The 30.7 is here!

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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #40 on: 20 Oct 2017, 12:32 am »
I think you'd want to actually hear them before deciding the bass wasn't up to par.
Speaking from personal experience, the 20.7s had way too much bass for my house.  I didn't think they would but they certainly did.
The 30.7s will have even more. 

This reminds me of a customer who was complaining that the bike I sold him didn't make enough power and when he left the dealership he dumped the clutch, he lost control as it popped a wheelie and it dragged him half way across the parking lot before he let go!
He looked rather sheepish when he came back in the building all banged up.
I did not rub it in about the bike not making enough power, I just told him sorry and we'd order in the replacement parts for him to repair his bike.  He had to call for a ride home, he did too much damage to ride it away.

I plan on giving the 30.7s a listen sooner or later but I know they would require a much larger house than mine to work.  The bass would be overwhelming.


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #41 on: 20 Oct 2017, 01:59 am »
I think you'd want to actually hear them before deciding the bass wasn't up to par.
Speaking from personal experience, the 20.7s had way too much bass for my house.  I didn't think they would but they certainly did.
The 30.7s will have even more.

I plan on giving the 30.7s a listen sooner or later but I know they would require a much larger house than mine to work.  The bass would be overwhelming.

I have the space.  Bring 'em here and listen all you want!

Ric Schultz

Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #42 on: 20 Oct 2017, 08:50 pm »
I think you'd want to actually hear them before deciding the bass wasn't up to par.
Speaking from personal experience, the 20.7s had way too much bass for my house.  I didn't think they would but they certainly did.
The 30.7s will have even more. 

This reminds me of a customer who was complaining that the bike I sold him didn't make enough power and when he left the dealership he dumped the clutch, he lost control as it popped a wheelie and it dragged him half way across the parking lot before he let go!
He looked rather sheepish when he came back in the building all banged up.
I did not rub it in about the bike not making enough power, I just told him sorry and we'd order in the replacement parts for him to repair his bike.  He had to call for a ride home, he did too much damage to ride it away.

I plan on giving the 30.7s a listen sooner or later but I know they would require a much larger house than mine to work.  The bass would be overwhelming.

Its not about the amount of bass but the quality of the bass.  Valin, who has heard most everything, says the bass is really great....but here is the quote that tells all:  "Although I can already tell that I will have some caveats about these Maggies vis-à-vis the finest dynamic speakers (particularly on rock and electronic music), trust me when I tell you that, from top to bottom, they are the very epitome of an “absolute sound” transducer".   The bass is really good....but it just does not punch like them big boxes.   This "defect" is not inherent in is because the panels are not braced and solid enough to make that kind of "tight visceral Whack" that we all know live rock/electronic/percussion music can give.  If you have enough pure power and you solidified the speakers you could play 110db rock music that would blow your mind (removing the fuses, of course)


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #43 on: 20 Oct 2017, 10:20 pm »
I agree with Ric.....its not about more bass but better quality, tighter more accurate bass...even other qualities are enhanced like more dynamics, better detail and accuracy in all the frequencies including the mids and highs.

I have found this to be true in my own experiments building DML panel speakers....some people prefer there DML panels to be free floating meaning there is no real frame/brace/stand support but IMO these panel lack the accurate bass, dynamics and detail when compared to a DML panel with a frame/brace/stand support.

Even in that ESL article I posted it says basically the same concept of enhancing the sound making all the frequencies sound better by utilizing better bracing and support.


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #44 on: 21 Oct 2017, 12:29 am »
You may not know it but you're preaching to the choir with the braces bit. 
I have argued in favor of them but not my company, not my call and for me, it's academic, as I'll never own them unless the lottery finally does the right thing and coughs up that winning ticket. 
I'm sure Mye stands will offer a package for the 30.7s sooner or later. 

dB Cooper

Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #45 on: 21 Oct 2017, 04:02 pm »
We are all bozo's on the bus!

I'm hip like a zip... Let's take a trip!



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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #47 on: 7 Nov 2017, 07:11 pm »
""it is because the panels are not braced and solid enough to make that kind of "tight visceral Whack" that we all know live rock/electronic/percussion music can give""
Remember that is 'live AMPLIFIED music.
The operative factor is amplified.
The only place I have had a gut massage fro unamplified music is a big church organ...

So IMO the Magnepan are REAL music. Where the typical possible gut massage bass of some speakers is an artificial artifact.
One some folks crave... true. but still a fake reality.

(Clearly I have no use for gut massage bass. And find one of the greatest blessings of the Magnepan IS the fact they do not boom through the walls annoying the hell out of my neighbors!

Ric Schultz

Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #48 on: 7 Nov 2017, 11:50 pm »
(though a couple friends mentioned they missed some slam of, say, Magicos).   

Quote above from latest comments on 30.7.    This would not be the case if the panels were better braced.  This is not about phoney gut wrenching bass.....just bass done right.  The only way to know what I am talking about is to properly deaden and brace a panel speaker and listen.....then you will understand.

A quote from the second guy who did the aluminum stands for his 20.1s:

"Regarding the sound of Magnepan 20.1 with your great stands, I can report the following:
The bass has been greatly improved. The swelling in the bass range is totally gone. One has the impression that the bass is now reproduced deeper, faster and more precise. The thickening and superimposing which was hearable from bass into the middle area has now disappeared. The resonances which were strongly felt on the wooden frame(you could feel them by touching the frame), as I feel it are now gone by at least 80%. The musical performance is now much more authentic, so you can compare it perhaps with a photo.
Previously, it was blurry, shaky, now everything is exposed sharper.
I am convinced that the 20.1 with your stands, the music dissolves better than the new 20.7.
Perhaps this says the most about the quality of the stand.
I had previously consider to sell my Magnepan 20.1 , because I was not totaly satisfied with the sound.
Now with your stands this idea is totally gone, now it is a real pleasure  to listen to music.
I'm excited.
Michael. "


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #49 on: 8 Nov 2017, 01:31 am »
They sound like 20.7s but taken to the next level. 
So, who's going to buy a set and give us a review? 
You could even do a follow up when stands are installed instead of those wimpy feet. 
Take some measurements to one up the glossy magazines who toss around terms like "palpable" instead. 

I would but too poor and the house is too small.


Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #50 on: 21 Dec 2017, 04:12 am »


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #51 on: 21 Dec 2017, 04:42 am »
Only if they'll fit in your mailbox.


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #52 on: 21 Dec 2017, 04:58 am »
Only if they'll fit in your mailbox.

Hell, I'd build one big enough!!


Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #53 on: 21 Dec 2017, 05:16 am »
Id love to hear a movie on those things...the 3.6s are amazing enough with movies, those monster panels would probably make one damn near giddy


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Re: The 30.7 is here!
« Reply #54 on: 21 Dec 2017, 12:48 pm »
Id love to hear a movie on those things...the 3.6s are amazing enough with movies, those monster panels would probably make one damn near giddy
My old Tympani 1D's were the best theater speakers I've ever heard. I was working in motion picture audio post production when I got them, and with VHS hi fi, the sound I heard at home was better than the sound I heard in the mix room.