R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker

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Rick Craig

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Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #1 on: 3 Sep 2017, 06:20 pm »

Phil A

Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #2 on: 3 Sep 2017, 06:23 pm »
RIP - heard the news earlier


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Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #3 on: 3 Sep 2017, 07:19 pm »
Oh, Jeeze, sad news.  Steely Dan was really a great and unique band.


Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #4 on: 4 Sep 2017, 12:44 am »
Saw this earlier today. So sad. One of my favorite bands. Warren Haynes
from the Allman Brothers Band made the following Facebook post today:

RIP Walter Becker- tough year. The music world has suffered a lot of loss and today yet another. Walter was a great guitarist, songwriter, and producer. Steely Dan was a one-of-a-kind group and I dare to say there will never be another. The music he and Donald Fagen wrote together was masterful. The bar they set for songwriting, both musically and lyrically, was astounding. It’s hard to imagine that there was a time when their music was in heavy rotation on the radio alongside the commercial rock and pop acts of the day, none of which they resembled in any way.
Although in the beginning they were a little more of a “rock” band, from the start they relied heavily on the jazz influences that separated their melodies and chord changes from any music before or since. That combined with the brilliantly witty lyrics, often actual stories, created timeless songs that defied categorization. Although I definitely have my favorites, I acknowledged to myself recently that there’s not one Steely Dan song that’s not masterfully constructed. When you add to that the amazing musicianship they brought and surrounded themselves with, what follows is a catalogue of music that raised the bar for anyone who was paying attention. I’ve mentioned in interviews that The Royal Scam is one of my all-time favorite albums but in actuality they all are. I still have a near-visual recollection of hearing Aja for the first time. A friend who had just bought the album had an amazing high fidelity stereo system and provided some “herbal ambience” and the perfect environment and opportunity to listen to, uninterrupted, what I consider to be one of the greatest recorded albums of all time.
I never got to play with Walter but we had several meaningful conversations, mostly at Studio Instrument Rentals in NYC where we would often run in to each other during rehearsals. One story in particular he told me that stands out is about him seeing the original Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East for the first time and how much it blew his mind. I never realized until that moment that the ABB’s music had made an impact on him- as it had me- as had Steely Dan’s.
I’m doing a lot of thinking these days, about a lot of things- but one thing that weighs heavy on my mind is how much a part of my life music has been. I really can’t imagine life without it. The music created by the bands and artists that moved me so much, many who are now gone, really set the bar at an awesomely high level that many of us feel is getting lower and lower. I know that times change and technology sets the path for the future. Nostalgia is normal and change is sometimes falsely perceived as the deterioration of culture. I know that some things are inevitable. I can only hope that losing the “magic” of music is not one of them.
Let us all hope that a new wave of artists/bands will come along that reminds newer generations how important the “magic” of music is and that the bar hasn’t been lowered to the point that what is perceived as “magic” gets less and less inspired to the point that music itself isn’t important.
The world is forever grateful for the music that Steely Dan bestowed upon us. Thank you, Walter.
- WH

Mike B.

Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #5 on: 4 Sep 2017, 01:07 am »
Nice tribute Warren! Becker and Fagen did set the bar higher.


Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #6 on: 4 Sep 2017, 02:02 am »
In that game of "if I could only listen to one album....." I often thought it would be AJA. Their whole catalog was one damn fine legacy. Great songs, great playing and incredible craftsmanship.

That'll do pig.....


Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #7 on: 4 Sep 2017, 03:08 am »
BTW: there's a ton of cool videos on how Walter & Donald made these records on youtube. I'm watching some right now....Really fascinating process. Damn, eve the early work was amazing. Ya know when I got back into vinyl, I went out and spent pretty good money for some of those so called audiophile pressings, but the best sounding album I had was "Cant Buy a Thrill"....a regular pressing I got used for like 8 bucks

Rob Babcock

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Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #8 on: 4 Sep 2017, 05:50 am »
What an epic loss. :(  Way too young too by modern standards.  I put Steely Dan up with Brubeck and Prince as far as artists whos passing feels like a personal loss.  As solo artists I am more familiar with Fagan but they were both pure geniuses IMO.  RIP, Walther. You leave some big footprints behind you.


Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #9 on: 4 Sep 2017, 03:01 pm »
Listening for 40 yrs.Rip, Ah the fine Colombian.


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Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #10 on: 4 Sep 2017, 03:20 pm »
Another gone too young.  He was an amazing guitarist, I heard somewhere that Juilliard tried to recreate some of his riffs and no one could play them.  Don't know if that's true, but it illustrates his complex and blazing fast style.  Steely Dan was on rotation till past midnight last night.  RIP


Re: R.I.P. Steely Dan Co-Founder Walter Becker
« Reply #11 on: 4 Sep 2017, 04:14 pm »
A true loss to the music industry....I saw them live at Red Rocks about 10 years ago...10th row center.  One of the best concerts I've ever seen.   Rarely does a week go by without a Steely Dan song or two rotating on my server.  38 years later from when I first heard them their music is still some of the best....