Teo Audio Liquid metal cables

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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #20 on: 9 Feb 2017, 03:30 pm »

"TEO Liquid Standard Speaker Cable MkII:
1.5m pair $11,725
2.0m pair   $16,500
2.5m pair   $21,000"

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Phil A

Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #21 on: 9 Feb 2017, 03:54 pm »
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They have this ad on Audiogon now (and another for a 1.5m cable) - https://www.audiogon.com/listings/interconnects-teo-audio-gc-1m-different-physics-math-different-result-2017-01-28-cables-k7l-4v1

At $500, perhaps the OP might want to do a tour on Audio Circle.  If what they say is true, then a tour would surely net them some business.  The demo is worth everything.  So if they aren't willing to do it, it's their business, but to me this is just unsubstantiated hype at the moment.


Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #22 on: 9 Feb 2017, 05:02 pm »
They have this ad on Audiogon now (and another for a 1.5m cable) - https://www.audiogon.com/listings/interconnects-teo-audio-gc-1m-different-physics-math-different-result-2017-01-28-cables-k7l-4v1

At $500, perhaps the OP might want to do a tour on Audio Circle.  If what they say is true, then a tour would surely net them some business.  The demo is worth everything.  So if they aren't willing to do it, it's their business, but to me this is just unsubstantiated hype at the moment.

Really, I am not sure this company deserves so much attention here.  One post and  disappear does not give me confidence.  Teo Audio has been a member of Audiogon since June of last year with only 9 transactions. There is a huge discrepancy between the Audiogon price and the review prices.

Sad because I am looking for new interconnects and $500 is much less than I normally spend. I would gladly join a tour.  Teo Audio needs to step up.


Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #23 on: 9 Feb 2017, 05:28 pm »
I didn't realize that my present cables were incorrectly scaling volume.   :slap: However, they do dynamically adjust impedance in conjunction with the signal, impedance being frequency dependent.


Phil A

Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #24 on: 9 Feb 2017, 09:42 pm »
  Teo Audio needs to step up.

I agree - that's why I posted it

Phil A

Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #25 on: 9 Feb 2017, 09:44 pm »
btw, I have interconnects that have that much in material cost.  Connectors for the pair on sale were $240.  So I would be curious to hear them.


Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #26 on: 9 Feb 2017, 09:46 pm »
Facts are facts -  if you trust your ears you'll never go back to solid copper or silver or gold . . . !!

I guess you can't argue with "facts"!


Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #27 on: 9 Feb 2017, 11:53 pm »
I guess you can't argue with "facts"!

Maybe that was an "alternative fact".  :lol:


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #28 on: 15 Feb 2017, 12:07 am »
My friend told me about those cables....and you'll be providing more info soon??


We do supply some information on these cables, for we've been selling them since approximately 2008. Right now, to help people understand that this method of conduction is likely superior to wire, we've had to develop a lower priced model, which we are calling the GC, which is RCA terminated. This has been done to allow more people to hear it, and thus a consensus and knowledge base can develop.

Information on them is tricky to come by as the mathematics and the physics are incomplete, but much is indicated by the preliminary data and science that is out there in the world.

As for the rest of it, Apologies for the delay in response, I ended up getting busy for quite some time, in other  areas.

I was (and still am) healing up from being hit by an accelerating car in a parking lot (some kid 'punched it' in a Merc AMG). Which damaged my hand to the point that it was useless for quite some time, and there is no assurance I will regain full use of it. I had to twist and spin/pivot off the hood of his car and was thrown/spun a bit, and it cost me my hand, instead of my life ...only because I was quick enough in that second I had to figure it out and make the right move. Again, apologies for the lack of response to the thread.

If business had been generated, it would have been difficult to fulfill the orders, as I'm the master builder of such items, at this time.

Nick B

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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #29 on: 15 Feb 2017, 03:13 am »

We do supply some information on these cables, for we've been selling them since approximately 2008. Right now, to help people understand that this method of conduction is likely superior to wire, we've had to develop a lower priced model, which we are calling the GC, which is RCA terminated. This has been done to allow more people to hear it, and thus a consensus and knowledge base can develop.

Information on them is tricky to come by as the mathematics and the physics are incomplete, but much is indicated by the preliminary data and science that is out there in the world.

As for the rest of it, Apologies for the delay in response, I ended up getting busy for quite some time, in other  areas.

I was (and still am) healing up from being hit by an accelerating car in a parking lot (some kid 'punched it' in a Merc AMG). Which damaged my hand to the point that it was useless for quite some time, and there is no assurance I will regain full use of it. I had to twist and spin/pivot off the hood of his car and was thrown/spun a bit, and it cost me my hand, instead of my life ...only because I was quick enough in that second I had to figure it out and make the right move. Again, apologies for the lack of response to the thread.

If business had been generated, it would have been difficult to fulfill the orders, as I'm the master builder of such items, at this time.

Thanks for the update and my best wishes that you eventually have a complete recovery.


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #30 on: 16 Feb 2017, 06:02 pm »
I found reviews - e.g. http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/teoaudio2/liquid.html  - but not really much technical detail

Hello Phil,

You won't get much technical detail, as this area is difficult at best. The science of it is incomplete.

 That does not mean it is not a real thing, as items go, but that the sciences involved are so complex, that they are not complete, across multiples of the fundamentals, when it comes to the analysis of what is going on with the cables.

From that point on, it just spins out of control in range of replies and thoughts from people. The range goes from listening... and finding it to be good, better, or even overtly superior....all the way over.....to fanatically screeched near death threats for daring to question 'scientific law'.

I will add that srajan and I had a conversation about that review, before it was written up. At that time the release of the technology had just taken place.

The reason for the introduction of the technology, was partially to deal with overt orthodoxy that can be exposed as a form of logical entrapment, ie, dogma.

To preface such a discussion, one has to understand that all our electrical knowledge, up until very recently, was all obtained by measuring electrical and magnetic fields with solids. And solids are not 'molecular fluids' like  water is, or like a room temperature liquid metal.

When you use solids or frozen lattice structures to create and measure things that are truly quantum/atomic/molecular level discrete and fluid, you will always get the same results. Results couched in a particular way.

With a complex and fluid field like a modulated electron flow, it is very arguable that a fluid medium is a far superior medium than any solid or high conductivity frozen atomic lattice, be it pure element or alloy in nature.

The analysis parameters are so complex that humanity is barely past the stage of being able to model calculations two atoms in connection to one another. the math and calculations are enormously complex.

To say enough to try and get people to listen to a cable that we feel has inherently surpassed wire or solids, as a magnitude change..and leave it at that.

There is a lot going on here, and it is to our technological advantage in future endeavors, to say as little as possible about what we have learned. To explain ourselves, over time. Years, in fact.

« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2017, 02:55 pm by KHotte »


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #31 on: 16 Feb 2017, 06:17 pm »
btw, I have interconnects that have that much in material cost.  Connectors for the pair on sale were $240.  So I would be curious to hear them.

We do sell a low cost direct sale only version of one cable on a few venues, audio specific venues. There is a return policy, so it's a form of a long term listening test.

They look like an audio cable, but they are an entirely different beast, modified to work as an audio cable.

Deceptively simple looking, but the very definition of cutting edge, even in scientific terms.

Phil A

Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #32 on: 16 Feb 2017, 07:14 pm »
Any plans for an Audio Circle tour?


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #33 on: 16 Feb 2017, 11:37 pm »
Are these like the cerious nano cables?


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #34 on: 17 Feb 2017, 05:44 pm »
Are these like the cerious nano cables?

The nano cables conduct electricity, at the atomic interactive level, slightly differently.

They are not a true fluid. They contain solids.

With true fluids, the fields are free to interact in a more natural way. Natural meaning the jump from one electron cloud surrounding a nucleus..this 'jump' will be facilitated more naturally. The electron cloud being jumped to will also be more free to respond to the orientation and spin polarization of the incoming 'electron'. (we can describe the name we have given an electron but science still does not know exactly what an electron is. We can only describe it in interaction) When interacting with a solid, even nano particles... we beget field shifts and orientation. Likened to optical diffraction and field separation.

When reacting and integrating with an atomic level fluid (no solids, just molecules, like water, or gas) the signal itself can enter the equation as a force that is creating an imposed order in the system.

When the signal impetus, or differential, goes away, the carrier can and does move back to a more gaseous or random (rest state) system. Thus, on the decrease of signal to zero, the carrier drops back to disorder. Random localized dissipation, to a degree. Part of the reason behind anomalous capacitance measurements on the liquid metal cables.

This effect can be seen with neon lighting systems. Random gas.... apply a voltage differential cross the given volume of gas..and the system aligns into an ordered state, and the energetic flow or pathway is established - and that flow in the given pathway...is tied to the emission of photons -as the conductivity is not perfect in that alignment. Remove the voltage differential, the photon emission ceases (as a secondary indicator) ..and the system collapses back into disorder.

In a solid, any conductive solid in this case, the fields have to collapse according to the polarized (electron orbital interplay in the lattice structure) pathway that the wire demands, that the solidus atomic lattice and associated electron orbital jump points are polarized and oriented.

One might suppose that this spin orientation is the origin point for for lead and lag in complex LCR. People talk about complex LCR but few know what it is or means at the atomic interactive level. :) (I'm not sure anyone really does)

A true atomic fluid, it might be possible to see, would react or interact differently than the locked lattice structure of any solid, nano, or...wire.

To put this into perspective in the question of difference in solids vs fluids, glass is a very well known and potent/effective dielectric.

Yet, when in fluid form, glass is conductive. Fluid glass is a conductor. Cool it down to it's solidus state...and it is a dielectric again. The electron orbital interactives or 'electron mobility' changes... between the two states. These statements do not contain all the data, or all considerations as can be spoken of -and no offense meant for not getting any deeper into it.


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #35 on: 17 Feb 2017, 06:18 pm »
I didn't realize that my present cables were incorrectly scaling volume.   :slap: However, they do dynamically adjust impedance in conjunction with the signal, impedance being frequency dependent.


When one looks at the above info proffered... the thing about 'scaling volume' begins to creep into the conversation. The reason it comes up is that people speak directly on this when using the liquid metal cables. Previously unrealized levels of focus, and seeming to have more accurately scaled micro changes and differentials - in the presented signal.

The Teo cables seem to be able to do some bizarre impedance dances. DC to +ghz range, in almost any conceivable conductor configuration. Even the speaker cables. I've use 3 strands of a 4 strand set of speaker cables...terminated with spades.. to hobble together a 720P or 1080P component video signal transfer. Even the speaker cable can transfer coherent signal in the higher MHz ranges.

I'm not sure the fluid metal will correctly behave itself according to known formulas, when attempting to take a long tube of it, and make an inductor. All the preliminary investigation says the results will contain anomalies.


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #36 on: 17 Feb 2017, 10:56 pm »
Hopefully the audio signals going through these cables do the same things as when going through good engineering practice cables.

Big Red Machine

Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #37 on: 19 Feb 2017, 12:53 pm »
I'm going to order a pair and I'll let you guys know how they fare. I have Cerious graphene extreme, Morrow MA-5's and Audio Magic Triniums to compare to. A diverse set of topologies and none in the uber expensive layer.


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Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #38 on: 19 Feb 2017, 11:55 pm »
Having had a pair of Teo speaker cables in my system for some time, I can attest to their spectacular performance. Originally, I had them on loan for evaluation, and quickly realized they were NOT going back!


Re: Teo Audio Liquid metal cables
« Reply #39 on: 20 Feb 2017, 01:56 am »
Any plans for an Audio Circle tour?

Plus 1 on that.  Every cable out there has a story to tell. Every one is amazing according to the manufacturer.  I have found that to be "alternative facts".  :(  The proof is in the listening but I am too tired to buy and sell cables ad nauseam. Still I remain curious but jaded.

Ken, best wishes for a full recovery for your hand.