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Shamrock Audio

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« on: 12 Oct 2004, 05:45 pm »
To ensure that I remain available to my customers, here's the email address where you can get support for any of our products.


« Reply #1 on: 15 Nov 2004, 03:13 am »
just hate the idea of this circle disappearing.  Keeping this space warm for you Mike.


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« Reply #2 on: 15 Nov 2004, 01:02 pm »
I second that emotion.  Hey, Mike, whatcha been doin'??

Shamrock Audio

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« Reply #3 on: 17 Nov 2004, 06:46 pm »

Thanks for thinking of me and for your continued support. I am unable to express my appreciation sufficiently.

It is unlikely that after something like 25-years I would find myself completely disengaged from loudspeaker design. It is also unlikely that I will be able to remain a "non-participant." However, I don't know at this point what form "participation" may take. I do know that any participation on my part must be on very different terms.

For now, I'm doing something that has nothing at all to do with audio in any form. Do I plan on making a career out of it? No. But I'm not going to refuse to either.

There is much about the loudspeaker business that I truly love. There is also much about the loudspeaker business I truly detest. It's those parts that I detest that I've never been able to come to terms with, and have proven to be the most limiting over our 11-year history. Unresolved, there is no point in continuing. Should an acceptable resolution be arrived at I may well return - and with renewed vigor.

Until then, I have ceased operations. Shamrock Audio remains "in business" to support those who have done business with us over the last 11-years. I am unable to find expression for my appreciation to all those who have supported us all these years, and continue to do so. It is you that I remain committed to supporting.

Warmest regards,


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« Reply #4 on: 23 Nov 2004, 12:07 pm »
An option that could be considered here is to convert this into an Owner's Circle, if Mike were willing and imrer or another enthusiastic owner were willing to be facilitator and ensure it stayed open.

Shamrock Audio

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« Reply #5 on: 24 Nov 2004, 11:45 pm »
That might be worth doing. There are many owners of our products that do not currently frequent AC and having a place to meet may be worthwhile. I don't know who would facilitate it, but I have no plans of dropping completely off the planet. JohnR also made this suggestion.

Shamrock Audio

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« Reply #6 on: 25 Feb 2005, 06:14 am »
:)  once more...


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« Reply #7 on: 17 Mar 2005, 06:40 am »
Happy St. Patrick's Day Mike ! Still wish I had a shamrock on my Keelin's...... :beer:

Shamrock Audio

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« Reply #8 on: 19 Mar 2005, 03:12 am »
Quote from: lonewolfny42
Happy St. Patrick's Day Mike ! Still wish I had a shamrock on my Keelin's...... :beer:

Thanks, Chris.  :)

I've been very busy lately learning a new job and getting up to speed with all that goes with it. I hope to somehow keep my hand in things, but I don't know what that would look like as yet.

In any case, it's my clients (yours and others), enjoyment and appreciation of my efforts that gave me reason to do what I did for 11-years. Thanks!