HD-AVA (and HD-AVP) issues. Defective unit or plain limitations?

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  • Jr. Member
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I initially had insufficient volume issues using USB until I configured Audirvana to "control" the HD-AVP.

I still have output on the rear channels playing stereo on USB, the GUI on the screen does not operate.   The agent said he would test one but I have not heard from him.  MyDtss takes 2 months to respond to questions and then answers half of them

I have had a 34 year career  installing, setting up and repairing electronic equipment, mainly access control, home theatre, satellite tv, pa systems and have seldom seen a product which has a poor manual and differs so much from what it is supposed to do as this device

Look the USB works well no doubt, the HDMI inputs are (mostly) fine, but all I expected was a device that worked as advertised and not a portion of it.  Telling me that I have got a bargain and I should have paid much more for this product does not wash with me.  In this country the HD-AVP is not particularly cheap


To follow up on my post #18...

I got a Windows 10 box running and tested the hard panned right and left audio file on Windows with the NuPrime Asio driver (BTW, it is located under the uDSD support download folder, but not under the AVP/AVA support folder... Jason, you might want to add the driver inside the AVP folder as well).

Same thing as with the Mini.  Centre channels output from the right channel only, and rear channels are linked to their respective front channels.

Tested the same file on the 7.1 DAC, and there is no channel bleeding happening.  All is fine with the separation with the 7.1 DAC.

Hopefully, this can help NuPrime engineers pin point the problem with the USB DAC.

The AVP is in a class on its own.  There is nothing on the market with a multichannel DAC, and at this price point.

If we can sort out the USB DAC, which sounds great, then it would be quite the unit.

And if NuPrime wants to hit a homerun, I would suggest these:

- Make the USB button on the remote shuffle between the InPlayer and the USB DAC.  Right now, that button only choose InPlayer.  Should be easy to do with a firmware update.

- Have the USB DAC access the crossover and EQ already there for the 7.1 DAC.

- Although it would probably mean a new unit design with an extra port, if it were possible to have access to the 7.1 DAC via USB as well.  Then, I'm sure NP would sell containers of AVP!  There is nothing on the market right now between the very cheap sounding multichannel U-DAC8 offered by miniDSP, to the much more expensive e28 DAC by Exasound.  NP would have the middle ground all to itself.

- or, ... could the USB DAC be used for Mains R/L all the time, and the multichannel DAC for the other channels only?  Get the best sound for stereo playing and still have access to multichannel DAC.  Although, there must be a reason why it wasn't implemented like that in the first place...

My 2 cents....


A frequently asked question about USB audio as the source is what happened to the outputs?
The USB RCA outputs will have fixed 2V max output (i.e. none volume controlled) from the "DAC-10 equivalent" USB DAC board.
The 7.1 outputs have the following behaviour:
1. If the mode set to Pure Audio, then the main L+R have the volume controlled USB DAC output.
2. If the mode is set to any other, then all 7.1 channels will have outputs.


Mode selection is not available when using the USB DAC. 

There's no way to access Pure Direct, Pure Audio, etc....


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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There appears no difference in sound, I agree.  The only alteration I can see is that in Pure Direct mode, the front panel stays on, whereas in other modes, it switches off after 6 seconds  (this is on USB in)


Mode selection is not available when using the USB DAC. 

There's no way to access Pure Direct, Pure Audio, etc....

Email support@nuprimeaudio.com


Wait,... are you saying that Mode selection (Pure Direct, Pure Audio, etc..) is available with the USB DAC?

That makes no sense, since the USB DAC doesn't have access to EQ, and such.

If I have a thumb drive, or any other analog or digital inputs, I have access to Mode Selection, either on the remote or the OSD.

But, with the USB DAC selected, Mode Selection with the OSD just jumps from Input to Parameters, and skips Mode.  Same with using the remote while on USB DAC, Mode do not change.  And that was my understanding of the USB DAC, where EQ and playback is controlled by the computer.

Is it not?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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triumph, you are 100% correct in your assumptions


Let me confirm. But I think the Mode should be set to Pure Audio before choosing the USB Audio as source.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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Whether or not you choose Pure Audio before or after selecting USB makes no difference.  There is no audible difference either way, and injecting a 1KHz tone into the USB input gives the same output voltage whatever mode is chosen.  All that happens is the display on the front panel alters.  But this is just the display, controlled by another part of the processor.

If you are using HDMI-1 or InPlayer, the front panel display goes out after 4 seconds.  If you then press Pure Audio, the display comes back.  This shows that a part of the command has been accepted by the display logic controller, more than likely a command, "if input Pure Audio, then high display voltage assign" and "if input < Pure Audio, set low display voltage assign".  I have programmed PLCs to do this, to switch on lights upon the threshold of voltage from a daylight sensor falling below a selected level

Likewise at a Wine Farm, you would want the stirrer motor to come on should the temperature at the base of the tank fall below say 6 deg C to enhance firmentation.

However, if you do not check your settings, you can have all sorts of problems arising.  This is what I think happened with the HD-AVP, it was rushed to market without being tested.  Not nearly as bad as Samsung's Note 7, but you get the idea.  I am sure that with the application of some thought and time, many of these anomolies can be sorted.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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Well, its 6 weeks since I last commented on the HD-AVP and several more about some deficiencies that the one delivered to me has (cannot use or program GUI menus).  The local supplier promised to exchange this for another and told me twice that he would be sending it to me within a day or two

I'm sorry to say he has not sent anything and does also not respond to emails.  He has a business partner in the city where I live so I complained to him about this.  His attitude was that this other fellow would send another unit when he was good and ready

I have also sent 3 queries to NuPrime's help desk.  I received one reply that I should read the FAQ on the website, nothing more.  No suggestions about how to resolve the problems

You might expect this poor showing from a dodgy used car dealer, but I get the impression that my complaints are a nuisance, and if ignored, will go away.  I operated a successful electronics service business from 1976 to 2012 and can assure you that this is not the way to keep customers


Can you tell us who is your distributor and dealer ? We will contact him.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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It is

Thirteen Hof Johannesburg
135 11th Street
Orange Grove
South Africa

Name:  Joel Kopping, email:  joel.kopping@gmail.com

The invoice is dated 8th July 2016, no 0000258


I will contact him today.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
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Thank you sir


I contacted the distributor last week (or shortly after my post) and he said will swap his unit with yours. He doesn't know what to think either. Anyway, I told him that if he finds something wrong with your unit after the swap, we will replace it for him.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 8
I bought the AVA a few weeks ago and it seemed to work fine. Last weekend I tried USB audio and got issues..
When using USB, the left and right channels are switched and the rear channels are playing also as some others here have reported.

Is there a fix for this or should I just send the product back? I bought it for the USB functionality and my plan is to use it with a PC running dirac room correction so the channel swapping is unacceptable.


Did you read the FAQ on the configuration?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 8
Did you read the FAQ on the configuration?
- I have no "Mode" option when choosing USB input.
- I don't find any information about switching L/R channels in the FAQ.

Other users have reported similar problems here. Have they recieved any help?


If you are using the USB DAC through the USB DAC RCA Mains exclusively, then it should be fine.  It's the multichannel DAC Mains that are swapped when they playback from the USB DAC.

If you need the multichannel DAC Mains, while using the USB DAC, just swap the R/L channels RCA connectors.

About the outputs to the rear channels, I hope you can choose a mode in your multichannel amp that outputs only 2 channels, or turn off the surrounds and centre channels' amps.