Hello from AXPONA 2016!

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Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #20 on: 21 Apr 2016, 03:40 pm »
Vinnie - your LIO just seems like an outstanding product!

Since you had the Harbeth Super HL5 Plus and the 40.2 in the system - how do they compare?  Is the 5 Plus as good except for the deep bass? 

Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #21 on: 21 Apr 2016, 04:00 pm »
Vinnie - your LIO just seems like an outstanding product!

Since you had the Harbeth Super HL5 Plus and the 40.2 in the system - how do they compare?  Is the 5 Plus as good except for the deep bass?

Thanks, mr_bill,

With the 40.2s, it not just about having deeper bass.  For me, the whole presentation from top to bottom is a lot more impressive (especially when listening in the near field).  I LOVE the tweeter used in the 40.1 / 40.2.  It is a SEAS tweeter (OEM'd for Alan Shaw / Harbeth).  Midrange and bass drivers are Harbeth's RADIAL-2 drivers (as they are with the SHL5_plus) made in-house and do vocals like no other. The integration of the drivers is so good that even at 2 feet from the speaker, you cannot hear the individual drivers (coherency is through the roof with the 40.2!). 

If you know how good the 30.1's midrange is, it is like that - but even better with the 40.2 (because the bass/midrange in the 30.1 is the same used in the 40.2, but high-pass filtered since the 40.2 has its own 12" bass driver to handle the lows). 

For me, the 40.1/40.2s sound best near field, away from room boundaries.  It's hard to imagine such a large speaker "disappearing" - but this is what they will do when properly set up in the near field. 

The SHL5_plus is voiced a little differently - overall, more neutral sounding, a little 'quicker' / snappier in that hotel room, and still very impressive bass for their size.  A few attendees thought they sounded better than the 40.2s in that room (less overhang in the bass notes, and I agree.  But if we positioned the 40.2s a little differently in that room, they could have been even better! - but would not allow for as many attendees to be seated.  It's a balancing act between trying to get good sound, seats as many attendees, etc.).  I still prefer the 40.2 bass, midrange, and treble to the SHL5_plus.  But the 40.2 is a little more than 2x the price, and if my budget was limited to $7K for a pair of speakers, I'd still put the SHL5_plus on my list of speakers to carefully audition.  As with many speakers, careful setup is definitely required to get them to deliver the best sound in your room.

I hope this helps!



Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #22 on: 21 Apr 2016, 04:21 pm »
Thank you Vinnie!

Whati s near field listening distance to you or even stated as a range?  I'm curious.  I tend to listen in the 9-10' range.

Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #23 on: 21 Apr 2016, 11:58 pm »
Thank you Vinnie!

Whati s near field listening distance to you or even stated as a range?  I'm curious.  I tend to listen in the 9-10' range.

Hi mr_bill,

Closer than that...  :wink:

I'll get back to you soon, but in the meantime, give this post a read.  It's pretty informative:



Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #24 on: 22 Apr 2016, 03:53 pm »
Hi mr_bill,

Closer than that...  :wink:

I'll get back to you soon, but in the meantime, give this post a read.  It's pretty informative:




As a follow-up to my near field listening, I have a fairly large bedroom system (what they sometimes call
a "bonus room" above a 2-car garage) configured as follows:

- I am facing one of the corners of the room, and my head is approx. 12 feet from that corner.
- Speaker front baffles are approx. 4 feet (48") from my ears
- Speakers are approx. 70" apart, and fully toed-in to each ear.  If I lean forward, I can just begin to see the
sides of each speaker.
- Distances of each speaker's tweeter to each ear are within 0.5".  I know this sounds neurotic, but let me tell you that
getting it this precise (at least within 1") is very important in making the speakers disappear (below).
- Chair height is adjusted accordingly to get the ears at the correct height (also important, and depends on speaker model).
- Walls / corners are well-treated with RealTraps.
- NOTE:  Not all speakers sound good like this or are even designed for this kind of listening. 

With the system set up above, vocals are very present 12 feet (in the corner I am facing - and sometimes beyond it),
soundstage is layered, focused, and in many recordings it extends beyond the walls.  When adjusting balance with the LIO (in 1dB steps), someone singing sounds like they are actually walking on stage in an arc from the corner all the way around to the speaker as you fade L or R.  When listening in near darkness (my favorite way), it gets spooky-real at times (high goosebump factor for sure!).  When its dark, you don't see the speakers.  You don't see the room (but now I'm seeing DHT glow and I love it).  So you are not using your visual cortex as much and instead are using your ears / auditory cortex.  That's another topic... back to the near field experience:

Since my speakers are well away from the walls, and I don't have the room to screw up the sound because my ears hear the
speakers well before any reflections ever come into play - listening this way means that I not only hear more deeply into the recordings,
but I also more precisely hear changes I make in the system (this is very helpful/important for me).  For example, I can more clearly hear how the sound changes with internal part changes when developing, say, the LIO DHT PRE.  A capacitor or resistor's sonic signature on the circuit is much more noticeable.  The less the room comes into play, the better for me. 

Sitting closer also means you don't need as much power to get the same SPL level to your ears, and you can play louder w/o
overloading the room.

Getting back to AXPONA 2016 (room 336), I'm always surprised (maybe I shouldn't be?) by how many people seem to be uncomfortable
at first when they sit down and the speakers are closer to them than what they are used to.  Then you watch the look on their face
because what they are hearing does not sound like it is coming from the speakers - but instead far beyond the speakers, and in
layers.  Vocals, for example, are either centered at or beyond the wall that they are facing (quite a bit behind the speakers, but centered on stage as if you were getting a private performance and have the best seat in the house!).  Not all speaker are good at or even
made for this.  Harbeths certainly are (they are used in mixing consoles in recording studios, which is definitely near field listening)

I've reached a point while listening over the years that I not only want great sound coming out of the speakers, but I really don't want to think about the speakers my equipment when listening - I want to be taken somewhere.  I close my eyes, and I want to feel
an experience that is highly engaging and emotional, at times hypnotic, and tangible (you feel like you can walk out of your chair
and walk over to the performers - in their different locations on the stage).  Yes, this is certainly "sweet spot listening" - but I *try*
to share it with my wife, and it still sounds quite good in the room when your not in the sweet spot.  It may not be for everyone, and
it might not 'the best way' to do it for you.  But if you are free to experiment, go for it!

Kinda funny: 

I mentioned this to a crowd at AXPONA - once in a while when we have guests over who see the speakers and the listening chair in my room, I get a comment along the lines of "You mean you just sit there in your chair and listen to your music like that for hours?"  I'm still surprised by how this seems odd to some people.  My response is usually something like "Yeah, it's just like how you just sit there on your couch and watch television for hours!" :duh: I do get up occasionally to stretch, drink some water, change an LP, etc. :green:
It's just funny how watching TV or going to a movie and sitting still and watching is 'normal' - but it can seem odd for some to do the same with music.

Back to work for me ...



Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #25 on: 22 Apr 2016, 04:09 pm »
Great write up and thanks for sharing Vinnie.  I did read the link you provided too - many thanks.
4' is definitely near field!

What distance from the listener, do you position them at shows?  You always get great show comments on LIO and Harbeth.


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Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #26 on: 22 Apr 2016, 04:26 pm »
Very interesting on the near field. Perhaps you should even put it in a separate thread so more people will see it.

Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #27 on: 22 Apr 2016, 05:33 pm »
Great write up and thanks for sharing Vinnie.  I did read the link you provided too - many thanks.
4' is definitely near field!

What distance from the listener, do you position them at shows?  You always get great show comments on LIO and Harbeth.

Hi mr_bill,

My pleasure!  At AXPONA, I think we had the 40.2s (and SHL5plus) a good 6 - 7 feet from the sweet spot chair.  It's a balancing
act trying to get optimal sound and fitting as many people into the small exhibit room.  I've tried getting a larger room but
they are always reserved from exhibitors from the previous year.  :banghead:

Hi Odal3,

Good idea  :idea: - I'll get to that soon...

Thank you,


Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #28 on: 25 Apr 2016, 08:22 pm »
This just in from Rafe Arnott of Part-Time Audiophile:


AXPONA 2016: Vinnie Rossi breathes real life into Harbeth

Quote from: Rafe Arnott
So I’m always very cognizant of source when listening through Harbeth speakers, and here they sounded sweet, clear, powerful, and tonally beautiful thanks to the LIO and Dynavector/Acoustic Signature combination.

Vinnie Rossi was able to turn these ultra-revealing, BBC-lineage monitors capable of all the geeky tech traits audiophiles fetishize over such as clearly-articulated microdynamics, fast, meaty dynamic swings, fantastic Deep-V sound-stage imaging, and  tightly-controlled bass into living, breathing entities that fill a room with emotion, and life.

What else can I say? Well done Mr. Rossi.

Many thanks for Rafe for visiting our room with genuine enthusiasm and energy for listening and having some fun! 

See you at THE Newport Beach in early June...


Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #29 on: 27 Apr 2016, 07:15 pm »
This one just in from Brian Hunter / Audio-Head:


Thanks, Brian!

See you in Newport Beach, CA...  :hyper:


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Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #30 on: 1 May 2016, 03:25 am »
LIO has been ordered!   :o

Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #31 on: 11 May 2016, 07:20 pm »
Just posted by Eric Neff of HiFi+ (thank you, Eric!)


Quote from: Eric Neff / hifiplus.com
Trade shows…You want to listen to music right? Stuff you know and not the usual show stuff. Welcome to the most accommodating room at Axpona! Vinnie Rossi will patiently let you queue up whatever you ask for...

... This room was the second of my Best of show rooms. The LIO and Harbeth combination is pure magic.

You can start reading Eric's show coverage from page 1, here:


Triode Pete

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Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #32 on: 24 May 2016, 12:09 am »
An AV Showreports review of Room 314 @ AXPONA (Vinnie Rossi, Volti Audio, Triode Wire Labs)...



PS - We will have a similar system at Newport next week (Room 332), but instead of the Volti Aluras, we will have the "top of the line" Volti Vittoras! We will have musical & dynamic, sonic bliss!

Vinnie R.

Re: Hello from AXPONA 2016!
« Reply #33 on: 25 May 2016, 02:52 am »
Thanks for sharing that link, Pete!   :thumb:

See you and Greg next week at Newport Beach!
