Another Fartastical Give-away: For Whom the Tull Bells, Part Deux

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Kenneth Patchen

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Ah, another windy 4th of July big boom weekend and time for another instant Karma fartastical give-away! Here we have two fine vinyl examples of Tull prog fartasticalness, easily winning a four out of five burrito rating on the bean burrito scale: Jethro Tull's Storm Warning and Passion Play. As a completely selfless, self-sacraficing service to the AC community I recently played both lps in their entirety and both lps are in very good physical condition but my, goodness, what a confused mess and what in the world were they thinking of?

Just how farty are they, you ask? Well, remember that time you were called into work in the middle of the night because the servers had crashed and you had to jump into your car for the 40 minute drive in and about half-way there you realize that you were feeling a might peckish and about that time you noticed on the car floor the day's lunch bag with the half-eaten Taco Bell chalupa supreme and the unfinished warm Mountain Dew and you ask yourself in all innocence, "well, heck, what harm could it do, really?"

Well, ... they're that farty.

Contestants should pick a number between 1 and 58 and the 'winning' number will be chosen at random in two weeks time and the unfortunate winner/loser will be notified post-haste.  I'll even cover the cost of postage.

Worst of luck to the foolish who want to chance it. May I not be judged too harshly in the afterlife for my role as an enabler.

"Sitting on a fart bench ... farty fart fart fart farty farty fart ... Aquafart!"

Happy 4th everyone!


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tull skull

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you may have listened to "A Passion Play"...but you didn't HEAR it!


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I've been fortunate enough to have never heard Storm Warning before so what other number could there be for me but
Number TWO!

May the Karma Gods pinch a loaf in my direction.


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With such eloquent prose bidding us to 'come hither', how can one not participate. 22 please, & Thank You.  :thumb:


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Kenneth Patchen

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you may have listened to "A Passion Play"...but you didn't HEAR it!

Well, to be fair tull skull, I have indeed listened to it but I haven't 'heard' it, at least not in the transcendental sense that you mean. You might remember that the first fartastical give-away was the Steve Wilson produced Passion Play cd set, the sq being much better than this vinyl but still, no magic for me. My argument remains the same, i.e., after Stand Up - one of the best rock albums ever - everything went breezily downhill Tull wise, imho. But again, I might be wrong; a regional record store owner and someone whose tastes in music usually mirrors my own tells me that Passion Play is his favorite Tull record by far, so go figure.

No, no transcendental Passion Play experience for me. However, I have heard a midnight cacophony of train whistle, river frogs and coyotes howling under a clear star filled sky - very nice indeed. There might also have been cicadas providing the undertones but I wouldn't swear to it.


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Stinky number 25.


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Thanks for your generosity and providing some fun.
Fart on!


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42, the answer to everything, including flatulence!


I'll go with 38 please and may the fart be with me.



Not playing this go around, but enjoying the thread! :thumb:  Good Karma Kenneth.



49, please. And hold the broccoli.


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Is this still open? If so, then magic number 16 for me, please. And thanks for the fun, again.

Kenneth Patchen

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Well, as the poet says - "when the wind stops and, o'er the heavens, the clouds go ... something, something ... something, something. Anyway, it is now my very sad responsibility to inform Steve Ford that #1 was the first number in last night's NY lotto picks,  which means that you with #2 are the wiener/loser of the Tull fartastical give-aways. I feel just terrible having to tell you this, you who are only deserving of the kindest thoughts and sentiments but let's not dwell on the past. If you send a mailing address, I'll get these stinkeroos in the mail post haste. Again, my sincerest apologies for having to subject you to this horror and of course my condolences to your family.

But wait there's more. Arthur Dent ... in a truly inexplicable turn of events, while digging in the ruins for the two Tull records I came across yet a second copy of Umma Gumma. How? Why? I honestly don't have a clue other to say that the dark forces and dank farces must have been in play. Since you, Arthur Dent, were the runner up for the first Umma Gumma fartastical give-away, I feel compelled to offer you first dibs on this most foul and odiferous product. Extending this offer brings me no joy, in fact, I have never been sadder. My sincerest apologies in advance for this but let me know your interest and if you are foolish enough to accept, send me an address and I'll mail this to you next week.

To all who played, why so glum chums? You've been lucky enough to dodge the bullet so far but heads-up, oh faithful sons and daughters of flatus, you too may soon be a wiener. Next month's fartastical give-away* will be two particularly smelly digital efforts by David Sylvian with supporting appearances by Robert Fripp. My stomach hurts already.

*Something may be rotten in the state of Denmark but for this smelly affair, CONUS only and 50 or more posts can play. Offer void after midnight in Sectors 5 and 6.


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Congratulations/condolences Steve on your achievement. A most deserving winner.

And KP, I'm gabberflasted at your most generous compulsion. I humbly accept your offer and will PM my details.

Aren't Sectors 5 & 6 around More Science High ? I'll let Mr. Tyrebiter know of the limitations.  :thumb:


Why do I get the feeling that this is some form of Russian roulette.
I lost but yet won and Steve won but yet lost.
Strange days indeed.


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Oh, crap, I won.
I mean THANK YOU from the bottom of my bowels!!!  This is like finding the porta potty at the end of the rainbow but better, somehow.
I need to do a karma next week, maybe that will improve my luck.