Thanks for the response. Given this is all on paper & things might change - the distance from the front row listening area to the rear of the HT is around 6'6". Rear seating width will be around 65", enough for 2 people.
Actually, if you care to explain the relationship that should exsit between the surrounds & the rears I'd appreciate it. For background, my room is pretty narrow, 11'2" x 18'6" long. There is a door at the left rear of the HT that goes into my workshop, therefore things are not centered in the room. If I'm facing the rear, there will be an aisle that leads to the workshop on the left and the seating is tight to the right wall. So I was thinking of putting rears on the back wall, centered to the seating area but somewhat offset because of the door.
If there's some issues with surround & rear placement/optimization, I'd love to hear about it!