Sharing your LIO experience

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Vinnie R.

Sharing your LIO experience
« on: 15 Mar 2016, 03:49 pm »
To all our LIO customers,

You’ve seen the glowing reviews and awards for LIO that continue to roll in from websites and print magazines. Reviewers are fascinated by LIO’s adaptability, freedom from obsolescence, and ultracapacitor power supply. Most of all, it is LIO’s sonic performance that is knocking them out!

While I am thrilled and honored to receive such great press, fellow music lovers want to hear more in-depth feedback from actual LIO owners like you.  This will be the official "LIO Owner's Thread."

Some topics to *consider* discussing:

- Your LIO configuration
- The rest of your system (speakers, source components, etc)
- What the LIO has replaced, and how does it compare?
- Did you later add more LIO modules or upgrades?  How easy were they to install?
- Do you have any favorite recordings that you like to use to show off your system?
- Anything else that you'd like to share about your experience with LIO / Vinnie Rossi

Additional notes: 

I have shipped LIOs to quite a few different countries where English is not the primary language.  Please DO NOT
be concerned about perfect English, grammar, etc.  And if you are not comfortable with writing a review, it does not have to
be like a professional audio review at all!  Just sharing your LIO configuration, other equipment, and general impressions on how
it is all working out for you is the most important thing.  If you want to write a novel, that is fine too!  If you are new to this forum, maybe you will enjoy posting more in the future, asking questions, learning, and sharing.  This is what it is all about and I want to do a better job encouraging this.

It will be very helpful to current and future LIO customers to know what other equipment you use with LIO, how it all is working for you, what it replaced, etc.  And I deeply appreciate the feedback here because I do get emails/phone calls from time to time from someone
who reads up on LIO, but wants to learn more about customer experiences as well.  Even things such as how responsive I have been to questions and concerns is all valuable and I work very hard each day towards supporting our customers to earn and keep your business. 

When I set out to design LIO, the concepts of "upgradeability," ease of use, and long-term ownership where on my mind.  I learned these lessons in the 10 years of Red Wine Audio designs.  If you later added LIO modules, please share how the experience of buying the module and installing it yourself has been. 

If you want to share a few pics of your system - please do!

I want to thank you all in advance for sharing your LIO experience.  More exciting things are coming...

With much appreciation,

« Last Edit: 16 Mar 2016, 01:10 am by Vinnie R. »


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #1 on: 15 Mar 2016, 05:27 pm »
I first heard the LIO at an audio show in the fall of 2015. It was amazing. I decided that I needed that sound in my room. Four months later I am loving it!

- I started with LIO configured as an amplifier, then it became an integrated amp with the addition of the AVC/Tubestage module. Adding DSD/PCM DAC eventually.

- Originally fed by a Benchmark Preamp/DAC, the Benchmark is now configured as a DAC. (Sonos or Raspberry Pi2)  I am using it with a pair of kit built ($475) bookshelf
speakers that I didn't really like that much. But when I hooked them up to the LIO it was a night and day difference. The detail is amazing. For Subs I'm using
a pair of home built GR Research Dual 12" Open Baffle H-Frames.

- My old rig was a Sonos ZP90 feeding the Benchmark Preamp/DAC, to an active crossover, into two recapped Carver M500-t amps playing a pair of Emerald
Physics CS2 speakers.  With the LIO I am hearing detail and realism from my system that I've never experienced before, outside of a high end audio show.
While my old system was very nice sounding there really is no comparison. Speaker upgrade is next, the next level.


P.S. Thanks Vinnie.
« Last Edit: 16 Mar 2016, 12:51 am by SteveKi »


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #2 on: 15 Mar 2016, 05:53 pm »
I am getting GREAT sound with my LIO hooked up to KEF LS50s.  Can't say enough about the great customer service as well.

Has anybody tried LIO with Salk speakers?  I am curious about that combination. 

Cheers, Margot


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #3 on: 15 Mar 2016, 05:56 pm »
I would love to provide my feedback and share my experience...just waiting to receive my new LIO!

Hopefully I will have it for this weekend.


Vinnie R.

Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #4 on: 15 Mar 2016, 06:29 pm »

Thanks for getting this thread started!  :hyper:

In my first post, I added some "suggested topics to discuss" (of course you can chose to pass
on them, or even bring up something different about your LIO experience)  Wink2

The goal is to share some details.  For example - how your LIO is configured (preamp, integrated amp,
headphone amp, etc.), the rest of your system that LIO is used in (especially speakers!), what LIO replaced,
how it compares, music that really shines with LIO/your system, etc.

Thanks again, everyone!


I would love to provide my feedback and share my experience...just waiting to receive my new LIO!

Hopefully I will have it for this weekend.


Hi George,

Shipping today - You'll see it on Friday !  8)


Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #5 on: 15 Mar 2016, 07:18 pm »
Like George, my LIO is on order.  I've been without a system for a while (I'll explain later) so I'm anxious to get back up and running.



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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #6 on: 15 Mar 2016, 07:38 pm »

Hi George,

Shipping today - You'll see it on Friday !  8)


I should probably see it much sooner than Friday given that I am only 45 miles away from you.



Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #7 on: 15 Mar 2016, 09:01 pm »
Since Reichert, Stone, Darko, and Ebean have accurately described the sonics of the LIO, I will make my comments about the sonics brief. I will simply say that owning a LIO turns my analytical mind off and I get lost in the music more easily than anything I've ever owned before (and unfortunately there is an extensive list). In my opinion that is the ultimate endorsement. If that's your goal ( even if your budget is unlimited), you owe it to yourself to at least investigate the LIO. 
   What I'd like to talk more about is the ownership of a LIO. My unit is configured with phono, remote control loading, dac, AVC with tubestage and amp. It started out with the RVC and tubestage (purchased before the AVC/tubestage was created) and this is where the LIO gets really great. Within 3 months of buying the LIO, the preamp section was "outdated". If this was any other manufacturer, you would have to sell your unit, take a loss, and buy a new unit to get the new preamp. With the LIO, Vinnie sent me the preamp module and I sent the RVC back to him once I received the AVC. There was zero down time, it took 2 minutes to swap the modules out, and it cost $5 to send the RVC back to me when I say you will be thrilled with the value of the LIO when you upgrade a module.
  Purchasing from Vinnie is a pleasure. He is a flat out honest man with impeccable integrity, customer service, and accessibility. When you add that on to the flawless execution and build quality of the LIO as well as Vinnie's skill with voicing, the LIO is a wonder product in my opinion. The honeymoon period has been long over with my LIO and I like it more now than when I purchased it.


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #8 on: 15 Mar 2016, 10:23 pm »
So, its plainly amazing. As of now its the mosfet hooked up with LS50's. On the wishlist first the headamp, later DA. My first encounter with VinnieRossi was the iMod, which turned that expensive disappointment of equipment into something - finally - i really enjoy listening to. Despite its archaic user interface. From that experience i knew Vinni is for real. So i plunged for the Lio without prior auditioning.
The key for that was this: My apartement, 100year old building, ancient wiring, a transformator pole right in front.  Hum, and other noises being a major problem ever since i moved in 15 years ago. Don't know how much what really contributes to that, but eventually I got around it somewhat with power "conditioner" and hum-filters on the input side.

The Lio independent powersupply, sounded like a more thorough solution, so with the imod experince in mind, i wanted to try it out, and saved for it.

Wow, was that a day and night experience!!

Absolutely nothing in the background (when i plug in the imod)! Such a crisp and clear sound, well defined, even with my worn Sony speakers.  That experience made me shell out the $$$ for the KEFs. ...listening happy ever after, as they used to say long ago. Can only second what everyone says about it.

Getting noise out of the system is never easy. So that was almost too much!
Now with the other sources i still use the filters and stuff (input side), it does give less noise than without. So i have to see what happens if i put those on battery, (wish the Lio had a power-out...i know it'd take another leap in capacitor tech). But probably move to the built-in DA. For the digital connection all this shouldn't matter....

here we are.



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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #9 on: 16 Mar 2016, 03:56 am »
Hi all, I plan to use my LIO in a new system still in construction. Probably with Harbeth speakers which I loved for their thick enveloping sounds especially with vinyl.

Volume - AVC/Tubestage

But I plugged the LIO into my current system - Watt Puppy 6 and Audio Research CD7 or my RWAK240. Great sound - black background, treble very clear but still smooth, especially with high def music through the RWAK240 . Sound adjustments with interconnects, speaker cables and positioning of my speakers and seating required to fine tune the sound to my room, but all in an amazing value considering it is competing with my original system of a BAT VK5i and YBA2000 mono blocks. If there is any weakness in the sound, perhaps the soundstage isn't as wide, thick and meaty as my old setup, but that's what the optional power amp is for I suppose!

One note on working with Vinnie - he sent me an input module with a pair of balance connectors as my setup is all balanced. But using my RWAK240 as the source, there was some hum in the music especially if holding the player. After some communication with Vinnie, he managed to figure out the reason why and sent me (on his own cost half way around the world) a replacement module which fixed the issue. I have yet to return the old module which should soon. That's great support and effort to help getting his product working properly. He's got me as a lifetime customer :D

Not to mention also the mesmerising voltage figures that drops and rises when the power banks switches. Can seem to stop looking at that....  :lol:


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #10 on: 16 Mar 2016, 02:49 pm »
In anticipation of my LIO's arrival (today or tomorrow), I thought I would share some info.

LIO Configuration:

Preamp with balanced inputs/outputs
AVC/Tubestage module
DSD/PCM DAC module

Here is my current system:

Dedicated room (21'10" x 12'10" x 8') with two 20 amp dedicated lines

Vandersteen 5A speakers
Acoustic Imagery Atsah 1200 mono block amps
Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk 3.2 two chassis preamp with the following options:  Remote volume control, Copper Foil V-Caps, Caddock Resistor package, Damping package, Dual Outputs, NOS 6SN7 tubes
Auralic Vega DAC
Custom built PC running Jriver
Morrow Audio SP4 speaker cables (two runs)
Morrow Audio SP6 XLR IC's
Pi Audio Uber Buss with Kaplan Cable Copper Cord (amps + powered woofers in 5A's)
Furman IT Ref-20i with Kaplan Cable Copper Cord (preamp, DAC, computer)
RealTraps room treatments
GIK room treatments

Here are a couple of older pics with the previous amps (Hypex Ncore NC400 mono blocks):




Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #11 on: 16 Mar 2016, 04:48 pm »
Definitely interested to hear your comparison of the LIO as DAC to the Vega.
Great room, BTW. Envious :)

Vinnie R.

Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #12 on: 16 Mar 2016, 05:03 pm »

What a great start to this LIO owner's thread - thank you!   :hyper:

To 4003, flkin, and all other newcomers joining in.... WELCOME! 
I hope you enjoy visiting and posting on the VR forum, and the entire site. 

On this thread - you are free to post updates, pics, etc.  If you order new modules and what to post about them
here (and how the installation process was), please do!

And even though the subject says "LIO" - feel free to mention if you are using VR120 (and if you
upgraded from LIO MOSFET AMP to VR120, it would be very helpful to hear from you!)

It would also be cool to know where you are from.  Just ideas...

Like George, my LIO is on order.  I've been without a system for a while (I'll explain later) so I'm anxious to get back up and running.

Hi Bob,

Your LIO will be shipping tomorrow or Friday of this week!  8)

Thanks again, everyone!



Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #13 on: 17 Mar 2016, 12:18 am »
Okay, since I'll be seeing my LIO by next Wednesday, here's what's happening:

Config:  Black with silver knobs, amp, phono stage, AVC with tubes, single ended inputs

Room: 21 x 17 with cathedral ceiling (14') living room, but pretty much dedicated to me.  The equipment sits on / in an 8' custom (Amish) made record cabinet - 2 rows of records + 1 row of CDs.  The top is 2" maple, with most of the equipment laid out on the top. Room is carpeted, gas fireplace in one corner, 2 sets of French pocket doors, double hung windows.  The speakers sit on the long wall, with a listening sofa a few inches off of the opposite wall.  No special room treatment at this point.

Current system:
VMPS RM30 with outboard xover and BPS bass system.
Wellborne Moondog 2A3 SET amps driving the mid panels and ribbon
Joule Electra LA100mk3
TTWeights GEM w/ copper ring and record weight, 12" ARO arm mounted on VTA tower, Van Den Hul Colribi XGM
Herron VTPHMC phono
PS Audio Power Director
CAL Alpha / Delta (don't play many cds, most are for the car)
Grover interconnects
Wywires silver speaker wires - biwired
Black Sand PCs

A couple of weeks ago I powered up the system and put a record on the table (Simon and Garfarkle in Central Park).  I only heard one channel.  After debugging I discovered one of the amps was silent.  The tubes were glowing, so I'm thinking a coupling cap died.  I don't churn equipment often (like every 10 - 15 years), so I decided to use the opportunity to convince the CFO that I needed to replace things.  I wanted to simplify, so I was thinking integrated, and the LIO rose to the top of a very short list.  (Yeah, I could fix the amp, and I probably will, eventually.  But this was an opportunity that I didn't want to miss.)

I've read the reviews, but after using DHTs for so long, I'm hoping the mosfet amp is up to it.  I've read Herb's review, as well as aumacoustics piece, so I'm thinking it should be close.  It's the same with the phono stage vs. the Herron - The Herron has been revered for years, so this could be a tough comparison.  I also have a Choir Audio Hashimoto SUT that I'm going to compare to the internal SUTs (cinemag?)

More to come.....

Bob Rex


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #14 on: 17 Mar 2016, 03:46 am »
I have received my Lio about 3 months ago and I ordered it with AVC Tubestage / Phono Stage / Remote Loading / MOSFET Amp / Input Select.

The Lio replaced a NAD M3 integrated and Ifi IPhono.
Source is a VPI Classic 3 with a Transfiguration Phoenix S and a Dynavector XX2mkii cartridge.

My speakers are PSB Synchrony One with 4Ohms impedance and a sensitivity of 88db and I was somewhat worried that the power of the MOSFET amp might be too low.

To sum it up, the Lio was a massive upgrade to my system and I couldn’t be any happier.

The Lio has absolutely no trouble driving my speakers. It is very realistic and detailed but most importantly it is incredible enjoyable to listen too and I find it highly addictive.

Also I find the remote cartridge loading module very help full. You can assign 2 different loadings to each of the 2 MC inputs and then switch between them for a direct comparison. It is really easy to optimize cartridge loading this way and not to mention the conveniency to do this all from your listening position.

Vinnie was extremely helpful, responsive and insightful with his advice during the whole purchase process as well as after. Really outstanding customer support which for me just rounds of the package to be an really outstanding deal.


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #15 on: 18 Mar 2016, 01:27 am »
I have listened to LIO an hour or more a day for the three months I’ve owned it. Past experience with Red Wine Audio gear (I still have a Sig 30.2 in use) made me expect great things. So far, LIO has exceeded my expectations. The physical appearance and overall construction quality has to be seen to be appreciated. It is better than anything I’ve owned before, including some expensive ARC gear.

I would say the biggest surprise has been the total compatibility with other gear, including my tube amp and a variety of sources (see below). LIO slipped into my system as though it belonged there all along. I try to avoid preamps (except for phono) and extra cables as much as possible. Prior to LIO I was using a Decware TORII JR power amp in my main system. It has it’s own volume controls so I can go source to amp to speakers for a minimalist path. I missed the convenience of a powered remote and the extra inputs so the LIO had instant appeal as a preamp. The reviews convinced me that LIO configured with the AVC module would be very transparent. The reviews were correct. I’m pretty sure the only “veiling” I can detect is caused by the extra interconnect - and it is very slight. I can’t hear much difference even on a direct comparison (tube amp direct vs. LIO in the chain as preamp). This clarity, and the remote control, were my main criteria. The Slagleformer Volume Control is the best VC I’ve ever used (and that includes dozens of them over the years). The 1dB increments are just right and there is never a question of finding the “sweet spot”. You just turn it to the volume you want and enjoy. It is hard to describe something that isn’t there but imagine a preamp that sounds exactly the same with the volume control wide open (under no signal conditions) as it does at zero. You can put your ear to the speaker and hear nothing at full clockwise rotation (this is with the Mosfet amp - tube amps have some residual noise but LIO adds nothing to the noise floor).

Soon after I got my LIO, I gave in to temptation and added two more modules - phono and HPA. The phono is terrific and the headphone amp does justice to my HiFi Man and Grado cans. My old headphone amp and phono pre are sold. I ordered LIO with the Mosfet amp even though my primary need was an “invisible" preamp for my tube amp. I wanted the amp module for a “different flavor" from the tube sound and it provides a perfect alternative - offering tons of sweet detail and bass control vs. the mellower magic of EL34 tubes. Living with LIO is great. It always works perfectly and, of course, is dead silent. Dynamics are superb, depth and air are preserved, and all the things you read in the professional reviews are true. Mostly, it just gets out of the way of the music and lets me enjoy my collection of 4,000 LPs and CD’s. 

I Iive in San Diego County, CA. In the near future we plan to sell our 2 story house and move to smaller digs. When that happens I will likely downsize my entire rig to just the LIO (next addition will be the DAC), three sources (phono, CD and streaming service) and the speakers. I will keep the tube amp if room permits.

LIO with Phono, Mosfet and HAP modules (plus DAC, eventually)
Decware ZDSD DAC
Decware TORII JR power amp
Decware Silver Reference interconnects
Mapleshade Double Helix v2 speaker cables
Decware DM945 Monolith speakers
VPI Traveler with Denon DL-110
BelCanto CD player
Sonos streamer (digital out to DAC)
« Last Edit: 20 Mar 2016, 12:27 am by CSI »


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #16 on: 18 Mar 2016, 11:26 am »
My LIO arrived yesterday!   :hyper:

Listening begins this afternoon.

Will post a few pics later.


Vinnie R.

Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #17 on: 18 Mar 2016, 06:06 pm »
Hi BobRex, SL, CSI, and Zybar:

Thank you for posting!  :bowdown:

Okay, since I'll be seeing my LIO by next Wednesday, here's what's happening:

Hi BobRex - shipping today, so you'll see it Monday (Tuesday the latest)!  8)

All the best,



Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #18 on: 18 Mar 2016, 08:06 pm »
I'll be on the lookout....


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Re: Sharing your LIO experience
« Reply #19 on: 19 Mar 2016, 06:57 pm »
As one of the early adopters of the LIO, I'm happy to report that I'm still in love with it and have zero plans to change it. After decades on the merry go round of swapping out expensive components and cabling looking for my unicorn, I have finally found something that makes me happy every time I turn it on, no matter what I'm listening to. The Miles Davis Quintet swings with the vibe of a live performance, Rachmaninoff's Symphonic Dances envelops me in visceral energy, and I feel every emotional ebb and flow of Steven Wilson's masterful Hand Cannot Erase.

The LIO can do no wrong and excels at pretty much every thing that matters - staging & imaging, PRAT, accuracy, instant current, whatever. It works well with every speaker I have used it with (ProAc, Sjöfn, Devore, and Harbeth to name a few), but  when I paired it with a demo pair of KEF LS50 in my home, the room just exploded with musical energy that was simultaneously easy to listen to. Everyone's ears are a little different, so you may prefer the Harbeth sound or the full range capability of the Devore 096 that I auditioned, but for me the LIO and KEF combination puts everything right where I want it and lets me just listen to music (instead of listening to equipment).

The only change I've made to the LIO since I bought it was to swap out the original Resistor Volume control and tube stage for the Autoformer Volume control with tube stage. The differences are both subtle and revealing. Subtle speaks to the quality of the base Resistor control, but revealing in that the Autoformer removes last thing standing between you and the "you are there" musical experience. The music isn't compressed or hindered in any way with the Autoformer, and the tube stage lets you roll tubes to "season" or tweak the sound to your room, preferences, or associated equipment. I keep it neutral as my room is very good and allows components to speak clearly.

At this point, the only changes I might consider to my system would be an upgrade to my turntable setup - though I honestly buy less vinyl than I used to with the advent of redbook streaming services like Deezer and Tital (which will be going high resolution soon). If I move to a different home with a larger listening room, I might consider something like a pair of KEF Blades paired with Vinnie's VR120 amp with the goal of keeping the sound I have now but accommodating a larger space. Beyond that, I've heard nothing at any of the audio shows, dealers, or Audio society meetings in the last couple years to dissuade me from my love of Vinnie's LIO.

If you have questions or are considering LIO, I'm happy to talk.



My setup:

LIO Delux with Autoformer Volume Control + Tube Stage
KEF LS50 - a perfect match for the LIO's MOSFET amp
Rega RP6 turntable
Auralic Aries Extreme (for my High Res library and Tital)
Sonos Connect (for Pandora, Deezer, other streaming services)
Anticable speaker, USB, and digital wiring (one of the best 'bang for the buck' in Audio)

Recent (former) Equipment:

Amps: Naim SuperUniti, LSA Statement, Manley Mahi Mahi
DS: Naim, PS Audio Perfect Wave with Bridge
Cables: Nordost Heimdal and Vishnu lines, Cable Research Labs, Transparent Audio
Speakers: ProAc D28 and 1sc, Sjöfn
Phono Stage: PS Audio GCPH, Sutherland PhD
Table: Michel Tecnodec with Benz Glider M