Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!

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Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!
« on: 14 Oct 2004, 02:48 am »
Well I'll tell you folks, I'm still hungover from the energy expenditure of the last couple of weeks, but have to post regardless of incooperative braincells.
I'm gonna list a lot along the way, and probably won't have half the people covered I'd like to.
I've already thanked Ron Welborne and Doc B on their forums over on A/A, but every darn person who worked that show is to be commended for their work and for not saying 'Screw it!' and running away to see the show instead of working it.
The manufacturing and vendor folks were just so friendly and obliging, across the board, whether they were selling vinyl, parts, or speakers that cost the same as my first house.  This is a particular sore spot with me in high end.  If you have looked at the pictures, I'm not pretty and not about to start dropping my 'styling' just because I'm over 50.
It is amazing how many high end salespeople cannot see past the long hair so that they get a chance to look into my deep pockets, know what I mean?
I heard so many rooms, but not enough.  ("I want it ALL!")
I'd definitely plan on the next event like it being about 2 weeks long, maybe.....heheheheh  Yeah, and I'd still miss something... :mrgreen:
Truthfully, this was such a hoot.

And another tip of the hat to all the other nutzoids out there like me, shipping pictures back.  I think I got to see a lot more in others' pictures than I got to see in person, didn't I?  I must have missed 2 floors or something..  :(
I'm truly trying to figure out where some of the things I've seen in pictures were!

A thanks should also go to all the attendees, whose attitudes on one level or another reflected mine own in what a playground we were allowed to wander thru, hearing stuff we had only read or heard about.  Kind of like going to a Dead concert, just chock full of family and friends I hadn't met yet!

A special thanks to all the A/C members I got to meet and chat with, or even just to meet! Time was precious!   I wish we had more time.  And I hope that next event I can make, that I can meet even more!  And until then, that conversations started may continue in like vein, if you can stand how much I type.  :wink:

And finally, hoping I missed no others in the above descriptions, in a manner of classifications, I must sincerely thank Mrs. DeadFish.
Folks, this lady sent me into the arms of The Harlot Who Vies For My Time.
We had both planned to attend RMAF when first announced, having been to the first MWAF together and having a great time.
When she got a permanent job, she wasn't going to be able to go, and I dropped the idea.  For my birthday on the 4th, she told me to go and have a great time.
I had to.  She told me to.
And we both found out at the end of the show and the long ride home, all I wanted to do was to be with her.
Ayup, pardon the mushy moment, but it had to be said.  There aren't many men as lucky as me.

So to all involved, many thanks for many great experiences and listens.
Zen moments abounded for me out there, and I couldn't have had them any other way, than by the participation of all the players.
I was just a camera.

And to all that wished they went but didn't, use that frustration to motivate a bit harder the next time it might be possible to do such a thing.
From what I've heard so far, nobody has regretted this one.

Best regards,
a tired, but sated DeadFish

steve k

Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!
« Reply #1 on: 14 Oct 2004, 03:33 am »
Thank you, Bill for your colorful and tireless reporting and photos of the goings on. It was fun to  enjoy it day by day through your reports. Sounds like you had a blast. You'll have to fill us in at the next GAS bash. I'm working on hosting it. More later.

Thanks again for keeping us informed on your findings. That had to be work after awhile.
steve k.

Double Ugly

Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!
« Reply #2 on: 14 Oct 2004, 04:45 am »
It was truly a pleasure to meet you, Deadfish.  I'd send you a copy of the picture I had taken of the two of us (and still will if you want), but whoever I had take it is actually a worse photographer than me.  Who'd a thunk it?

Hopefully we'll have an opportunity to meet again at a similar event, and will take a little time to swap stories and compare notes.

Best regards,



Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!
« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2004, 05:51 am »
Yer certainly all welcome, Steve!
It was an experience on a lot of levels for me, and gave me an excuse to learn the camera a little better and put stuff up here.  
The camera failing in a couple of ways, helped me get innovative.
(The lighting in the GR Research rooms was most excellent for available light photography!)
I wouldn't say it was tireless, but it was 'driven'.  The same damned thing that lives quietly mostly, but comes out at times like finals in college and other 'goal-oriented' behaviors.
And when looking for a tube amp..ya know?  :wink:

And ayup, tons of anecdotal listening out there, ifyou hadn't noticed.

And Jim, it tripped my trigger to meet you as well!  After having my camera fail shortly before, your attitude just lifted me up again.
Sure, I'd love to see the picture.  Yours were super, don't kid yourself as I liked looking at 'em.  I've learned that its a numbers game and if I shoot thousands, I can afford to let a few out...heheheh  My percentages suck, but I get experience.  :D
Most certainly when I attend another show (note I didn't say "if") I intend to stop and smell the music and friends and not be trying to see the whole show.  It didn't work this time, and the little Zen lesson I got is obvious.
Well, gee, I re-read that...and hope you know that I was using a metaphor, and I have no intention of stopping and smelling the friends!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Scott F.

Many thanks to all, regarding RMAF!
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct 2004, 03:03 pm »
Thanks for all the posts Bill and Zybar.

Like alot of people, I was able to experience just a taste of RMAF through your updates and pics. I followed all of the posts over the weekend wishing the entire time I was there.

I'll make it next time....