Do top knots and SunnO))) make ewe stoopid and def? The BigEars Festival

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Kenneth Patchen

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Wow, Knoxville's BigEars Festival is a relatively new music festival ( that completely escaped my notice and I definitely plan to attend in March 2017. I'm a big fan of the Guelph Jazz Festival but have often wished that they would include new classical music as well and that seems to be exactly what the BigEars Festival is doing and good for them. The 2016 lineup was just my cup of tea and I'm sorry that I missed it. So, what's the problem?

The noise of this year's highlight concert by Sunn))O was measured at 150db. 150db! Man, they must have had their amplifiers turned up to 12! (The previous dubious noise 'record' was held by the band Manowar who achieved an ear-splitting SPL of 139 dB.) And the SunnO))) audience didn't leave! My god, is this some sort of s/m top-knotted hipness? Are their top knots knotted so tightly that they've cut-off blood flow to their brains?   Sure, I've been to many loud concerts in my day and my hearing has (probably) suffered accordingly (thank you so much Jimmy Paige and Pete 'Mr. Tinnitus' Townsend,  thank you so very, very much!) ... but in this case SunnO)))'s 150 db was 10db louder than a jet engine at 100' away! Crikey!

Sorry kids, submitting yourself to this sort of assault is just stoopid and shame on Sunn))O for punishing the audience in this way and shame on the concert promoters for not pulling the plug. This isn't just 'a get off my lawn' sort-of rant. This was dangerous.

I still plan to attend BgEars 2017 and I have absolutely no problem in being so un-hip as to leave a concert that's too loud and I have no problem confronting festival organizers when it is too loud. Politics begins at home and in this case, your first home is your own body. You want a whole lotta love? Won't get fooled again, you say? Start by loving your ears.

For those not top-knotted, Rolling astone described the concert as "their music, always oppressively loud and pulsating in stomach-deadening waves, consumes the entire body — seats vibrated, and you with them. An usher stormed off seeking cover" and the BigEars festival site described the sound as "being that of a 747 and “Satan’s helicopter” recorded in Agharta, the mythical city hidden away in the center of the Earth. Sounds like fun." And then this from Nashville, "simultaneously terrifying and deafening audiences with Gregorian chanting over brown-note-heavy gut-rumbling guitar drones ringing out at a punishing volume ... an inhumanly loud hum burst through the PA speakers, freaking out the theater's elderly ushers, who immediately jammed their fingers in their ears, almost as if involuntarily, in a futile attempt to protect their ears. The vibration alone made our seats feel like Sharper Image message chairs. "

Here's your daily sounds like fun pounding by SunnO))):

Fun noise facts to know and share:

Environmental Noise

Weakest sound heard   0dB
Whisper Quiet Library at 6'   30dB
Normal conversation at 3'   60-65dB
Telephone dial tone   80dB
City Traffic (inside car)   85dB
Train whistle at 500', Truck Traffic   90dB
Jackhammer at 50'   95dB
Subway train at 200'   95dB
Level at which sustained exposure may result in hearing loss   90 - 95dB
Hand Drill   98dB
Power mower at 3'   107dB
Snowmobile, Motorcycle   100dB
Power saw at 3'   110dB
Sandblasting, Loud Rock Concert   115dB
Pain begins   125dB
Pneumatic riveter at 4'   125dB
Even short term exposure can cause permanent damage - Loudest recommended exposure WITHhearing protection   140dB
Jet engine at 100'   140dB
12 Gauge Shotgun Blast   165dB
Death of hearing tissue   180dB
Loudest sound possible   194dB


That is totally uncool and I'm a big metalhead as you probably already know if you happen to read the metal thread. 


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It was more than uncool, it was criminal. Assualt is not too harsh a word. I wonder how long it will be before music groups and concert promoters are sued for causing hearing loss. Why on earth did the concert goers not just get up and leave?

Wind Chaser

It was more than uncool, it was criminal. Assualt is not too harsh a word. I wonder how long it will be before music groups and concert promoters are sued for causing hearing loss. Why on earth did the concert goers not just get up and leave?

Absolutely uncool and criminal. Sooner or later someone will initiate a claim and if it gets traction, the day may come when you'll have to waive your rights in order to attend a live venue.


Big Sunn O)))  fan. And if you are going to their show, you're probably going to know what to expect in terms of volume. So I bring my earplugs and I can't imagine that earplugs aren't sold at the venue. A visceral, felt experience music that is unique and exhilarating.


To each his own, I would rather listen to a pair of F 104 Starfighters doing a low altitude pass. An awesome
visceral experience to be sure. The GE J79 has a unique sound.


Rob Babcock

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Big Sunn O)))  fan. And if you are going to their show, you're probably going to know what to expect in terms of volume. So I bring my earplugs and I can't imagine that earplugs aren't sold at the venue. A visceral, felt experience music that is unique and exhilarating.

Even with commonly available earpro the attentuation probably isn't enough to prevent serious hearing loss as those levels.  Even the best in-ear stuff can only attenuate about 29 dB, due to bone conduction through your head.  And that's the best stuff, used correctly.


I just pulled these guys up on Spotify. They've got some real toe tappers! :o


Anyone know a place to start with Sunn O))) the first couple tracks I randomly sampled didn't do much for me? 


Check out Monoliths and Dimensions.

The live Domkirke is also excellent. In an old church with its organ.


I think they alternate chords every 5 minutes or so. :scratch: I remember seeing an interview with Dave Mustane in which he said there were some chords he would never play(too satanic). I'm guessing those are the only ones SunnO)) plays.


Thanks!  I am listening now.


Yep, every 5 min or so. Slow and low. That's why they call it sludge metal...


And very much not everyone's cup of tea.


At least "big church" has some rhythm.


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Just so awful as any metal band.
Teenaggers will love it.

Long time I did not see a Travis Beam guitar.


FRM, we get it, you are a curmudgeonly, snarky old man.  Why the need to comment if you don't have an open mind?


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I am no youngster and I like some of SunnO))) music.  They did some interesting recordings with Boris as well. 

Will be seeing Sleep in June.  That might get loud as well.  Taking hearing protection.  I want to FEEL IT!


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Secretly I have a desire that this kind of music no longer exists.


Secretly I have a desire than your presence on this forum no longer exists.