58, think but belly. How to fix

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58, think but belly. How to fix
« on: 23 Jul 2016, 11:33 pm »
I guess the title says it all. I'm 58. BMI normal to low. Great health other than idiopathic hypertension (genetic most likely)

am Veg. Don't sit on my ass all day. When doing the photo thing, I'm on my feet. When I wear my pharmacy hat (like now) I walk as much as 5 miles a day at hospital.

But I have this belly. It's embarrassing. What to do?? Crunches, sit-ups? need help.


PS: I was always a rail thin endurance athlete when young. I used to road race bikes. I dunno maybe I need to ride, but work just wears me the hell out.

John Casler

Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jul 2016, 11:39 pm »
How are your hormone levels from your last blood test?

More bodyfat in the abdomen can be an indicator of Metabolic Syndrome symptoms, but some is normal at your age.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:02 am »
I guess the title says it all. I'm 58. BMI normal to low. Great health other than idiopathic hypertension (genetic most likely)

am Veg. Don't sit on my ass all day. When doing the photo thing, I'm on my feet. When I wear my pharmacy hat (like now) I walk as much as 5 miles a day at hospital.

But I have this belly. It's embarrassing. What to do?? Crunches, sit-ups? need help.


PS: I was always a rail thin endurance athlete when young. I used to road race bikes. I dunno maybe I need to ride, but work just wears me the hell out.

What's your blood type?

If you do sit-ups and crunchies incorrectly you'll make it worse. Most people do.

Besides targeting specific areas doesn't do anything but improve their shape, it doesn't reduce the fat.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:04 am »
John, I'm not sure they ran a hormone panel at last check. They did chem7 + lipids as far as I know.

BTW: doc was amazed by how low my lipid/cholesterol was for someone my age.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:05 am »
Not sure what blood type has to do with anything. But I think it's A+

I mean as far as what I learned when studying for pharmacy school blood types matter regarding agglutination when getting a transfusion. And that about it.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:32 am »
There are thousands of pubmed, peer reviewed, articles on the ABO.

What's your general diet?

Protein source?

What foods make you feel good and bad? (if any)

John Casler

Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #6 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:37 am »
John, I'm not sure they ran a hormone these at last check. They did chem7 + lipids as far as I know.

BTW: doc was amazed by how low my lipid/cholesterol was for someone my age.

Often called Beer Belly it is not generally caused by beer consumption.

Most often men between 45 up start to see changes in hormonal balances, like reduction in testosterone and increases in estrogen, which contribute to increases in bodyfat and reduction in muscle mass (sarcopenia)

No real differences will likely be seen from ab exercises other than toning of the abdominal muscles.  The problem is fat accumulation/deposits in the abdomen. 

Have a blood test to check Test and Estrogen levels and ratios.  If your Dr is knowledgeable he will know what to do, if he is not, and your test is low, find someone who understands hormonal balances, or have him refer you to a Urologist or Endocrinologist.

If your reading is 250-300 and he says that is "normal" then you need to consider the above.

Also realize that this is "highly" individual and it is something you need a competent medical professional to guide you.  Not me or anyone on the internet can give you anything except general ideas.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #7 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:40 am »
How about a photo belly boy?

What worked for me was 30 minutes hard cardio (think intervals) twice a week on the StairMaster followed by an hour workout with a trainer. Saturday is a boot camp style workout with a small group.

You can't just work on the belly, you will have to strengthen your back muscles as you tighten up your stomach so after you finish up with belly stuff do exercises for the back like big ball pike-ups, start with 10 and work up to 30.

For the belly you can do (but not all at once):

Straight leg sit ups - After 6 years I do 20 reps holding 45 lbs. close to my chest.
Jack knife situp - 12 forward, 12 knees to the left, 12 knees to the right, another 12 forward, without stopping - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWOZyf8kaH0
Roll outs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwqJTPsI6i0
Hand offs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD7yRA8tAI8
Hanging Hip Checks - http://redefiningstrength.com/10-hanging-core-exercises/
T-Stabilization Pushups - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCDO9-wa1Dc

But the only thing that really trimmed the belly was to cut back on beer and alcohol.

Don't over do it, twice a week to start is plenty. At your age it will take at least a year before you even begin to notice any changes. And you should really, really work on your whole body with a trainer who is experienced working with older people.

Tucson is a big bike riding town, during the fall, winter and spring people from all over the world gather here to ride - and you can always tell who the riders are because they mostly thin, have great legs and an protruding, bigger than it should be belly, must be from all the beer they drink after a ride.

And I'm guessing the guys talking about food don't exercise (prove me wrong) except for Casler, so trust his advise.



Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:47 am »
thanks for the tips.

Yeah....I think you got me. It's the beer......beer belly. I suppose. I dunno, I lead such a high stress life it's my one way to relax. I mean  normally I'm freelancing as a commercial photographer where there are tight deadlines and high expectations. but right now I am taking a break from that that to help out some old friends in the local trauma center doing clinical pharmacy. And clocking 60 hrs a week. (yeah...it's a long story) And it's just flat out crazy all day.

Maybe I need yoga or some shit.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jul 2016, 12:53 am »

Maybe I need yoga or some shit.

That'll work


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:08 am »
thanks for the tips.

Yeah....I think you got me. It's the beer......beer belly. I suppose. I dunno, I lead such a high stress life it's my one way to relax. I mean  normally I'm freelancing as a commercial photographer where there are tight deadlines and high expectations. but right now I am taking a break from that that to help out some old friends in the local trauma center doing clinical pharmacy. And clocking 60 hrs a week. (yeah...it's a long story) And it's just flat out crazy all day.

Maybe I need yoga or some shit.

Stress, that's probably causing it more than anything. Yoga or Tia Chi would benefit you greatly. At the least try alternate nostril breathing.

Yoga and Tia Chi are proven to lower stress hormones. Maybe switch to red wine, as well? This will help you manage stress.

If you believe estrogen is creeping in, try eliminating non-saturated oils. Look at all premade products and you'll notice how many there are... Coconut is ok, as well as ghee, and small amounts of olive oil. You don't want to consume loads of fats obviously. Saturated fats can increase blood thickness, which stress tends to do. So you might want to try some blood thinning foods, lemon juice in water and blackberries.

*uncooked olive oil, 1 tsp for taste if reasonable per day. Kirkland brand (no joke) is true extra virgin, most brands are not, and only EVO should be used.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #11 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:08 am »


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #12 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:14 am »
I like the suggestion of red wine.  :D This hospital gig is tough, but does have rewards. A nurse I knew from last time I worked there came up and thanked me. Said I saved her bacon at least twice. That makes it all worth the daily crap. Healthcare is a calling, not a job. But it does take it's toll. Stress, long hours, crap food, and yeah...booze it up too much when off.

John Casler

Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #13 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:15 am »
Oh and as unlikely as it may seem, if you don't sleep well, or enough, or suffer from sleep apnea,  :sleep:

You may consider a sleep test, since that can be at the root of many types of hormonal problems, and Metabolic Syndrome.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #14 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:27 am »
Stress will make you fatter than cake. It's well known, and even known people with high stress develop diabetes and such too on a long path of mounting health issues.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #15 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:35 am »
hmmm.  i do get sleep apnea on occasion. Which makes no sense since I am not obese, which is the risk factor. Yeah. I have this protruding belly thing, but again, my total BMI is normal, because otherwise I'm rail thin.
And I aint posting any damn pictures of this shit. It's depressing enough to look in the mirror, which I now try to avoid.

As to Folsom. remember I'm a vegetarian. Not strict, in the sense I do dairy and fish. Mostly salmon on fish and try to spec wild caught or tuna. Maybe sardines if I wanna eat lower on the food chain.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #16 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:45 am »
One of the best websites to follow weight problems is dietdoctor.com.

Here is a guy that lost over 300 pounds.


LCHF diet is how many are reversing heart disease and diabetes.


Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jul 2016, 01:54 am »
I think you're eating good protein choices. But I would encourage alternative grains.

Stress, it's eating you up. Try taking this and maybe some GABA to help sleep.

Your adrenals are tired. You might have easier sleep and better days by taking something that supports them. Ashwagandha is any adaptogen that will help. Don't use Yerba Mate, it'll burn you out, and obviously more than a cup or two of coffee is excessive cortisol raising.


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Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jul 2016, 02:28 am »
I'm about the same age.
I've tried to loose the belly over the last few years as well.
I was in good shape for almost all my life, the last 6 years or so.....nope.
Hair is silver.....lucky to have some I know...
I've come to terms.....I think its just a natural ageing thing...it is in other animals.....why not us?


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Re: 58, think but belly. How to fix
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jul 2016, 02:38 am »