Jason Stoddard writes about the development of the Bifrost Multibit

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« Last Edit: 12 Feb 2018, 01:46 pm by ServerAdmin »


Measurement and Review of Schiit BiFrost Multibit DAC :( :( :(


Jitter test

[IMG] https://audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?attachments/schiit-bifrost-multibit-dac-j-test-jitter-over-usb-measurement-png.10374/

Linearity test

[IMG] https://audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?attachments/schiit-bifrost-multibit-dac-linearity-test-png.10376/

and more ugly graphs.


It is no secret that the previous Schiit products have not done well on my workbench. But I was hoping as suggested by many that their high-end products would do better. Alas, what is shown above is just unacceptable. It shows a product that simply has no design hygiene. Either wrong DACs are used or driven incorrectly in the implementation. There are DACs literally at 10% of the cost that do much better.

Yes I know the subjectivists go by what these devices "sound like." But I want one of them with a straight face tell me how their music is better where a spray of distortion and noise is added to any single tone in their music. How can any of this be euphonic???

I have no choice but to give the Schiit BiFrost Multibit a failing grade. NOT Recommended.


I hope this isn't a violation of protocol but the following was just posted today by Jason Stoddard on Head-fi.  It's kind of long but fascinating.

Please delete the wholesale-copied material and just provide a link and/or excerpt/commentary :)


Thanks :D

PS. It looks like that was posted back in 2015.