Hello from the Garage

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Audio Refugee

Hello from the Garage
« on: 28 Nov 2016, 09:38 pm »
Hi, I'm Greg, or Audio Refugee as it may be. My stereo and I live in the garage. We consist of a Pioneer SX780, a pair of original PSB Alphas, and a Thorens TD280 mkiii. That is, we did till my beloved 780 died a quiet death. Now I've aquired a Jolida 202a and snuck it all back in the house. I've added a Schiit Multibit DAC, and some new and used WireWorld speaker, USB and interconnect cabled :D

I'll admit right out of the gate that I don't think I'm an audiophile. I just enjoy listening to music. I certainly don't know very much about equipment, but I'm trying to learn. I've learned that my PSBs fall apart quickly with the Jolida. So, I've begun researching tube friendly speakers. Wow. A lot to learn. After reading and reading and reading, but not yet having listened to any yet... I've fallen for the idea of Meadowlarks. I think my little Jolida 202a should be a nice compliment. I just love shape, the finish. I just waited 12 years to long to pay attention equipment dang it. I'm looking at both Swifts and Kestrel 2s.

I replaced the belt, but the Thorens still needs a preamp. Maybe a Bellari VP130 or a VP530. Right now I'm using a borrowed Rolls VP29. It also needs a new cartridge. I'm thinking about a Denon DL-110. I also have a really vintage Dual 1019 that it in pretty good shape. Or, scrap all that and get a shiny new Pro-Ject Carbon. I just don't know.  Right now... speakers are my number one priority.

Well, that's my story. Or, at least a piece of it. :thumb:


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #1 on: 28 Nov 2016, 11:14 pm »
Greetings & Welcome to AC Audio Refugee   :thumb:  There a numerous outstanding speaker companies, as well as equipment companies here on AC. Some have audition threads so depending on your location you may well be able to hear an offering before making a purchase or decision. Browse and ask some questions, let folks know what you're looking for soundwise (admittedly a nebulous category), what size your listening space is, type of music you listen to, volume there-of, and budget. There are wide variety of tastes & experience available to help you as much as you wish. We're happy to help spending Your money.  :wink:

Phil A

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #2 on: 28 Nov 2016, 11:36 pm »


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2016, 11:57 pm »

I liked the Meadowlarks too, but they went out of business years ago.  Occasionally you can find a used pair for sale.

But I'm a big believer in not over "gearing" the given room (like so many audiophiles do) such as:  speakers too big; room odd shaped; shared space that doesn't allow for good layout; shared space that doesn't allow for full time audio use.


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #4 on: 29 Nov 2016, 01:30 am »
Hi Greg,
Glad to hear you are using your garage too.


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #5 on: 29 Nov 2016, 02:15 am »
"I've learned that my PSBs fall apart quickly with the Jolida..."    :scratch:

Anyway, welcome aboard!   If I have a garage I'd have a stereo in it, too!   :thumb:

Audio Refugee

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #6 on: 29 Nov 2016, 03:29 am »
Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys. I really appreciate it and am looking foarward to learning much here. A little more background about my set up. I set an initial budget of $1,000 for Phase 1. And that's a really small budget in the audio world. I knew right away I had go used and needed to get educated. I turned to a couple of friends. One has been a serious audiophile for a long time. And, another who has several years in the hobby, but has a budget closer to mine. I looked at several amps, but most were out of my reach or ate up my entire budget and I still needed a DAC and cables. My buddy tried to talk me in to raising my budget, but... marriage is a compromise. I stuck to my budget... well, I was 16% over.  This little tube amp has been such a surprise. It just sucks me in. I find myself vaguely listening, then the music gets more complex, more intricate and the music just sucks me straight back to it. It's fun. Like candy for the ears. Do you guys tear up when you listen to your rig? I just love it... and I know. I could get so much more if I'd spend and learn more. I doing what I can.

Phase 2 - $500 for speakers. Ok. Yes I was unrealistic when I set this budget. I didn't know. My PSBs are pretty good at or below 50% volume, but they fall apart, get muddy is a term I've learned at anything above ~50%. They loose all the detail. They sound noisey, uh... crowded. It's like they're still busy trying to process the last note when the next one comes in. I lower the volume, the PSBs catch their breath and the detail seems to come back. I'd like to adjust my speaker budget to $1,000, but maybe I should go to $1,500? I just can't go higher than that unless I wait till next May. Big bass isn't as important as detail at higher volume. I spoke with Jolida and they recommend non-metaillic cones and tweeters for my amp. Running at higher volumes will be pretty rare, but I'd like the occasional option. So many brands, models, esthetics, approaches, construction. No offense to anyone who has or loves them, but I have no room for a Klipsch Haresy. People say these are awesome with my 202. I like the size and esthetic of the Swift and Kestrel 2. My brain wants them to be what works. I just don't know.


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #7 on: 29 Nov 2016, 12:23 pm »
Baby steps. 

Your $1,000 budget is exactly what the Cheap & Cheerful circle is all about.  Check it out.  In my 40+ years in audio its never been a better time to be a frugal audiophile. 

Quick suggestion for a very good (and compact) $1,000 system:  Emotiva DC-1 ($500 DAC/preamp/headphone amp - well built, good sound, with remote); JBL LSR305s ($300 active speakers - no power amp needed, good sound, remarkably deep bass from a desktop speaker that can also fill the room, current street prices ~$200/pair); Monoprice XLR & USB cables ($30 shipped - all you'll need for this system); Tidal subscription service ($20/month access to 15,000,000 CD quality albums); and your computer.  Stands can range from cinder blocks on up (a goo DIY project).  From there you can add room treatments, a sub, and/or expand into vinyl.

Audiophiles often fixate on the cost of gear, but buying music can cost way more.  A library of say 1,500 albums (0.01% of what is available from Tidal) can cost $7,500 - 30,000.


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #8 on: 29 Nov 2016, 01:57 pm »
tell us more about your listening space.

The Denon DL110 is a good match with the Thorens 280. While the 280 is not considered high end by any means it still can deliver.
Hang on to it and put the money towards the best speakers you can budget for and upgrade your other gear if/when you want.
The Schiit DAC should do a decent job for you.

Audio Refugee

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #9 on: 1 Dec 2016, 03:53 am »
My listening space... hmm.  :lol: Well, I started in the garage. No sound stage there. But, it was my space, so not many rules. When I got my 202a I snuck everything into the house. First into a spare bedroom about 12' x 15'. That's where I discovered what a sound stage was. Then I moved it to the living room.

I don't want to jinx it, but I may have found my dream speakers. Will know shortly.  :thumb:


Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #10 on: 1 Dec 2016, 04:27 am »
Welcome to AC  :thumb:


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Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #11 on: 1 Dec 2016, 04:41 am »

I owned Kestrals and Shearwaters and they are both intoxicating speakers with tube amps.  As has been said they show up on the used market very infrequently.  Here is an ad for a pair of Swifts that is apparently still active.  Contact the seller and see.


Audio Refugee

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #12 on: 1 Dec 2016, 03:59 pm »
Thanks, Jack. Funny thing about those specific Swifts. Those are what allowed me to discover and led me to join this forum! The seller is a member here. He also has them listed in Marketplace. I spoke with him via phone last night before I posted, so that's the pair I'm looking at. Should know if we can make this happen later today.  Regardless how this goes... this guy is a stand up guy. If we lived closer, he's someone I'd want to be friends with. :thumb:

I've lost out on several pairs of Kestel 2s recently. I passed on one pair. And, I had one seller contact me, but then withdrew the offer almost immediately. That was weird.  :lol:

Locally there is a pair of first generation Kestrels for $700. I can afford that, but aesthetically I like the Swifts and Kestrel 2s far. more. But, that's just like my opinion, man.  There's also a pair of Honduran Mohagany Nighthawks for $2,300. Beautiful. Stunningly gorgeous.  Much more than I need and more than I have.

Audio Refugee

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #13 on: 2 Dec 2016, 02:00 am »
Baby steps. 

Your $1,000 budget is exactly what the Cheap & Cheerful circle is all about.  Check it out.  In my 40+ years in audio its never been a better time to be a frugal audiophile. 

Quick suggestion for a very good (and compact) $1,000 system:  Emotiva DC-1 ($500 DAC/preamp/headphone amp - well built, good sound, with remote); JBL LSR305s ($300 active speakers - no power amp needed, good sound, remarkably deep bass from a desktop speaker that can also fill the room, current street prices ~$200/pair); Monoprice XLR & USB cables ($30 shipped - all you'll need for this system); Tidal subscription service ($20/month access to 15,000,000 CD quality albums); and your computer.  Stands can range from cinder blocks on up (a goo DIY project).  From there you can add room treatments, a sub, and/or expand into vinyl.

Audiophiles often fixate on the cost of gear, but buying music can cost way more.  A library of say 1,500 albums (0.01% of what is available from Tidal) can cost $7,500 - 30,000.

I've gone back to re-read this post about 10 times now. There's a lot in it. JLM, thanks for taking the time to write it. Had I read it prior to getting my Jolida I would have given serious thought to going this direction. I looked up the amp and speakers. It looks compact and fun. I sent your post to friend who is looking for a new rig. I'm definitely going to go with Tidal Hifi. Thanks for the tip.  :thumb:

Audio Refugee

Re: Hello from the Garage
« Reply #14 on: 3 Dec 2016, 04:54 pm »
They're mine now! So excited. Can't wait to get 'em.  :banana piano: :dance: :rock: