Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...

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Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« on: 12 Oct 2004, 10:22 pm »
Wow.  I can't say it was an easy trip, but I don't remember the last time I had as much fun, or when I've met so many wonderful people.  It isn't hard to put a face to a name for those who appear in pictures taken at various community get-togethers, but nothing beats meeting someone face-to-face, shaking hands and getting to know them on a personal level.

Below is a link to a few pictures I took.  Frankly I'm too tired to say much about the show that would make sense, but I'll be glad to answer your questions.  That said, I'll give you my perspective on a few of the rooms.

Best Value - Klaus' $1500 system defies description.  Unreal sound for the asking price.

Best Soundstage - The Dali MegaLines produced the widest, deepest soundstage I've ever heard.  'Course, it didn't hurt that they were in a room the size of a basketball court, and were pulled ~one-third of the distance into the room.  

Biggest Surprise -  The Star Sound Technologies room, featuring the Caravelle speakers.  I've heard the Caravelles twice in an owner's home, but they NEVER sounded as good as they did last weekend.  I'm surprised no one else has commented on them, pro or con.

Show Favorites - SP Technology Revelations and the Daedalus DA-1s.  Both suited me to a tee, and have much the same presentation.  They may not be for everyone, but I could live happily with either for a very, very long time.  

I apologize in advance for the quality of some of the photos.  I'm still struggling with the various modes of my digital camera.


RMAF 2004


Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #1 on: 12 Oct 2004, 10:48 pm »
Once again, kicking myself for missing the highly regarded rooms.

I wasn't that impressed with the Star Sound Tech setup.  It definitely fell into the category of speakers that were piercing when hit with flute passages from what I brought.  It was one of my 'squat up close' rooms as I felt it sounded much better squating a couple feet in front of the chairs they had setup.  It was the first time I have heard their equipment.  (I still don't understand why I rarely saw anyone listening from anywhere but the provided chairs - I'm all over the place in a situation like this, looking for the best spot.)

Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2004, 11:23 pm »
Quote from: BradJudy
I wasn't that impressed with the Star Sound Tech setup.  It definitely fell into the category of speakers that were piercing when hit with flute passages from what I brought.  

Wish I'd been there when you played the flute tracks.  Unfortunately I didn't have an opportunity to bring any of my own reference discs, but visited the room a couple of times when others were listening to theirs.  In those sessions (10-15 minutes each), I was impressed and (as mentioned), surprised.  None of them had any flute passages, though, nor do I remember hearing any especially high notes.

Then again, considering my occupation, I may be half deaf.    :o



Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2004, 11:36 pm »
I'm glad I brought my reference collection - it made a huge difference comparing speakers on the same track.  To be fair, the original performance might be pretty piercing for all I know.  :)


Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #4 on: 13 Oct 2004, 02:23 am »
That was one of the rooms I never made it to. Unfortunately there were too many of those. It was good to finally meet you Jim, just wish we had more time to chat.

Sorry I missed you Brad, it was one heck of a busy weekend that's for sure.


Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #5 on: 13 Oct 2004, 03:22 am »
Quote from: mgalusha
It was good to finally meet you Jim, just wish we had more time to chat.

The pleasure was all mine, Mike.  You were one of the folks I most wanted to meet.  Hopefully we'll have more time next go 'round.

Best regards,



Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #6 on: 13 Oct 2004, 04:13 am »
I didn't know that you were going to RMAF.

Now I'm even more annoyed that I didn't make it... :(

From what I've read of the other RMAF posts, it sounds like you certainly met a few people and had a good time.


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Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #7 on: 13 Oct 2004, 06:02 am »
Hey DU,
    You did a great job on the photo's...covered a lot of rooms....Thanks !!! :thumb: [/list:u]

Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #8 on: 13 Oct 2004, 12:44 pm »
Quote from: bubba966
I didn't know that you were going to RMAF.

Now I'm even more annoyed that I didn't make it... :(

From what I've read of the other RMAF posts, it sounds like you certainly met a few people and had a good time.

By the time I determined it was going to work out, I'd already seen the post where you said you weren't going to make it.  I figured telling you I'd be there would be akin to rubbing salt in the wound, so I didn't. :(

And yes, I met a LOT of folks, and had a great time.  Wish you could've been there...

Quote from: lonewolfny42
Hey DU,
    You did a great job on the photo's...covered a lot of rooms....Thanks !!! :thumb: [/list:u]

Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Wolfy, even if my own critical nature won't allow me to take the "great job" part of your post seriously.  Most of them are OK, but several are just plain bad.   :oops:

I met Albert Porter late Saturday night, Mr. photographer extraordaire (and all around nice guy).  Probably should've asked for some advice.   :o



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Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #9 on: 13 Oct 2004, 12:53 pm »
DU wrote:
Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Wolfy, even if my own critical nature won't allow me to take the "great job" part of your post seriously. Most of them are OK, but several are just plain bad.  
Even "bad photo's" are better than ...no photo's (all still look fine to me). Thanks for posting them. :D

Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #10 on: 13 Oct 2004, 07:51 pm »
Quote from: lonewolfny42
Even "bad photo's" are better than ...no photo's (all still look fine to me). Thanks for posting them. :D

You are correct, sir.  I stand corrected.

Thank you for the kind words, my friend.  I'm glad you enjoyed them.



Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #11 on: 14 Oct 2004, 07:13 pm »
Quote from: Double Ugly
Quote from: bubba966

I didn't know that you were going to RMAF.

Now I'm even more annoyed that I didn't make it...  

From what I've read of the other RMAF posts, it sounds like you certainly met a few people and had a good time.

By the time I determined it was going to work out, I'd already seen the post where you said you weren't going to make it. I figured telling you I'd be there would be akin to rubbing salt in the wound, so I didn't.  

And yes, I met a LOT of folks, and had a great time. Wish you could've been there...

Well, I can see how you felt that it might've been like rubbing salt in the wound. But it wouldn't have quite been that bad... :wink:  :lol:

Anyway I woulda just told ya to have a few beers with Wayne after hours. And I think I've alredy told you alot about my VSAC experience last year. So you probably already had a decent idea of the rooms I was fond of at VSAC (and it sounds like they were the same rooms I woulda liked at RMAF).

I'm sure I'll talk at 'ya about RMAF at some point. Looking forward to whenever that may be...

Double Ugly

Just back from the RMAF (among other places)...
« Reply #12 on: 15 Oct 2004, 03:18 am »
Quote from: bubba966
Well, I can see how you felt that it might've been like rubbing salt in the wound. But it wouldn't have quite been that bad... :wink:  :lol:

Anyway I woulda just told ya to have a few beers with Wayne after hours. And I think I've alredy told you alot about my VSAC experience last year. So you probably already had a decent idea of the rooms I was fond of at VSAC (and it sounds like they were the same rooms I woulda liked at RMAF).

I'm sure I'll talk at 'ya about RMAF at some point. Looking forward to whenever that may be...

Actually I wanted to spend more time hangin' with Wayne, but he definitely had one of the more high traffic rooms.  He was busy entertaining guests every time I came by.  Since I assumed he high-tailed it home every night, I didn't consider approaching him about getting together after hours.  I know if I'd put in the hours he did and lived only minutes away, that's what I'd do.

And I have to say I'm crushed that missing the opportunity to share the RMAF experience with me wasn't more injurious.

But I'll get over it.   :lol:

BTW, I've added a few more pictures to my gallery.  One of 'em might be of more than a passing interest to ya...

Take care,