Atma-Sphere MP-1 mk3.3 phono stage thoughts

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Atma-Sphere MP-1 mk3.3 phono stage thoughts
« on: 17 Jun 2016, 07:09 pm »
Anyone had the opportunity to compare the mk3.3 phono stage sonic improvements to comparable outboard phono preamps?  Strongly considering an MP-1 mk3.3, but concerned the phono stage presentation will not be at least on par with our current Zesto Andros PS1.  Chassis space is limited for our system, thus adding a two-chassis preamp would necessitate replacing the Andros w/ a strong internal phono stage.  Our cart is a Dyn XV-1s (Scoutmaster Sig), so the mk3.3 should be fine for the load.  For reference, the MP-1 would replace a Simaudio Moon P-5 of 12+ yrs.  Amps are Merrill Veritas mono blocks.  Thanks for your thoughts, everyone ~