the latter. My gf still watches 16 Candles, Gremlins, and Ferris regularly and we just watched Beetlejuice a couple days ago. I thought Beetlejuice held up pretty well, but then maybe you were older when you saw it. For me it was the first time seeing it as a proper grown-up, and the Blu Ray quality is impressive, so I had a better appreciation for just how weird a movie it is and must have been at the time even though it's a bit clunky.

Speaking of questionable 80s on Blu-Ray one of my favorites was Tough Guys, with Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. I'd like to see that one again.


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Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #9 on: 12 Oct 2017, 08:34 pm »
Ok, I see Gordy now. Any chance you can shrink some of them? They are large and when viewing on a PC at least, it forces the text to be smaller, don't know if that's an issue for anyone else.

Lol. Hey now, we're still big fans of some of the latter. My gf still watches 16 Candles, Gremlins, and Ferris regularly and we just watched Beetlejuice a couple days ago. I thought Beetlejuice held up pretty well, but then maybe you were older when you saw it. For me it was the first time seeing it as a proper grown-up, and the Blu Ray quality is impressive, so I had a better appreciation for just how weird a movie it is and must have been at the time even though it's a bit clunky.

Speaking of questionable 80s on Blu-Ray one of my favorites was Tough Guys, with Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. I'd like to see that one again.

Yeah it's funny how tastes are different.  Another one that did not age well at all for me was Scarface.  Seriously the last quarter of that movie with the raid on his house looked like something barely one step above a Chuck Norris movie when I saw it a couple years ago again.  I used to think it was so edgy and cool.  And now I'm just embarrassed.  I'd really like to see the original 1932 Scarface with Paul Muni but it hasn't had a blu ray release (or remaster) as far as I can tell.

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Re: Stand By Me - a movie haiku
« Reply #10 on: 13 Oct 2017, 04:55 am »
Even though I graduated HS in '87 I never saw Stand By Me somehow. :oops: