So what the heck is a PLC thingee?

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So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« on: 26 May 2016, 03:50 pm »
what is in it?

seriously what is the conditioning network that blue circle audio uses? what is the technology and the components used? and how effective is it?
anyone with first hand experience?


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2016, 03:56 pm »
according to this page :

The PLC (powerline conditioner) Thingee FX2 X0e
with 6 outlets is 500 bucks.

FX2 means that it has twice the filtering capacity as the standard version.
X0e apaprently means some kind of superior filtering which i think they are saying leads to better audible performance in the lowest octaves.

but how do you know how much filtering you need? is there a formula based on the speakers and the amp?

this x0e thing, is it really that useful? because the stansdard version in 250 bucks


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2016, 03:59 pm »
There is a review by Paul Candy but i prefer picking things blindfolded out of a walmart shelf for my stereo rather than read his crap reviews. seriously the shit that he spews makes me sick. pretty much every componnet that he has ever recommended has sucked as far as i can tell.

Big Red Machine

Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #3 on: 26 May 2016, 04:16 pm »
I'm sure they work for others but I had one 2 years ago and it would not stop humming and buzzing so I sent it back. I gained no advantage with it. No idea the technology inside.


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Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #4 on: 26 May 2016, 11:11 pm »
On their page, I see what they call 'Quick Specs' but no real electrical measurement specs. (maybe the specs are on another page)
Do the units have UL stickers?


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Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #5 on: 26 May 2016, 11:21 pm »
"Thingee" has got to one of the worst names for an electronic component ever. :icon_lol: How can they expect anyone to take it seriously with a name that might be more suitable for an undergarment.

Early B.

Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #6 on: 26 May 2016, 11:55 pm »
I dunno what's in it, but I used to own a PLC Thingee. It's decent for the price. With the exception of the PI Audio MiniBuss, it's hard to find a brand new, 6-outlet power conditioner for around $250 that will work any better. 


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Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #7 on: 26 May 2016, 11:56 pm »
I used one for a week
it provided gains to reducing noise floor, amps sounded more powerful, blacks on TV were blacker and images more 3D.
Like a good power conditioner for the price.

The drawback is that it uses about 2 pounds of silicone caulk that STINKS
Like a construction site, but worse. There was no amount of airing out (for a week outside) that was enough to keep it from not just being awful.

Sound very good, smell very bad.

Perhaps the worst smelling audio gear I have ever experienced (that did not contain rotting dead things,  and then not sure still)


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #8 on: 27 May 2016, 03:48 am »
We are not going to know exactly what filter they use as they would rightly not want that to be public. That said it is probably capacitor-based and/or cap-resistor based for the smaller ones. Putting a small value cap across hot and neutral is a well known trick. Maybe inductors in the larger ones, who knows. There are all kinds of ways to filter. A conditioner for an amp needs to be be able to carry a lot of current, so it may have different rated components than say one for digital compenents that use much less.  I've made my own filters that you can plug in the wall and if you do a search here for the Felix, you'll find a simple, compact conditioner design that works very well. So it's not any kind of voodoo, just that the PLC uses a specific iteration they feel is effective.


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #9 on: 11 Jun 2016, 08:23 pm »
Im looking at products from Chang audio, Panamax, Furman, and Blue circle. the website that I linked earlier offers 30 day trial for Blue circle so i will probably go for a 6 outlet version of PLC thingee just to see if it makes any difference.

im specially partial to buying conditioner second hand because my thinking is they have caps in them and they are the components who are always running and the caps have an MTBF so i dont think buying a 10 year old power conditioner makes much sense.


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jun 2016, 08:54 pm »
On their page, I see what they call 'Quick Specs' but no real electrical measurement specs. (maybe the specs are on another page)
Do the units have UL stickers?

you are right there is really no concrete details ..... but the same goes for other HiFi manufacturers that i know. only difference is that they charge 1500 for a 6 outlet power distribution unit.


Re: So what the heck is a PLC thingee?
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jun 2016, 12:31 am »
Make sure to try it with and without SMPS devices specifically. It should be fine for linear.