"Pressed to the Edge: Why vinyl hype is destroying the record"

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  • Full Member
  • Posts: 632
Worth a read and does not bode well for quality pressings.



Thanks for the article. I really hope companies invest in keeping vinyl a quality product. :scratch:

Guy 13

Something that was so popular should not fanish in thin air.
Let's hope it will survive to all the new media...

Guy 13


i only buy old records.

seems the industry is not able to learn.


It's not that difficult to do plating. Someone will step forward.


yes i hope so. and something has to change in recording and mastering too. 



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 3592
yes i hope so. and something has to change in recording and mastering too. 


Agree. It really seems they may need to make different masters depending on the intended playback audience. One for low resolution playback on smart phones & earbuds and a different version for high resolution playback on more capable systems.

One size doesn't fit all so why try to make it? 


Good article.

Does not bode well for vinyl fans/supporters.  The situation seems as dire as new production tubes.

Devil Doc

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  • Posts: 2191
  • On the road to Perdition
Seems like a Chicken Little argument to me. As Wayner said, plating is not that hard and I just read that a Toronto firm is building new pressing machines from scratch. In other words, some, are investing a lot of money in vinyl. Someone will step up. And, in case you haven't noticed, vinyl is better than ever.



Doc hit the nail on the head (again). Vinyl is better then ever. I'm one of the guys that bought a couple of SAS styli from Jico for my Shure M95HE cartridge. Good golly is that some great vinyl! As I go up in years with my collection, it (generally) sounds better.

There are people that know what they are doing and lots of presses are being re-vamped with PLC logic control to correct vinyl heating temperature, cycle time duration and all sorts of good, quality production things like that.

If there is money to be made, industry will step up to the plate and eventually hit a home run. Vinyl is here to stay for some time (I saw a turntable in the last Star Trek movie, so there).



yes i hope so. and something has to change in recording and mastering too. 


There are a lot of artists who have their albums mastered for digital and mastered for vinyl. The source for vinyl may be a hi res digital file, but it is mastered for vinyl.

QRP is doing a great job pressing new vinyl and with their purchase of the Mastering Lab, vinyl has a very bright future.