Positive Feedback THE Show Newport 2016 show report

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  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 3238
    • Salk Signature Sound
We had not anticipated attending THE Show in Newport this year.  But a few weeks before the show, we received a call from Schiit Audio asking if we would be willing to supply speakers for their room.  The amp they intended to use was actually a headphone amp that put out 60 watts.  So we had some reservations at first.  But then we thought, what the heck, it would be a chance to show our new Song3 design on the West Coast and meet a lot of great Schiit Audio people. 

The reaction was extremely positive with more than one attendee thinking the speakers were a bit overpriced at $28,995 per pair! They were stunned when we asked them to move the decimal point to $2,895 per pair.

Here are the comments from Larry Cox in the Positive Feedback show report...

Schiit, Schiit and Salk. Lots of good Schiit here. Schiit's Ragnorak integrated amplifier (1,699) and Schiit Yggdrasil DAC ($2,299) and Salk Song3 ($2,895) speakers  were amongst the least expensive systems that had me think... would have bought this and stopped my trek toward nirvana - I'd have said "close enough." So close in performance to systems whose cost will bankrupt most. This system could be an inexpensive starter system that morphs into a "done!" system. By "done!" I mean out of audio stores and off to record stores/downloaded media. I had read about Salk speakers, but hadn't heard them before, but they, too, were good Schiit or is it good s... ?

Great fun...

- Jim