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Experience is the best teacher. Shoot what you like every single day for the next year or two. Manual mode only.
I disagree on manual only. I've seen way too many photo students struggle with that assertion; they keep changing things until it works without learning WHY they are changing things.
Harvard is offering an entire photography degree online for free!!! https://petapixel.com/2017/01/14/take-harvards-free-online-12-module-digital-photo-course/
Getting into taking good pics. Any online course or books to learn to take good pics. Mostly family and some outdoors/sceneries.
As an aside to SET's post re: 'unless shooting for a client'.....yes, if you are shooting an assignment, you will have basic guidelines to follow, but the big mistake I made for years was trying to shoot what I thought the client would buy. IE: the most straightforward and basically boring image.I feel like I only became a real photographer, when I grew a pair and started to shoot what I thought was the most interesting pic. And let the chips fall where they may. And it worked, happy clients all around.....
Buddy, did you see Salgado's (and yes, you had the correct spelling) "Workers" exhibit when it toured years ago? Wow was that amazing. The guy just has an incredible eye and clearly an empathy for his subject. Huge beautiful prints. Made me realize why people pay the money for Leica. I couldn't believe that sort of detail could come from 35mm.