Aus speakers/kits

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Aus speakers/kits
« on: 7 Dec 2004, 09:55 pm »
Hi all,

I've just finished making an Aksa 55W amp and I'm confronted by the sad fact that the speaker system I was planning on using [a 70W per side B&O, 10" bass with passive radiator, mid-range dome and dome tweeter] has died of old age. I'm looking to replace this with a reasonably efficient [90db+] system to compliment an amp that is strong on warmth and listenability [sorry about that word]. My feeling is that higher efficiency speakers, due to their lower mass etc, can be less clinical. Yes, the trade off is that they have less damping.

So, my question is .... What's available, Australian made, that's outstanding? This could be kits or complete speaker systems but I'm starting at this point because shipping from overseas is so expensive when it comes to large items like this [particularly as one-offs]


ps I am already aware of the Aksonics system from Aspen amps.


Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #1 on: 7 Dec 2004, 10:07 pm »
Hi Jules, I think you may want to check out WAR audio in Perth ;)

We had a recent thread with some discussion of kits:

If you are planning to build your own boxes then shipping drivers from the US is not all *that* expensive (compared to the markups of the Aus distributors!)


Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #2 on: 7 Dec 2004, 10:58 pm »
thanks John,

ever tried a search on war audio ... aaaagh. That aside I've looked at various options in the thread you directed me to and I will persist as the circle ripples outward alarmingly.

Imported speakers do seem to be the next option as what we have here is clearly limited.

In the end I could finish up with the Aksonics. They get high marks from many who have heard them and my quest for a theoretical goal in the direction of efficency might be misplaced. I seem to remember the Aksonics rate about 86db. First aim perhaps is to have a listen to these which might overcome some slight doubts I have about the ability of drivers of this size to do bass well.



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #3 on: 8 Dec 2004, 12:30 am »
Can I add another sub-question here?

How about sub-kit, by which I mean plans/design for box/crossover with recommended speakers.

I look at something like the VAF range and wonder what the breakdown of a $6,000pr cost is. Surely the Seas speakers can't make up more than about a sixth of that?

fatally DIY



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #4 on: 8 Dec 2004, 01:25 am »
I think the kits bit is pretty well covered in the other thread...

fully manufactured you have quite a choice!

there must be more...


Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #5 on: 8 Dec 2004, 02:25 am »
umm .. errr .. umm ... errr..

I quite agree that the thread covers the Aus kit range and many thanks for the assistance. My question about "sub-kit" [which as I wrote it could have meant sub-woofer] was perhaps foolishly heading in the direction of plans and large sheets of mdf along with the construction of infintely complex baffled and baffling internals.

In a sense I'd rather concentrate the funds I allow for this sort of project into the best speakers available/user made boxes rather than middling range everything.



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #6 on: 8 Dec 2004, 03:15 am »

plans, performance specs etc... all on their webpage...
you just have to order in the driver to suit from the US.

or are you wanting precut MDF? I would have thought you have the table saw etc available to do that yourself from your awesome lookin AKSA chassis...


Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #7 on: 8 Dec 2004, 03:58 am »

thanks, a quick glance at the site looks very handy and I will do some more thorough research there. When it comes to sourcing parts you clearly have some wizardry.

As to my advanced workshop ... surprisingly basic but ripping into some sheets of mdf doesn't have the responsibility attached to it that drawing something out of a piece of Huon Pine does so it will be an interesting change.



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #8 on: 8 Dec 2004, 05:04 am »
Adire drivers are available here in Melbourne at and elsewhere in Australia I'd imagine.


Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #9 on: 8 Dec 2004, 06:38 am »
and still on an Aus theme .....

anyone own or have well based opinions on Aaron speaker systems? Models such as AT-3, AT-4 and AT-5. Info is available on

The reason I ask is in part because this at least removes the import cost factor though how seriously audiophile are these items?



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #10 on: 8 Dec 2004, 07:42 am »
Quote from: EchiDna
I think the kits bit is pretty well covered in the other thread...

fully manufactured you have quite a choice!

there must be more...

There are!

Dan A
ER Audio

...and possibly more still!


speaker kits
« Reply #11 on: 8 Dec 2004, 08:46 am »

You could look at hugh's aksonics especially that you have already built his amplifier.

I know it is overseas but have excellent quality kits, plus they can build you xover and i'm sure that postage wouldn't cost too much.




Re: speaker kits
« Reply #12 on: 8 Dec 2004, 09:05 am »
Quote from: Rocket
You could look at hugh's aksonics especially that you have already built his amplifier.

Oops! Good catch Rod. How could I forget the Aksonics :oops:  

I actually had the Aksonics mkII in my room briefly a little while back. My wife loved their small size but they sure didn't sound small. I didn't even tune them to the room, just plonked 'em down between my speakers and they sounded very nice, with good body, tonality, timbre. Nicely detailed and slightly on the warm side of neutral but not hyper-detailed or sterile/analytical sounding. They were very musical and enjoyable. My setup has somewhat changed since then, I wouldn't mind giving them a more thorough audition in the near future.


aussies speakers
« Reply #13 on: 8 Dec 2004, 12:13 pm »
Hi Jules,

If you are after a bookshelf speaker you should check out the aria 5 kit from zalytron which is designed by J. D'Appolito (who invented the mtm speaker) which sells for $399us or the aria 5r kit at $699us.  These kits are an absolute bargain imo.

Shipping from the states won't be too much.




Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #14 on: 8 Dec 2004, 07:26 pm »
John, Echidna, DSK, Rod,

I greatly appreciate all the input. I shall now jam in a fair amount of research while participating in the approaching maelstrom of christmas  :xmas: . I might also keep an eye on ebay for a readymade solution to my requirements.

Right now I'm off to the Aspen site to follow up on a thread about Aksas and speaker capacitance intolerance.



Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #15 on: 9 Dec 2004, 07:34 pm »

The Zalytron site and contents are quite a surprise. As site layouts go it's quite unimpressive but as content goes it's a marvel. I'm not quite sure why there is such a strong focus on high efficiency speakers but maybe it has something to dowith the D'Appolito influence. One way or another their stuff  looks high quality with minimal fuss and gimmicks [such as space ship tweeters and rare groobel veneers.

In answer to your bookshelf query ... no, I prefer something with a bit more volume.

Anyone else out there care to venture an opinion on how they sound?

All I need now is for the AUD to spike to $1.20US  :D



recommended speakers
« Reply #16 on: 9 Dec 2004, 10:38 pm »
Hi Jules,

You should have a look at the phenomenal series of speaker kits from zalytron.  I am quite familiar with the phl range of drivers, they are very transparent and accurate.  In comparison my focal drivers are more on the warm side which i like also but are not as accurate as the phl drivers. The drivers are very good quality.

The phenomenal series has a floorstander version and uses 2 x 6.5 inch mid/bass drivers in an mtm configuration and use raven 2 tweeters.  It sells for $1250us (or thereabouts) and is designed by the team at orca manufacturing.  

You could also have a look at the aria 7 which uses 2 x 7inch focal mid/bass drivers and a tdx120 focal tweeter.  The aria 6r is another possiblity.

I know that these speakers are a little more expensive than what you might like to pay but would be excellent sounding and match your aksa well.

Pat at war audio works closely with the guys from orca manufacturing and sometimes he just uses their xover design or he totally designs his own xover but uses the same driver/tweeter/box configuration.

Anyway i hope this helps.




Aus speakers/kits
« Reply #17 on: 14 Dec 2004, 02:42 am »

I really appreciate the help and in particular the comments on the warmth [which corresponds with what I am looking for] along with the suggestion that these systems would work well with an Aksa 55.

As far as the observation that "these speakers are a little more expensive than what you might like to pay" ... when wasn't that true! Still, I admit that I'm looking very closely at the Aria 7's. The difference in price between the 7's, the 5's and others in that zone isn't all that significant given that, as Zalytron perhaps rather ominously suggest "the purchase of one of these kits may very well constitute the last set of speakers you will ever buy"  :o . If I live past the box construction stage I could be well rewarded.




speaker kit recommendations
« Reply #18 on: 14 Dec 2004, 08:00 am »

In the audiophile range there are 2 similiar kits, the aria 7 access and aria 7.  I basically had the access version which utilised 7 x inch access (focal subsidiary) mid/bass drivers and the focal tdx120 tweeter.  It was a good sounding speaker.  I eventually traded in the drivers/tweeters and used my speaker box and now have 2 x 7 inch focal mid/bass drivers (focal 7k4211db) and raven 1 tweeter.  it is an mtm configuration.

I have also heard a variation of the aria 7 which uses similiar drivers to mine and uses the focal tdx120 tweeter.  the access kit costs $502us and the focal kit is $590us.  Elliott at zalytron can even build the xovers for you.

The focal kit is the one to go for as the drivers are better sounding.  I have found the focal drivers to be a little on the warm side which i like.

The phl drivers are excellent but are ruthlessly revealing of any system difficiencies.

I hope this helps.




phenomenal speaker kit
« Reply #19 on: 18 Feb 2006, 02:22 pm »

Just came across this old thread and hope no one minds if i resurrect it.

It was funny reading this as both Jules and i have both bought the phenomenal kit from zalytron.  Jules has been very quiet regarding the sound of his speaker kit and i hope he enjoys them.

I eventually bought the floorstanding version of the kit and it is a tmm design.  A friend has built the cabinets and i am now having the xovers built and lastly will get them painted in piano black finish.  I'm going to line the cabinets with 'no rez' from gr research and 4 sheets should do the trick.

In total i think it will cost me in the vicinity of about $2500us to build the speakers.  Remember i have had to pay a lot in shipping and import duties.  I'll post a photo them when they are finished.

