What's up Doc ?

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Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #20 on: 14 Nov 2015, 02:13 am »
Green Tea not good if you have tinitus or labyrinthitis.
Its cafeine are strong and affect the inner ear.
So I had to quit it.

I have no problem with that !
The caffeine is a lot less in tea,
than it is in coffee.
I cannot drink coffee because it makes me nervous and shaking...

Guy 13

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #21 on: 14 Nov 2015, 02:16 am »
I'm actually not big on lots of green tea personally, due to caffeine as well. It doesn't have a lot so a cup is ok I suppose, but more than that bothers me a bit. However swiss decaf coffee only makes me feel good (like taking magic feel good pills); it's got less caffeine than green tea but quiet a bit. In fact I'd have to consume about 8-17 cups of swiss decaf to get one cup of green tea.

FullRangeMan, have you done a 23&Me ? I found out my genetics basically make it so I process caffeine VERY slowly. Ironically I'm a powerhouse for alcohol which is funny because the site that gave these results says that's a negative genetic trait because it can lead to alcoholism :duh: .

I will have to see if I can get that swiss decaf coffee to see how it taste and the see if it makes me nervous...
I would restrict myself to one cup a day or even less.

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #22 on: 14 Nov 2015, 02:18 am »
Here? It cost me $99 - the real pain was waiting a couple months.

99$ is that swiss decaf coffee ?
For that price, do you get a bucket full ?

Guy 13


Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #23 on: 14 Nov 2015, 02:33 am »
Stevia is from natural plant and got near zero calorie.

Stevia is plant based, but still has the same effect as artificial sweeteners - tricking the body into thinking it's receiving sugar while clearing glucose from the bloodstream resulting in a drop in blood sugar.  This can result in the body trying to create glucose in other organs and tissue.

Just as in studies with artificial sweeteners, these hypoglycemic episodes have been found to induce stress on adrenal glands, thyroid and suppress the immune system.  Use Stevia as you see fit, but it's really not that much different than artificial sweeteners and certainly isn't the panacea that industry hype would have you believe.


Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #24 on: 14 Nov 2015, 03:46 am »
Stevia is plant based, but still has the same effect as artificial sweeteners - tricking the body into thinking it's receiving sugar while clearing glucose from the bloodstream resulting in a drop in blood sugar.  This can result in the body trying to create glucose in other organs and tissue.

Just as in studies with artificial sweeteners, these hypoglycemic episodes have been found to induce stress on adrenal glands, thyroid and suppress the immune system.  Use Stevia as you see fit, but it's really not that much different than artificial sweeteners and certainly isn't the panacea that industry hype would have you believe.


Hi Steve,
O.K. then, what would you recommend that would be better than Stevia with zero calorie,
no side effect, from natural source ?

Guy 13


Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #25 on: 14 Nov 2015, 03:58 am »
99$ is that swiss decaf coffee ?
For that price, do you get a bucket full ?

Guy 13

$99 for 23&Me

Swiss decaf is style, not from swiss.

Trehalose availability, I dunno.


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #26 on: 14 Nov 2015, 01:58 pm »
I will have to see if I can get that swiss decaf coffee to see how it taste and the see if it makes me nervous...
I would restrict myself to one cup a day or even less.
The decaf coffee we have here have a different taste than the regular coffee also more expensive, I prefer the usual indeed.

Also do not like the coffee with high temperature roasting called strong and extra strong, the taste is not good and cause me a lot of cramping.


Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #27 on: 14 Nov 2015, 06:17 pm »
Where do you live FullRangeMan?


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #28 on: 14 Nov 2015, 06:45 pm »
I sorry to say I live in Brasil,
a comunist country since 2003
and customs  duties of 100%.


Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #29 on: 14 Nov 2015, 07:33 pm »

I don't disagree totally with a customs charge since it probably keeps some jobs there, however manufacturers I would think would get a break to a degree. It's hard to make all the products a country needs without some trade.

You can probably get Yerba Mate cheap, right? I like it but it's a mixed bag for me it seems. It isn't actually caffeinated about it makes ones adrenals function higher, which would be ok unless they crash.


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #30 on: 15 Nov 2015, 10:19 am »
OK, erva mate have much caffeine.

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #31 on: 15 Nov 2015, 06:32 pm »
Hi all,
last week I took my epn and note book with me to the grocery store
(Walmart, Adonis, Jean-Talon public market...)
and try to see if you only buy bio food how much more
it would cost to do the weekly grocery ?
Well, meat, fish, poultry products, dairy products, vegeatbles and fruits
as an average it almost - close to double the price of regular (Chemically treated) food.
Running from one place to the other, looking for specials - promotion (Rarely on bio food)
it could add up to maybe around 50% more than regular food.
Now, being on a budget and trying to eat as much as possible healthy,
I think it's a good way to stay healthy and maybe even live longer.

Guy 13

By the way, I am off methaformin (Glucophage) and I am on my way to get back to normal
(Around 6%) with my blood sugar.


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #32 on: 15 Nov 2015, 07:32 pm »
How much do you par for a dozen of red eggs big size?

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #33 on: 15 Nov 2015, 09:41 pm »
How much do you par for a dozen of red eggs big size?

Hi FullRangeMan,
Big size is 4.18CND$ and bia are 6.58CND$
Regular banana are 0.67CND$ and bio are 0.97CND$
Regular peanut butter jar is 3.60CND and all natural peanut butter is 6.87CND$
So you can see with those prices, that to eat bio and-or natural you have to be rich.

Guy 13


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #34 on: 15 Nov 2015, 09:49 pm »
Hmm here these eggs I mention are under 2USD per dozen.
Banana $1 or 1.5USD /kg, Tetrapack milk $0.5L
Vegetable also inexpensive;

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #35 on: 15 Nov 2015, 11:00 pm »
Hmm here these eggs I mention are under 2USD per dozen.
Banana $1 or 1.5USD /kg, Tetrapack milk $0.5L
Vegetable also inexpensive;

I drink almond-coconut milk and it's 3.47CND-2 liter pack.


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #36 on: 15 Nov 2015, 11:12 pm »
How much do you drink it per day?

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #37 on: 15 Nov 2015, 11:22 pm »
How much do you drink it per day?

I don't really drink it all by itself, I put a few drops in my tea, that's all,
not even half a glass...

Guy 13


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Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #38 on: 15 Nov 2015, 11:25 pm »
So that OK. It seems a good appetizer.

Guy 13

Re: What's up Doc ?
« Reply #39 on: 16 Nov 2015, 01:03 am »
So that OK. It seems a good appetizer.

Hi FullRangeMan,
it's more like a dessert than an appetizer.
I drink it at the end of the meal to wash down everything I have eaten.  :lol:
Lipton tea with Stevia powder and a few drops of almond-coconut milk.  :thumb:)
Every time I drink this divine bravage I have a culinary orgasm.  :lol:

Guy 13