Thank You from RMAF!!!

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Aether Audio

  • Industry Participant
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Thank You from RMAF!!!
« on: 11 Oct 2004, 05:46 am »
Dear Friends,

Just got back from RMAF and I really feel the need to share something with you all.  I suspect there may be only a handful of folks that will believe the following, but I’m going to share this anyway.  

A miracle happened this weekend.  I met God.  No, it wasn’t anything as far-fetched or abstract as seeing a burning bush or a majestic being all clothed in white light.  No, it was much simpler than that… but just as real nonetheless.

How then?  Well, I saw Him in the faces of all the fine folks I met at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest.  Throughout the whole weekend I met person after person, and every single one was as gracious and polite as anyone I have ever met.  I feel fortunate to have met some of the finest folks in my entire life in the last three days.

Yes, I saw God’s image in those faces, I felt the warmth of His touch in every genuine hand I shook and soul I embraced.  But you may say, “Well, that’s just folks being polite.  Many of those people don’t even believe as you do Bob.”  Yeah, I know.  Call it like you see it – but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

So…I want to say thank you to all of you that honored us with your presence, genuine interest and support in what we have tried to do.  I obviously can’t name everybody, but by the time I’m done I will have probably come close.

First of all, I want to thank every member of our crew.  As many struggles as we’ve had along the way I’m as proud as I can be of Cherri (my wife) Mike &Peggy (my partner and his wife), Jason (my son) and Fred (our dear friend).  Add to that list Eddy Joe Piotrowicz and Elliot Rosen.  They have been my dearest friends and brothers for decades, and were there to support us as they have for twenty years and more.  Above many great men, I have been blessed to have all these stand beside me

Then there’s Steve Chang (Reefrus) and his wife Kathy that ran our Revelation room.  If it weren’t for Steve we never could have done this.  If you live in the Denver area and want to check out the Revelations, he’s your man.  Steve and his wife are the “salt of the earth” and two of the finest folks I have ever been blessed to know.  If every one of our customers we as enthusiastic as he, before long we would rule the world!

Joe Jurzec of JAM’n Audio ran our Continuum and Timepiece room.  Again, were it not for him, that room wouldn’t have happened.  I can’t imagine having done without his loyal friendship and great faith.  God doesn’t make humans any better – period.

Add to these, I am honored to have been graced by a number of you knuckleheads from here on AC!  Just kidding.  George (Zybar) - you ROCK!  Tyson, Deadfish and the rest, thanks guys, you all made my day.  Finally having a chance to meet you guys was worth the whole trip by itself.  If I had the bucks and could arrange it somehow, I’d throw a big party and invite all you guys over.  We’d be jam’n then! Who knows, if we sell enough stuff then maybe someday.

I have to add a few more to this list as well.  There’s a few fellow audio business folks that deserve a warm thanks too.  Steve Rochlin stopped by and then he took an incredible picture of the Revelations and posted it on ETN!!!  We wouldn’t have sold a single pair of speakers if he hadn’t posted our first review by Bill Roberts.  Then this?  And to think we haven’t spent one penny of advertising with ETM since day one (had to buy tools and such first).  Don’t try and tell me there are no angels.  

Also, Danny Ritchie of GR Research, Lou Hinkley of Daedalus Loudspeakers and Roy Johnson of Green Mountain are all gentleman and scholars that I greatly appreciate.  They build some killer speakers too.  They sure have made it tough for guys like me but that’s a good thing for everybody.  It was an honor to meet them.

Dan Wiggins of Adire is a man I’m very fortunate to have met as well.  He’s a great guy and is doing some almost unbelievable things.  I expect to be doing some serious business with him before long.  Add to that list Mark Shifter of Onix Audio, another gentleman and genuinely nice guy that is making High-End Audio more affordable for all of us.  Thank God he took the time to come see us.

Then we have Robert Maicks, Brent Rhiel and company of Star Sound Technologies.  It was surly the hand of God that set our rooms right next to theirs.  Talk about great people!  One of the high points of the whole weekend was having dinner with them Saturday night.  In them we have new friends.  Beyond that, we have new family.

Finally, I have two more names that must be mentioned.  The first of these is a brother restored to me by the Love of God.  Jim (Double-Ugly) is as much a member of my family as if we sprang forth from the same womb.  Jacob wrestled with an angel to get a blessing and I so with Jim.  I got a better deal than Jacob though.  I got a brother whom I love.

Last but not least there’s Karsten Elkjaer of StudioSound in Denmark.  He wasn’t there physically but he was in spirit.  The Revelation room was all but designed by him and he was an angel sent by God himself to save our whole show right at the last minute.  Don’t try to tell me there are no angels – I know several and he’s one of the greatest!

So there we have it.  I will shut up now.  If I have failed to mention a name it is only because I’ve run out of time.  I have forgotten none of you.  Thanks again to all that have made our first show a success.  In all of your faces I saw this weekend, I only saw one image - the image of God.

Blessings to all,


Thank You from RMAF!!!
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2004, 06:17 am »
Hey Bob!
It was an absolute treasure to have come into your room as well.
You forgot something though.
God's image was all over YOUR face as well! :)
It's all a matter of perspectives.
Now you know, since you took the bent you did, I'll reveal a little something that hit me today, and it was in your room!
There's an old Dead line: "Can't talk to you without talking to me, we're guilty of the same old thing..."
I took 3 pictures of Wayne's room and my camera died first thing.
After lugging the camera, wide angle, tripod, notebook, cane and whatever the heck was hanging off of me, I still had at least 1/3 of the rooms to hit.
For me, SOMEthing told me, 'Screw the camera, you cant fix it, go enjoy the music!" And I got to! I came in your room, was suitably entertained by your ferociously sweet setup, and complemented by someone at my attitude towards what I got to listen to. And it just got better.  Mentioning Chris getting some of your speakers recently, ol' "Double Ugly' jumped in and wanted my connection and WAHOO, once he and Eliot and you knew who I was, it was old home week for brothers from different mothers.
Somebody had to take a picture!
Here I felt I was 'creeping' around, flying under-the-radar ya know... and someone actually was happy to meet me? They must not know me yet! :D
I got a jolt, to be sure, and I told the wife on the phone that out of all the experiences this weekend that were over the top in effect, and as much as I came out here to do (little of which actually got done) it was like THAT moment, in my soul, was one I was supposed to get.
"My heart soared like a hawk..."
You think they put something in the water here? (haven't left yet)
Maybe something oozes from the hardware?
I dunno!
All you can see sometimes is the effects in our lives, that somehow we ram together in patterns that give them meaning, and in that gives our lives a little more meaning than we ever thought we could enjoy.
Well, that is the view of a tired ol' DeadFish with not enough sleep, sense, or hours in the day.  That'll teach you to provoke an old philosophy major.  :wink:
Hope you don't mind me taggin onto your thread, but I believe I have a sense of where you are coming from, without knowing details...

And you are right.

It was super great meeting, and I look forward to the next opportunity.
Heck, I never got a chance to tell you how much 'extra' I got from your rig playing the Metheny/Haden "Spiritual'!
Hope to do a more comprehensive description, once home and brain-rested.

Best Regards,


Thank You from RMAF!!!
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct 2004, 06:37 am »
Nice post DAD.....but the shows not quite over for some of us mules.  Many miles to drive in the morning back to Indiana.......of course only  after we go to Reefrus's house to set up and  tweak his Revelations.  Might not be home till Wednessday night.  

ANY BODY BETWEEN DENVER AND CHICAGO WANNA BUY SOME ROOM TREATMENT PANELS??? $250 each. We might need gas money to make it home.... seeing how we have so many panels... they weigh down the truck. They are built really well and work most excellently.  Kept us from moving heavy speakers to tweak show room....just move the panels till it sounds like home.   Can't wait to be there.


Thank You from RMAF!!!
« Reply #3 on: 11 Oct 2004, 01:05 pm »
I can feel your pain!  :wink:
Sorry I spent too much on the show; would love to see a couple of those in my room.  
Man, and I'm only a mile off I-70, once you get to Illinois.
How about a nite's rest, morning coffee, and a vintage 74 750 Suzuki?
I'm leaving in a bit, and its a long haul, but not as long as yours.
Just toss a couple of them out the window when you get to Collinsville, if they get too heavy, and I'll 'dispose' of them for you.

Have a safe trip home!

Best regards,


Now we can breathe!
« Reply #4 on: 12 Oct 2004, 02:52 am »
Sorry it's a late response but I'm just recovering from a very wonderful weekend.  It was such a pleasure to finally meet the SP gang face to face.  Heartfelt congratulations to Bob and all for making his dream a reality.  It warms my heart to see that so many others here have finally gotten the chance to see what I've been saying all along about these speakers.  

Special thanks to all the AC members such as Zybar, double ugly, tyson, and all the rest for stopping by and hearing the speakers and visiting with me.  Great to put a face with these names.  

Thanks again!