The NFL Season, 17-18

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Rob Babcock

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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #300 on: 23 Jan 2018, 07:53 am »
I apologize if that's not what you meant Rob.  You being a Vikings fan and the way the post was written I assumed you meant both games, I'm glad we agree.  We have mad respect for the Vikings here in the Philly metro area.  Everybody likes Keenum and about half the fan base thought Foles couldn't handle the Vikes defense.  The two turnovers early were crucial, without them it's a different game.

I obviously wish they'd have played a better game but overall I'm pretty happy with their season!  Kind of like where Philly was, the Vikes had their starting QB go down early with Bridgewater still not ready to go.  Case was nobody to me at the time so I thought we were looking at 8-8.  So in my mind they overachieved.  It will be an interesting situation for Minnesota- all three QB's are free agents!  And all have a lot of upside.  Bradford has superstar potential for half of each season but can't stay on the field.  Teddy was really progressing until a gruesome injury almost ended his career (and possible his life! :o).  Case was outstanding, and learned the offense really quickly.  I'll be interested to see who they keep and who is gone.

I also don't mean to downplay the role of luck. In the NBA with a best of seven series the best team almost always wins.  Sure, injuries play a role and luck is a big part of that.  But in the NFL it just comes down to one game!  Anyone can beat anyone one time.  It also comes down to matchups. 

It should be an interesting matchup in the SB.  I think NE is the better team and will be well prepared.  But again, on any given Sunday right?  Anything can happen!  That's what makes the NFL interesting.

Rob Babcock

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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #301 on: 23 Jan 2018, 08:05 am »
When the Colts handled the ball they immediately said it was soft and under inflated, without any pressure gauge there was enough difference in feel for the players to bring it to the refs attention.  It doesn't matter how Brady played in the second half, whether he played better or worse, he thought he played better with deflated balls.  He wasn't accused of playing better with deflated balls, he was accused of ordering the balls to be deflated so he could play better.  It's motive and evidence that determines intent.  The balls were deflated and people testified Brady liked them that way, nothing more needs to be proved, the Comish then makes his ruling.  The courts agreed.  Thanks for allowing me to express my side, I welcome any response.

That's hilarious! The "courts" didn't agree there was any merit, they merely agreed that the way the NFL rules are drawn up Goodell is the petty dictator of his own little fiefdom.  Three different Universities did their own tests and research and concluded that in all likelihood nobody messed with the balls, at all.  It was the second great Witch Hunt to come out of NE. :wink:  Again, the Pats are the best to everyone is gunning for them.  The really outrageous thing about the whole bullshit ordeal is that the punishment was made up on the spot.  You may note the the Vikings were caught putting balls in the dryer to change the pressure. :shh:  You know what happened?  They were told to "knock it off" :dunno:  By that I mean caught red handed not one fucking thing happened! :xmas:

Oh, King Roger will say the punishment was more severe for the Pats because of their past [horseshit] transgressions.  Well, even if that's true any punishment to be doled out should be spelled out ahead of time.  It's like the cops pulling you over for going 1 mph over and shooting you in the head!  And then it turns out the cop was eating donuts with his radar gun turned off since the NFL has zero evidence of the "crime" to begin with.  And the 'Spygate' was just as inane.  The 'crime' they committed was in doing something that had been permitted the previous season- the rule had recently been changed.  Note also that taping the practice was permissible, just not from the spot they taped from.

Whatever.  Every team has ways to cheat. I used to work with a guy that spent five years working with an NFL team.  It's remarkable the ways teams have to cheat, from messing with the opposing teams shows and the thermostat in their lockers to piling snow under their seating to piping in fake crowd noise (that last one is something the Vikes were caught doing. :wink:).  They say if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.  Joe Montana has some great stories about the ways they found to cheat back in the old days.


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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #302 on: 23 Jan 2018, 11:07 am »
macrojack, I respect the opinions and logic displayed on your posts, so allow me to respectfully disagree.  Our difference is fundamental, but simple.  When the Colts handled the ball they immediately said it was soft and under inflated, without any pressure gauge there was enough difference in feel for the players to bring it to the refs attention.  It doesn't matter how Brady played in the second half, whether he played better or worse, he thought he played better with deflated balls.  He wasn't accused of playing better with deflated balls, he was accused of ordering the balls to be deflated so he could play better.  It's motive and evidence that determines intent.  The balls were deflated and people testified Brady liked them that way, nothing more needs to be proved, the Comish then makes his ruling.  The courts agreed.  Thanks for allowing me to express my side, I welcome any response.
Letitroll98 - You are a good guy. Considered and considerate. Thank you.


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #303 on: 23 Jan 2018, 01:43 pm »
From wiki:

... For his alleged part in the scandal, Tom Brady was originally suspended by the league for four games of the 2015 regular season, which was upheld by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in an internal appeal.[2] The matter moved to federal court, where Judge Richard M. Berman vacated Goodell's four-game suspension of Brady,[3] allowing Brady to resume his playing duties for the entirety of the 2015 season. However, following the conclusion of the season, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated Brady's four-game suspension, which became effective for the 2016 regular season.[4] After losing a request for a rehearing, Brady announced he would accept the suspension.[5][6] ...

It appears the court agreed in the end.


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #304 on: 23 Jan 2018, 03:48 pm »
I just hope that the SB this year is a close one.

I enjoy the game way more when the score remains within 7, and both teams have a legit opportunity to win.

I will be making chili and exposing my girls to the game as always.  They typically want to see the half time show more than the football, but put up with their father ranting at the screen during play.  I don't watch a ton of football anymore, but have exposed them to Game 7's (any sport) and championship games (most sports).

I tell them that their future life partner may enjoy the game, so they should at least have a passing knowledge!


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #305 on: 23 Jan 2018, 04:42 pm »

I tell them that their future life partner may enjoy the game, so they should at least have a passing knowledge!

My FIL was a devout Packers fan with season tickets and avid golfer. His tutelage of his daughter has paid fruitful dividends in our relationship! 8)
Except during an Eagle/ Packer game, we sit on opposite ends of the couch and mercilessly heckle each other.  :P     


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #306 on: 23 Jan 2018, 05:38 pm »
Just wish there was more focus on the game.  Tons of distractions: owners, league politics, players off field poor/criminal behavior, over or poor officiating, instant replay (which take forever), challenges, commercials (way too many), announcers who can't stop talking, interviews during the game (interruptions), 2 minute warnings (an excuse for more commercials), even plays (which take very little actual time during the 3 - 4 hour boardcast) get cut off to make room for all these distractions.

Even with commercials you could see all the "ball in play" of a football game in 10 minutes (Super Bowl 7 was reportedly less than 7 minutes), making the rest fluff.

Just buy the Game Pass option. Don't look at any news until the game is over and you watch the whole game in just about an hour - the plays only. If you get half way through the season, it costs less.


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #307 on: 28 Jan 2018, 03:53 pm »
All in baby !!! :thumb:


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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #308 on: 28 Jan 2018, 03:55 pm »
^ Love it.  Go Eagles!


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #309 on: 28 Jan 2018, 05:40 pm »
Ditto!  :thumb:


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #310 on: 28 Jan 2018, 08:39 pm »
I'm currently doing a contract job for a company in West Con',  so I'm all about getting on the Eagles train!  Would root for anyone other than Patriots to be honest though.


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #311 on: 28 Jan 2018, 08:48 pm »
The long and the short of it is Brady is the GOAT and will be remembered as such.
You don’t have to like it but it’s true.


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #312 on: 28 Jan 2018, 09:27 pm »
The long and the short of it is Brady is the GOAT and will be remembered as such.
You don’t have to like it but it’s true.

LOL, he'll be remembered for more reasons than that. As much as it troubles me, should he and the Pats win next Sunday, he'll be remembered as the greatest, his ring count alone will be something no one on this forum will probably ever see again !


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #313 on: 2 Feb 2018, 11:33 pm »


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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #314 on: 2 Feb 2018, 11:56 pm »
We had a Super Bowl party at work today. 
One fellow reminded us to bring our Cheetos, I offered to remove the carbonation from the soda.
It's going to be an interesting game, I'll root for the Beagles and hope for the best.



Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #316 on: 4 Feb 2018, 12:16 am »
Maybe the Patriots had a few sick people sneeze and wipe the noses all over the Eagles locker room?
 :o :o


Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #317 on: 4 Feb 2018, 12:24 am »

Hopefully everyone has seen this cute Eagles fan going though some serious medication after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She cried, " did I miss the Superbowl "
The Eagles sent her two tickets!!!!! :thumb:


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Re: The NFL Season, 17-18
« Reply #319 on: 4 Feb 2018, 04:09 pm »
E.A.G.L.E.S.   EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!