Would a vintage FISHER 400 Tube Receiver perform well with Omega Speakers ?

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Hi all,

   I am awaiting the return of my vintage FISHER 400 Tube Receiver which is being updated.  Might the FISHER 400 Amp provide quality performance using Omega Speakers ?  The FISHER 400 is rated at about 25 Watts per channel.  I plan to purchase a new pair of speakers (hopefully early) next year and I believe the Omega line of Speakers might just be the ticket for my musical needs as I prefer efficient speakers that I can use with (which ever) lower Watt power Amp (be it Tubes or
Sand).  My being a Man of modest means, I'll be working with a limited budget so, I am leaning towards the (price range) of the Omega SUPER 3XRS small towers.  I mostly listen to (light) Classical type music, Classic Jazz, Blues, Vocals, etc. at modest to slightly loud volumes.  I LOVE the sound of small (English type) Monitors and small two way Bookshelf speakers such as KEF, Celestion, B&W, A/D/S, Mission, etc.) for their detail, clarity, sharpness, speed, etc. but, I need a bit MORE.  That is to say, a bit more Bass and (in general) overall presence.  So, might the SUPER 3XRS be such a speaker ?  Thanks for any help/suggestions/information you may provide.


aka Tom Patrick

S Clark

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Wecome to AC, Tom.  There are a wide variety of speakers that would match well with 25 tube watts, and the fans of Omega speakers would surely recommend them as well.  Probably any well designed speaker efficiency of 90 db @1w@1M should and no low impedence dips should work nicely.  Since this is posted on Omega's board, I'll PM you with other recommendations. 

This reminds me that I've also got a 400 in the garage with a refresh kit that I need to pull out and do.  Another project. :duh:


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Hi S,

   Thanks for responding to my thread.  Ahhhh yes, the never ending projects lol.  I've had many!  At this point in the long journey of my Audio hobby, I'm going smaller, lighter (and in general) minimalist.  Funny, the older I get, the less I want anything to do dealing with HUGH/HEAVY gear.  S, I hope you get that FISHER 400 back up and running!  Thanks for your help.



That Fisher will match up with any Omegas. :thumb:


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Judging by what you state you like, I'm not sure the 3XRS will get you what you want. I've owned them and truly LOVE the RS5 drivers, BUT I think you might want a subwoofer to fill-in the midbass and bass a bit more especially for classical and jazz. Don't get me wrong, the 3XRS do some amazing things, but completely defy physics they do not. However the warm and mellow tone of your Fisher might be a fantastic balance to the 3XRS's speed, clarity, and airiness. I'm not sure. But if you ended up feeling the need for more bass and midbass (via a sub) it'll add cost and complexity. So...if you like the idea of British monitor sound mixed with the purity and speed of Omegas, I can recommend the Compact Alnico Monitors...which I now own. They're fantastic (and aren't huge and heavy)! Louis also has the RS8 drivers, which from my understanding, are a lot like the RS5 but with more surface area and power handling = more balanced midbass and bass. I recommend talking to Louis. He knows what he's doing and won't steer you wrong. Hope this helps.


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Hi OzTom & RD,

   Thanks for your input.  I'm hoping the Fisher 400 (once updated by Craig NOS Valves) will be a nice, all around performer.  I had a nice SCOTT 222D Integrated Amp but, having way too much gear, I decided to "thin the herd" and opted for the Fisher 400.  I still have (and will keep) my MONO Integrated Amps : PILOT AA-903B (EL84), HEATHKIT A-9C and a FISHER 5OO MONO Receiver.  I have mostly listened to my MONO systems over the last number of years using either my Stephens (Eames designed) Tru-Sonic Horn Speaker or my BROCINER Black Loaded Corner Horn (housing a single 12" University 6201 Co-axial driver).  I also (years ago) had an opportunity to borrow a pair of vintage/Classic 12" Norelco/Philips Full Range Drivers and LOVED the sound!  Stereo speaker wise, I've had Thiel 03A's, ESS AMT 1's, Pioneer HPM 100's, JBL 4311B's, OHM WALSH 2's, BOZAK 201A Sonora's, Linn, POLK 5 Jr Monitors, Klipsch, Boston, EPI, KEF, B&W, A/D/S, Celestion, Mission, DCM Time Windows, EV and so many others I can't even recall.  I've never owned but, I LOVE Maggies.  Ugggh, so many speakers, so little time.
Tom, I have indeed been checking out those (per your suggestion) Alnico Monitors.  I plan to talk with Louis after the New Year.  Thanks.

My Stephens Tru-Sonic Horn :       http://i39.tinypic.com/fjjhus.jpg


Canada Rob

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Hi all,

I LOVE the sound of small (English type) Monitors and small two way Bookshelf speakers such as KEF, Celestion, B&W, A/D/S, Mission, etc.) for their detail, clarity, sharpness, speed, etc. but, I need a bit MORE.  That is to say, a bit more Bass and (in general) overall presence.  So, might the SUPER 3XRS be such a speaker ?  Thanks for any help/suggestions/information you may provide.
Hello SixCats and welcome to the Omega AudioCircle.

Yes the Super 3XRS would be such a speaker.  For many years I've favored small 2 way monitors for essentially the same reasons you do, and from experience the Super 3XRS outperforms any 2 way monitor I recall hearing and by a good margin.  The speed is like electrostatics, the imaging is the best I've heard in any speaker - huge soundstage that's deep, wide and highly focussed, the wide baffle makes for a lovely rich midrange, and the bass is tight and real, not forced or boomy.  I've never felt the need for a sub with these speakers and have never used one with them, but that's me.  If more bass is wanted, the deepOmega 8 will be a great match.  In all the Omega line, old and new, the Super 3XRS is the best value speaker Louis makes or ever has made.  Bonus, no stands to buy.

I need to add that I have never heard any of Louis' 1.5 or omni offerings, so cannot compare them to the standard single driver line.  Also, the SAM is as good at imaging as the 3XRS, but with a different flavor: deeper more ethereal imaging, fuller and richer midrange and bass, but not as fast or focused as the RS5 based speakers like the 3XRS.  Most of my evaluations were done with a Decware Super Zen Select SET amp.


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Hello CanRob,

   Thank you for responding to my inquiries regarding the Omega's.  The Omega Super 3XRS sounds like it might be what I am seeking in a new
(efficient) Speaker system.  As I get older, I prefer "smallish" Towers/Floor Speakers (as opposed to Monitors on stands) in part due to the WAF and......
CATS (the JUMPING variety).  Correct me if I'm wrong but, if I understand correctly, the Omega Speakers are NOT Horns, is that correct ?  I'm still trying
to understand how/why the 3" Omega Drivers are so efficient as compared to (for instance) the 3" "Kavate & Bolot" Speakers.  I suspect it's due to Omega's larger Cabinet ?  I one day hope to try the likes of a SUPER ZEN SET Amp but, being a Man of modest means, first things first.  As I mentioned in my earlier thread, I am awaiting the return of my (soon to be updated) vintage FISHER 400 Tube Amp.  Can one expect good sound/performance with the Super 3XRS using the Fisher 400 ?
As I also mentioned, I no longer listen at too LOUD volumes.  My music of choice is Classic Jazz, Blues, light Classical, Vocals, Piano/Guitar, etc.
In addition, what kind of performance (in general) might one expect from the Super 3XRS using a lower power Solid State Amp ?  Aside from the Fisher 400, I have a Marantz 1060 Integrated Amp (albeit a bit warm sounding).  Thanks.



Canada Rob

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Hi SixCats,

The RS5 driver is not a horn and it's actual cone diameter including fabric surround is 4 inches.  The RS5 driver is probably one of the most advanced dynamic drivers on the planet and their efficiency is the same from the little Super 3 desktop to the Super 3XRS.  Any Omega will work well with your Fisher as Omegas love tubes.  They will however sound good with your Marantz, but your Fisher will be a better choice IMO.  The Super 3XRS still boggles my mind as to how this tiny tower with a tiny driver can sound so huge.


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Hello CanRob,

   RE: Horn......yes indeed, I realize the Omega driver is a 3" Cone......when I spoke of Horn, I was referring to the Cabinet design.
I.E. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c4/a3/f0/c4a3f0cb2c1e1b23b569f88ae18181f7.jpg


Canada Rob

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All Omegas have conventional ported cabinets.


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I was the proud owner of the same amp, totally upgraded, and its power output belied its rating.  What was particularly amazing about the receiver was that it produced an incredible low-end response....the bass was so palpable.  I loved the sound of it, but got tired of figuring out which of the 16 tubes was getting noisy or gassy, so I parted with it.  The tuner sucked in the unit, but overall it is an absolutely a legendary piece of gear.  It will drive the Omega's effortlessly and may be a match made in heaven with those speakers.   


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All Omegas have conventional ported cabinets.

The CAM's don't

Canada Rob

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Thanks WHITE for your thoughts/information regarding the FISHER 400.  I had to make a decision.......which STEREO Tube Amp to keep and which to sell/trade/barter?
I let go my SCOTT 222D and decided to keep my (all original) FISHER 400 for update.  I think I made the right choice!  I look forward to the time when the (updated) unit is returned to my home.  I still have (and use) three Integrated MONO Amps.  I am keeping those units for sure.  Oooh, come to think of it, I still have two other Tube Stereo units......an ALLIED 333 Tube Receiver and a vintage REALISTIC SAF-40B Integrated Amp.



mick wolfe

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I may have missed it, but I don't believe room size has been mentioned yet. In a larger room, even at lower listening levels, you may want to consider the Supercharged 3XRS's. In fact, IMHO, they'd probably be a strong consideration regardless of room size.