Can you really press just 50 LP's???

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Tonto Yoder

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Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« on: 28 Oct 2004, 10:02 am »
Someone proposed  pressing 50-100 LP's of Patty Griffin's unreleased album "Silver Bell" . Is it actually feasible to press such a small amount???  While I love good vinyl, I wonder about the sonics of an LP derived from a digital source of such unknown pedigree.

Dan Driscoll

Re: Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #1 on: 28 Oct 2004, 03:10 pm »
Quote from: Tonto Yoder
Someone proposed pressing 50-100 LP's of Patty Griffin's unreleased album "Silver Bell" . Is it actually feasible to press such a small amount???  While I love good vinyl, I wonder about the sonics of an LP derived from a digital source of such unknown pedigree.

It is certainly possible, there used to be vanity labels back in the '50's, '60's and 70's that would press small runs for individuals. Most (or all) of them are gone now, but I suspect one or more of the pressing factories left still provide this service.

As to whether or not it's feasible, I would guess it depends on your defintion of 'feasible' which is probably directly proportional to your net worth.  :wink:


Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #2 on: 28 Oct 2004, 03:46 pm »
I think they are using digital mastering for vinyl on some pop now.  I have a set of records from John Mayer that are awful.  Sounds significantly worse than the cd's.  So, hopefully they'll take the care to eq them properly for vinyl.

About Dan's sig.. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -Benjamin Franklin

Unfortunately, that's the exact thinking of the US public today from what I've seen.  Instant emotional gratification is king.  In the 80's it was more material, now it's more social... but either way, instant and weak is preferred to long term and strong.


cd mastering
« Reply #3 on: 29 Oct 2004, 12:20 am »

I recently bought a 'Jewel' lp which i think was mastered from the cd.  It sounded terrible and i have only listened to it once.

It has really turned me off purchasing lp's which are mastered from cd's.

best wishes



Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #4 on: 29 Oct 2004, 05:11 am »
she was great in concert when she came to perth in 98 i think it was.

Dan Driscoll

Ben's quote.
« Reply #5 on: 29 Oct 2004, 05:48 pm »
Quote from: Carlman
About Dan's sig.. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -Benjamin Franklin

Unfortunately, that's the exact thinking of the US public today from what I've seen.  Instant emotional gratificatio ...

This is the only response I will make in this forum on this topic. If you wish to continue this discussion, please post a response in the Sports Bar.

I think we are reading the meaning very differently, Ben certainly didn't advocate "Instant emotional gratification", at least not in the sense that you're post seems to indicate. I believe that Ben was opposed to knee jerk reactions to the threat of the day, whether it was foreign or domestic. There is absolutely no doubt that he believed that sacrificing any of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution was wrong, regardless of the threat or risk. He believed that there are risks when you live in a free society, but changing the laws to eliminate those risks  will also eliminate that free society. I agree with him completely.

Uptown Audio

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Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #6 on: 4 Nov 2004, 07:07 pm »
I have experienced just the opposite from a recording that I found at once disappointing and amusing. A Bob Marley CD which was obviously recorded directly from a used Lp, scratches, pops, ticks and all and had no indication of such on the label was found in a bargain section at Kmart I believe! You know, those rotating things that you walk by or are forced to browse as you stand in line at the check-out? Well it was cheap, so what the heck. Funny thing was that it was so bad that it appeared to be done on a cheap system and recorded from the speaker systems with microphones rather than through a line input. I don't recall how I guessed at that bit now as it has been a while since I listened to it, but I think it was due to the tone and distortions involved.
BTW, I agree with Ben Franklin as well. If we had more people like him around today, we would not have as many problems and beer would probably be more affordable also...


Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #7 on: 4 Nov 2004, 07:23 pm »

Nice to see you over here in the AC!  Pity about the Rega forum, no?  


Uptown Audio

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Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #8 on: 4 Nov 2004, 08:56 pm »
Hey guy, likewise! Pity about civility and rationality in any forum these days it seems. They all have their quirks. This one seems as if they don't want me to recommend brands which we represent, although I don't sell many of them via mail. Sort of ties your hands helping people when you have an ideal solution in mind from your hand picked favorites. Oh well, it's as much about entertainment for me as it is helping others, so I can take a joke if they can! Good to "hear" from you again.


Can you really press just 50 LP's???
« Reply #9 on: 4 Nov 2004, 10:02 pm »
Don't worry, Bill.  I always recommend Rega WHEN it's appropriate, so I'm doing half your work for you!

Michael 8)