Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison

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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #20 on: 16 Feb 2016, 09:33 pm »
The Emotiva DC-1 also has a coaxial input. Then can try the directionality stuff in the future. Although, I don't know if its worth it as I typically find manufacturers recommending BNC or AES over SPDIF.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #21 on: 28 Feb 2017, 10:07 pm »
I have an update after a year. During the year, in addition to having the HD 800, I also added an Amphion monitoring system (Amphion One15 + Amphion Amp100 + Amphion cables) which provides as much insight as the HD 800, if not more! Certain things are far more easier to hear and feel on the Amphions. If something is wrong, it's very quickly made obvious.

So to recap: these are the cables that were tested, all with Neutrik Gold connectors on XLRs and Amphenol on RCA (SPDIF). Still connecting to my DAC (Dangerous Source w/ Teradak LPS).


- Grimm TPR: 2 feet
- Mogami 3173: 10 feet
- Mogami 3173: 18 feet


- Mogami 2964: 2 feet
- Mogami 2964: 6 feet
- Mogami 2964: 10 feet

AES vs. SPDIF: In general I preferred the AES connection over SPDIF.

Short lengths: SPDIF Mogami 2964 (2 feet) and AES Grimm TPR (2 feet) both sounded bad at short lengths. The sound is very harsh with treble bursts on both headphones and monitors. The background is also quite noisy. On the monitors especially, it becomes hard to pinpoint where the sound is exactly coming from. You know the speakers are in front of you and the sound is coming from front, yet it is really unnatural.

The 6 feet 2964 does improve over both 2 feet of SPDIF and AES. Yet the sound is still fatiguing.

Medium length: The 10 feet of SPDIF 2964 and 3173 AES are both improvements over all the shorter cables. Between the two, I prefer the AES as the background is darker. Although, I think the SPDIF might come off as slightly warmer. The image on both versions feels much more natural in comparison to the 6 feet and especially the 2 feet! The fatigue goes down easily over the shorter versions.

Long length: The 18 footer 3173 AES in comparison to the rest sounds the most relaxed. The music sounds so analog and cohesive that it actually feels as if the music has slowed down and you can see and enjoy each second. This does not happen on other lengths or even using USB on Macbook Pro via Audirvana and Amarra. This has the darkest background and makes the other connections and length sound disjointed. There is zero fatigue in both FR, soundstage reproduction, or any sizzle. The BDP-1 with this cable really DEFINITIVELY beats any other transport that I've tried so far.

Initially when I got the 3173, I thought it lacked details in comparison to the shorter cables, but overtime it became quite clear that the shorter ones were adding unwanted crap to the sound and coming off as bright. I can say without hesitation that on my system the 18 footer is the best way to listen.

For the past two months, I was using the 10 footer 3173 on the BDP-1 and using that to evaluate HD 800 with Sonarworks. Sonarworks really helped take off the edge that the both BDP-1 and Audirvana Plus without Sonarworks were producing. Although, I knew that Sonarworks was coming at a price. It didn't feel natural regardless of the filter and dry/wet settings.

4 days ago, I went back to the 18 footer version of 3173 and it felt more relaxed immediately on the Amphions. The more surprising part was that I could actually listen to the HD 800 without Sonarworks and come away fine. There were absolutely no nasty peaks with BDP-1 now. I could tell that the HD 800 had a bit of excess energy in the treble region, but it was done so well that it never felt fatiguing. This is the stock HD 800 I'm talking about! This is coming off of Sonarworks. It made that much of a difference that I would prefer the 18 footer BDP-1 over the Sonarworks on Mac.

Caveat: This might just be an issue on my particular system. I doubt there are other users using both the BDP-1 and Dangerous Source, so its hard to verify.

I know most BDP-1/2 owners here have Bryston DACs to go with them, so perhaps in that stack it might not be as apparent as they were designed with each other in mind.

HOWEVER, there are 2 things that I've noticed and learned about in the past year about whether you will have issues with digital cables or not.

1) With both SPDIF and AES, there will always be reflections to due impedance mismatch because of connectors, regardless of the components used (all Bryston or not). To what extent, depends on the design. I read up quite a bit on DIY Audio website from engineers about this very issue. Surprisingly, it's far less discussed on other forums.

2) Most people have rarely used digital cables anywhere close to 18 feet. This is partly because of the fact that 18 feet of a fancy cable would be in the several thousand dollars considering a meter can go for a few hundred dollars. I think most people use around 1 meter to 2 meter. A lot of manufacturers suggest using 1.5 meters to overcome this reflection issue as the best compromise.

However, there is very little discussion on cable length of something like 16-20 feet, which makes sense when people are stacking components on top of each other. Although, I did manage to find a few people that tested the same thing and they also found the sweet range at around 17 feet.

Why this matters!: Now I know most people are probably very happy with their current BDP setups. In my first few months with the BDP-1 I was using short cables like most people and everything sounded really good. However, it was not until I started getting longer cables that I noticed what a havoc the shorter cables were making. I needed the reference to make sense of the shorter cables.

Perhaps, this isn't a concern genuinely for some setups, HOWEVER, it is impossible to tell/predict if you have been suffering from this problem until you have tried something longer to make a reference. Remember, I thought my system had no defect at the very start as well. It was only when I tried something else could I truly make that assessment.

Suggestion to those interested: I know most Bryston owners spend several hundred to thousands on tweaking their system. If you wanted, you could get something like the 18 footer 3173 AES for around $70. I got mine custom made from Pro Audio LA. It's not expensive at all in the grand scheme of things and could be the thing holding your system back all this time. Plus, you could use this cable for both analog and digital applications in the future. It's a safe investment at a very decent price, especially in comparison to boutique products.

Literature: I haven't posted articles and studies that I've read along the way, however, if you know how to work google you can find it. Some key terms include: jitter, reflection, signal integrity, transmission line, risetime, 1.5 meters, AES, SPDIF. Lots of stuff from the past decade on DIY Audio's website.

TESING YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM: If you want to know whether you can hear the difference between various jitter or not, try this test. It takes 5 minutes and can be very useful:

EDIT: Just wanted to add that some might be wondering (as I did) if there are any negatives to using longer digital cables and causing more jitter due to the longer length. In my testing, I think at 18 feet, it is still short enough to not have any loss of information or add jitter, yet it is long enough to overcome reflections. SO ONLY POSITIVES AND NO NEGATIVES on my end. Even if there is added jitter due to the slightly longer run, I can assure you that it is some of the best sounding jitter I've heard.
« Last Edit: 28 Feb 2017, 11:15 pm by zoom25 »


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #22 on: 28 Feb 2017, 10:59 pm »
Thanks for the well written study. I've been using a long (~14')  digital cable for years. I've also wondered that if it was too long  the reflections would reform and the SQ would deteriorate. AES connectors will be my next upgrade.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #23 on: 28 Feb 2017, 11:24 pm »
Thanks for the well written study. I've been using a long (~14')  digital cable for years. I've also wondered that if it was too long  the reflections would reform and the SQ would deteriorate. AES connectors will be my next upgrade.

Yeah, this has come to my mind as well. If I were to take this to the next level, I'd have several cables with the same connectors and wires and ranging in length by a feet or half a feet increment, all the way up to say 20 feet. Unfortunately, unless I'm making them myself, it'd cost too much.

I don't know what to expect if I change my 18 feet within a +/- 2 feet range. However, I'm absolutely certain that even at particular non-ideal lengths between say (15-20 feet), the result will still be better than an ideal length at a short range  (0-2 m).

Yes, definitely give AES a shot if you are using a Bryston BDP player, or something similar. The 18 feet range is still safe.


Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #24 on: 1 Mar 2017, 01:26 am »
Makes you wonder if the often surprisingly good sound available from some of the integrated digital players with internal DAC connected internally via I2S has a lot to do with circumventing the whole S/PDIF or AES transmission line thing, much like a CD player versus a separate transport and a separate S/PDIF or AES connected DAC.



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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #25 on: 1 Mar 2017, 01:31 am »
^  Yes, I prefer CDP --> preamp, direct, rather than thru a DAC with AES/BNC cables. Shorter signal path rule #1 in all of this.

James Tanner

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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #26 on: 1 Mar 2017, 02:10 am »
Hi Folks,

All our DAC's have isolation transformers at their inputs to optimize the impedance and signal transfer so reflection issues are eliminated.



Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #27 on: 1 Mar 2017, 02:25 am »
All our DAC's have isolation transformers at their inputs to optimize the impedance and signal transfer so reflection issues are eliminated.

Yet after a substantial years worth of testing, zoom25 reported definite (to his ears) differences in sound among the various cable lengths.


James Tanner

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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #28 on: 1 Mar 2017, 02:51 am »
Yet after a substantial years worth of testing, zoom25 reported definite (to his ears) differences in sound among the various cable lengths.


The difference between science and art I guess.



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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #29 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:28 am »
The difference between science and art I guess.


Artfully put.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #30 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:31 am »
Ok, just to clear up some things. I don't know if people took the time to read what I had written.

1) I only have Bryston's BDP-1 player. I DO NOT HAVE BRYSTON'S CONVERTERS. I have listened to the BDA-2 numerous times, however, I have never used it for testing digital cable lengths. This was only through my current converter Dangerous Music Source that is powered by an external Teradak linear power supply. As previously stated in the caveat section, my results apply to my particular combo of BDP-1 and Dangerous Source. If I had a Bryston converter at my disposal, I'd be more than happy to conduct this test. Thus for the time being, I cannot and have not commented on Bryston converters.

2) The actual testing that I DID do with my Dangerous Source was meticulous in the controls put in place and hope that people do not dismiss it outright as ART. I didn't come here to sell products, but merely my experience of honest and controlled testing that went on for over a year. I didn't simply have a honeymoon period. This is why I didn't make a post for over a year as I wanted to be absolutely sure.

3) I will be bringing my Emotiva DC-1 DAC from another rig and will swap it out with the Dangerous Source, and try the same thing with the BDP-1 and different cables. The reason I haven't done this testing with the DC-1 in the past is because it's clearly a step below the Dangerous Source in sound when connected to the Amphion rig. I have my doubts in its resolving abilities, but we'll see.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #31 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:50 am »
I found some info here about the whole "coupling" thing about the Dangerous Source:


No transformers that color your sound or filter caps that
smear stereo. Instead, DC coupling with massive voltage
rails and Mogami point to point wiring for simple, electronic
elegance. Bandwidth from DC to light."

Similarly, for their new reference converter, the Dangerous Convert-2:


No transformers that color your sound or filter caps
that smear stereo. Instead, DC coupling with a custom
instrumentation grade power supply for simple, electronic
elegance. Bandwidth from DC to light."

There is some difference in text between the two products, so I hope you read closely. However, both are DC coupled. All their gear is designed by Chris Muth, who might know a thing or two.

I don't know if this info provides insight as to why my converter is responding differently to different lengths in cable. If Mr. Tanner or another Bryston engineer can help make sense of the info I provided and contrast it to Bryston's transformer coupling, that'd be much appreciated.

Patiently waiting to learn.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #32 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:51 am »
I find that it's very difficult to make any firm conclusion that can be generalized to a large population of users. This is true of something as rigorous as scientific research, which undergoes peer review before publication of data (as an example). And even then, the publications will be scrutinized in most cases -- some stand the test of time (by careful replication of experiments by other scientists) whereas others do not.

With audio, it's an even tougher task, to obtain credible data that are rooted in at least a rational premise, hopefully physics-based and not heavily reliant on subjective "listening impressions". It's one thing to express a like/dislke of certain types of music -- that's art and personal tastes. I have no problem with that at all. One man's Leonardo is another's Picasso. However, I think it's disingenuous to make certain claims like the ones that have been recently expressed, and to phrase them (at least in the orig posts) as if they were universal truths.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #33 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:56 am »

I don't know if this info provides insight as to why my converter is responding differently to different lengths in cable. If Mr. Tanner or another Bryston engineer can help make sense of the info I provided and contrast it to Bryston's transformer coupling, that'd be much appreciated.

Patiently waiting to learn.

Honestly, learning what??

I trust in the mfrs of gear to get things right, based on sound engineering and rational design principles. I don't use "tweaking" to second guess their expertise in building my gear that are neutral, transparent, and truthful to the sources. My satisfaction level is different from others, and I'm fine with that. But I hate it when others claim they are trying to "learn" new things by stirring up the schiit-storm regarding cable lengths and sound quality of what are essentially jitter-free, reflection-free pieces of gear.

I'm not the least bit interested in reinventing the wheel here. That's not why I got into this hobby.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #34 on: 1 Mar 2017, 04:35 am »
I find that it's very difficult to make any firm conclusion that can be generalized to a large population of users. This is true of something as rigorous as scientific research, which undergoes peer review before publication of data (as an example). And even then, the publications will be scrutinized in most cases -- some stand the test of time (by careful replication of experiments by other scientists) whereas others do not.

I wholeheartedly agree, and will make it clear again that I'm not framing my tests and result as an absolute in science. This is a one man show that is being conducted in spare time. However, I still paid attention in making sure things were level matched and at times had people come out and swap cables for me. Was it done to the level of top science journal publication? No. And I never implied it to be. However, within what I could have done, I still maintain that it was well handled.

With audio, it's an even tougher task, to obtain credible data that are rooted in at least a rational premise, hopefully physics-based and not heavily reliant on subjective "listening impressions".

Signal reflection is a real thing! It very well may not be a concern in the implementation Bryston converters. However, there is indeed a rational premise, that is physics based. Steve Nugent has an article on this:

Hell, I've seen you mention using Audio Sensibility cables. He also remarks the use of at least 1.5m long cable. If he also doesn't know crap about these things, then I wonder what that makes you for buying his cables:

It's one thing to express a like/dislke of certain types of music -- that's art and personal tastes. I have no problem with that at all. One man's Leonardo is another's Picasso. However, I think it's disingenuous to make certain claims like the ones that have been recently expressed, and to phrase them (at least in the orig posts) as if they were universal truths.

Despite me REPEATEDLY stating that this is limited to my specific chain only, I have no idea where you think I'm being disingenuous. Also, to be blunt, my experience with the 2 footer AES vs. the 18 footer AES is vastly different. There is nothing subtle about it! With the stock HD 800, I perhaps might get a bit tired after a few hours of the 18 footer. With the 2 footer, my ears are practically bleeding. Forget taste, physical tinnitus is the best evidence I can produce!

Honestly, learning what??

I trust in the mfrs of gear to get things right, based on sound engineering and rational design principles. I don't use "tweaking" to second guess their expertise in building my gear that are neutral, transparent, and truthful to the sources. My satisfaction level is different from others, and I'm fine with that. But I hate it when others claim they are trying to "learn" new things by stirring up the schiit-storm regarding cable lengths and sound quality of what are essentially jitter-free, reflection-free pieces of gear.

Are you serious??? I just provided links on how Bryston and Dangerous converters might differ and without arrogance am trying to learn and understand how that could be playing a part. Good on you for trusting manufacturers outright. Forgive me for trying to learn something and get clarification once in a while. Also, there is plenty of discussion from other engineers about jitter due to signal reflection. This isn't out of the blue. There is scientific basis behind my discussion. Not to mention, there are many people who have experienced this as well.

I could care less about your satisfaction level. Not once have I been hostile towards Bryston's gear or trying to stir up a schiit-storm.

I'm not the least bit interested in reinventing the wheel here. That's not why I got into this hobby.

I've seen you mention this countless times and I have never commented on this until now. I've seen you mention that you are done upgrading and you enjoy your gear as it as. Well, then how about you get off this forum and go enjoy your music and gear. I don't care why you got into this hobby for. Stop being so self-centered. For a person who has reached audio nirvana, it's damn funny to see him come and tell people on several occasions about how they should approach this hobby and experience their gear and music. For me and others, it's possible to simultaneously BOTH ENJOY AND BE CURIOUS.

I hope you re-read what I've written and examine my intent. I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel here. Perhaps, just smoothen out the bumps on the road here and there.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #35 on: 1 Mar 2017, 05:20 am »
Based on how things are progressing, before someone starts questioning whether I even did the test or not:

James Tanner

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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #36 on: 1 Mar 2017, 10:16 am »
Based on how things are progressing, before someone starts questioning whether I even did the test or not:

Hi Zoom

Just to be clear I am not questioning the fact that you hear what you hear.  That's why I used the word 'art'.  In this context I meant that some things are not always explained by the science.

When someone calls and says they hear 'such and such' I do not dismiss it but I try to understand what could be going on that would result in the conclusions the person feels he or she is hearing.



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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #37 on: 1 Mar 2017, 11:43 am »

What measurements have you actually done to back up your claim that 18-feet of cable (in ANY system) "sounds" better than other lengths? There are others in the past (e.g. DarqueKnight, whom I respect) who have done measurements to backup their claims of change/no change in cable comparisons. Oscilloscope and spectra measurements.

Until you do so, don't frame your claims as sweeping truths. The qualifiers, "imo", and "in my system only" make a huge difference to readers of this forum who are new to this and may be misled by some assertions.

What you "hear" (outside of musical tastes) is irrelevant to me without measurements. And personally, I could care less that you spent a year or three doing these comparisons. It's audiophiles like you who give 'philes a bad rep because of nonsensical claims like yours, not backed by any established scientific principles.

I'm off this thread. But not the Bryston forum.


Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #38 on: 1 Mar 2017, 01:37 pm »
What you "hear" (outside of musical tastes) is irrelevant to me without measurements.

Most "audiophiles" don't have the test equipment or knowledge to make measurements to support their subjective sound analysis.

I've had 4 different digital front ends, all having both optical and coaxial S/PDIF outputs.  In all 4 cases I made the subjective analysis that the coaxial connection sounded "tighter and more focused" than the optical connection.  It was purely subjective without measurements, yet I have confidence in my subjective analysis.

I think the majority of us are guilty of this to some degree, whether making judgements about audio, automobiles or food.  I like the way automobile A handles and "feels" around corners more than automobile B, yet I have no instrumentation for measuring g-force, body sway or traction.

What measurements did you make to arrive at this conclusion (yet I'm not doubting you)? :

Yes, I prefer CDP --> preamp, direct, rather than thru a DAC with AES/BNC cables. Shorter signal path rule #1 in all of this.


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Re: Digital Cable Lengths for BDP-1 to DAC - A Comparison
« Reply #39 on: 1 Mar 2017, 03:18 pm »
Well now that CanadianMaestro is off the thread we don't have to bother with any of that stuff.  I don't mind opposing viewpoints, but one should strive to bring something positive to the thread regardless.

Didn't they also use attenuators in place of extra length?  I can't remember the values, maybe someone can help?