no DS love?

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no DS love?
« on: 20 Nov 2004, 06:29 am »
Here we are two days away from the DS launch, and there is no thread for it!

Surely someone must be pumped for this portable? some much inovation, such a tiny package.

Rob Babcock

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no DS love?
« Reply #1 on: 20 Nov 2004, 07:23 am »
What's DS? :scratch:   I might have some love if I knew what it was. :lol:


no DS love?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2004, 07:50 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
What's DS? :scratch:

This is DS

Rob Babcock

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no DS love?
« Reply #3 on: 20 Nov 2004, 12:44 pm »
So it's what?  A 2X gameboy or something?  Who gives a fuck about that? :scratch:   Okay, my bad...someone must or there wouldn't have been a post.

I don't have much need/use/interest in toys like that.  No offense to those who do.  Just 'spainin' why it "aint' gettin' no love" here.


no DS love?
« Reply #4 on: 21 Nov 2004, 12:20 am »
ummm... last time i checked rob, this is a gamers circle.. DS = gaming device :)

and its far more powerful than a gameboy, somewhere between a nintend o64 and a sega dreamcast.

you dont go on any business trips? these type things are a lifesaver to me!


Rob Babcock

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no DS love?
« Reply #5 on: 21 Nov 2004, 04:47 am »
Yeah, but it's a weenie gaming device! :lol:   Okay, I suppose it would be cool when you're on the road, but I personally just never warmed up to the handhelds.  The little handheld Playstation might be cool to play Risk on the road, but I don't really have any use for one.

Kinda cool lil doodad, though, I guess.


no DS love?
« Reply #6 on: 21 Nov 2004, 04:58 am »
I'm buying it.  Saves my ass on the subway.



no DS love?
« Reply #7 on: 21 Nov 2004, 10:16 pm »
well, i got it today.

so far, im pretty damn impressed.

Playing mario ds is great, better than the 64 version.

also got a quirky japanese game called "feel the magic, xx/xy"  Seems short, but its a blast and the wife is having a great tiem with it as well.  Its sort of like wario ware.

Last game is spiderman 2 ds, which im not sure if ill get into, its pretty, but a pretty generic brawler.  Perhaps i nee dt ogive it more time.

The wireless chat features and the Os are super smooth, and very easy to use.  Just need to find someone else with one so i can try the multi player gaming.

how bout it rob? you pick one up and ill come and play it with you?!  8)  :lol:

Rob Babcock

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no DS love?
« Reply #8 on: 21 Nov 2004, 10:19 pm »
Not when I don't even have HALO 2 yet. :oops:


no DS love?
« Reply #9 on: 22 Nov 2004, 12:41 am »
This circle was initially set-up in my mind as a melding of gaming and audio.  What kind of sound card is in this DS? Does it have USB output for my speakers.  How are the built in speakers can they produce down to 60 htz?
Just joshing guys.  But handhelds were not what was originally aimed at.  
The best handheld I ever had was my
Oh yeah the only one...pc geek from then until x-box


no DS love?
« Reply #10 on: 22 Nov 2004, 01:01 am »
woodsea: LOL!

actually, im amazed at the sound quality of the system.  There is actual stereo seperation, and on mario ds, there are some neat effects when you enable "surround"

its not going to best my theater system, or my audio system :)  but for a portable its about 1000 notches above the GBA SP.


no DS love?
« Reply #11 on: 22 Nov 2004, 01:02 am »
PS. .Rob:  GET HALO2!  its great!

and if you have a computer. get half life 2... its even better. (imho)

Rob Babcock

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no DS love?
« Reply #12 on: 22 Nov 2004, 03:47 am »
I've been meaning to, but I just started a new job after being OOW for awhile, so unfortunately there's a few things ahead of HALO 2.  I've never really gotten into PC gaming very much- I have 2 PCs, but even my stoutest one doesn't have much of a graphics card.  Once I'm caught up again I might start shopping for a good video card, but that won't be for awhile.

BTW what is the practical minimum to get decent framerates with Half-Life 2?  It would be used in a 2.8 Gig Pentium rig with 2 X 512 MB DIMMs of low cas latency dual channel DDR...


no DS love?
« Reply #13 on: 22 Nov 2004, 08:45 am »

Man! I had that Mattel football game and it was great!  That really brings back memories.


Joe M.


no DS love?
« Reply #14 on: 22 Nov 2004, 08:46 am »

Half life 2 is definitely the new King of all Games.

Joe M.


no DS love?
« Reply #15 on: 22 Nov 2004, 04:31 pm »

its all about the vid card and ram.

If you have a direct x 7.0 vid card and up, you are ok really.  Hell i just installed it on my laptop, and its got a 32 meg geforce 3 card in it, and i was running it with my batter saver on (which means at 700mhz)  and it was still very pretty and fluid.

its amuzing how poorly something like doom 3 was coded compared to hl2.  hl2 will work on most any computer i find.


no DS love?
« Reply #16 on: 14 Jan 2006, 05:01 am »
Ok, yet another thread I will resurrect thanks to Bemopti123's recent post.  I happen to use the search function before posting redundant threads, so I will say "you're welcome" to all of those who thank me for my diligence ;).

Nintendo DS- my most used gaming device- played for 1.5 hours each day I commute in the city, on every train I take to CT to see my GF, and on every plane trip I take.

Super innovative design and they are finally starting to use both screens in a competent manner.

I have 3 games- all of which use both screens very well.

Nintendogs- man, this is a crazy Japanese game- kind of like Tamagachi
Mario Kart DS- Completely ROCKS and is Wifi compatible for clever link ups on the go.
Castlevania- great platformer/rpg.

I give the DS way tooooo much love, but I'm a city dweller, so it makes sense.



no DS love?
« Reply #17 on: 14 Jan 2006, 08:43 pm »
Sony's ploy to sell an all in one portable media gaming machine is NOT taking hold.  

Sure, PSP styling and other niffy features might have made it the most desirable machine of all portables, but what goes against it....

Cost.  The machine is darn too expensive in order to competer with the DS, almost double or more the cost.

The games, although there are many titles, seem to me to be way overpriced...$50 for a portable gaming pack?  Got to be kidding me, some would NEVER pay $50 for a portable game...and maybe for a regular home console, that is a big MAYBE.  

The music playing option, as well as the wireless option are pretty much junky.  If uploading music takes more effort than to exercise and would be as painful of a process as pulling teeth, then why bother?

Wireless, from what I have heard, is not really popular with the PSP crowds.  Example, go in to the site to wait for players and there is a great chance that you might be the only fool waiting in there.  Furget about that option.  

What about buying lower quality movies for more than what you pay for regular DVD titles?  Whut?  What were SONY marketing people and accountants thinking?  

----------------------The street reality, as I see it in NYC-----------------------

People who play in the subways with PSP, are older people, about 25-30++.  There were MANY sightings when the PSP just launched, but drastically, sightings are down, way down...

Reasoning:  PSP titles and the device itself got tiring fast.  There is no question of carrying it around if one is not going to play it.

As the number of PSP sighting has gone down, the sightings of the following systems have gone way, steadily...
Junior HS and HS age people, young adults have the ins for the Advance DS and even for the older Advance.  
Junior HS to 25-30+ range people are into the Nintendo DS.  The most popular colors being silver and later, the blue.  

-----------------------------Is the PSP the Beta equivalent of the VCR wars
of the early 1980s???-------------------------------------------------------------

They need to do something about prices of software titles as well as drop, drop the price of the movies for the PSP.

They got to get better at making better titles, titles that do not get people tired of playing  (hint: DO NOT RELY on Sports Titles.)

-----------------------------If the US has a cold and the world gets the Flu.......Then, Japan and its market clearly reflects what is happening, at least in the handheld field--------------------------------------------------------

Gamespot released info show that Nintendo DS was the winner of the brawl between portable and console wars.  Nintendo software titles simply beat down all other device for most copies of software sold.  

Let Microsoft and Sony slug it out in the for us, gamers on the move, Nintendo and the mighty DS simply rule.  

PS:  If you were shopping for a portable game system post Christmas day, many of the stores I went to were sold out of Nintendo DSs, but PSP, tons were in the display cases.  Thumbs down for PSP and Sony.


no DS love?
« Reply #18 on: 14 Jan 2006, 11:58 pm »
I always felt the PSP was trying to do too much with it's portable and the price just turned me off.  I like $20-$30 games and long battery life, which is why the DS fit in.  Of course, being a die hard lover of Nintendo as a software company also helps.  No one, with perhaps the exception of Ubisoft recently and Rare before, makes as good games.  
