…and now for something COMPLETELY different – Cleaning House

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Scott F.

.....the audiophile community was rocked today as Scott F, "exits stage left", and claims to have tone control knobs and is proud to use them.

Rock on Brother.  8)

...ummm, yup :thumb:

I sorta just dropped my pants in front of a whole buncha people didn't I?   :wave: :lol:

Kinda liberating actually  :dance: :banana piano:

Bob in St. Louis

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The "breeze" feels pleasant, doesn't it.   :rotflmao:

Ya know....I've been using tone controls the entire time. Granted, my room always had a lean towards home theater, where it's more "excusable", but all the audio get-togethers I've hosted, had tone controls involved.

But yea, the never ending search for a higher brass ring wore on me pretty quickly and I threw in the towel a couple years ago. I learned to be happy with what I have, and moved my financial expenditures on to other hobbies.

So my hat's off to you Sir.
Honestly, I never thought this day would come. You always had the rooms to drool over.


Scott F.

I'm at a lost for words. McIntosh?

Yup.... and you get to work on it when it breaks (and it will)  :lol: :lol: :lol:


It is usually love of music that drives so many of us to invest in systems.

Often it is that same love of music that lasts longer than the pursuit of exquisite replay.

I have been through different pursuits over the years myself.

Happy with what I own at the moment.   I went on a journey of buying up stuff I figured would last me because I know it is good, and that's good enough for my ears too.

In the 69 T Bird all i hear is wind noise and the motor.  I don't use the AM mono radio setup at all.  The burble of a big block is all I need out there!


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"What's wrong with McIntosh?  ( asks the guy who has been using the same McIntosh amp since 1975?)"
Nothing, I'm just a Classe' Audio/Audio Research kind of guy.



Honestly, I just lost interest in high end audio. I reached what I considered the 'pinnacle' of resolution and involvement with my old system.

My work schedule has become very demanding plus we've gotten back into classic cars and hot rods after a 25 year respite. The car enthusiast crowd out there simply dwarfs the audiophile community. Every time we take one of the vehicles out, we end up making new friends. It's a love that both my wife and I share where on the flip side of that coin, she could care less about audio.

You'll admit, audio is a largely singular hobby. Sure you get together with audio friends and listen but it is probably infrequent. And your wife may like music but (many) only listen passively. They aren't in awe of the sweet spot and all the nuances of high end audio. They just like to hear tunes and most could care less how its reproduced.

I've started leaning (heavily) towards that latter statement. My caveat is that I want a system that still holds much of the audiophile qualities but I'm far less interested in that last 10% so many audiophiles are searching for. I want something that sounds really good and maybe [moreso] looks cool. Sort of a shallow statement but I think we'll all admit that looks play a big part in audio. I can forgive a lot of warts if a piece is drop dead sexy...and the this McIntosh B&W system is a stunner (IMO).

To seal my fate and have my audiophile card revoked, the Mac pre has tone controls....and I WANT them. I'm tired of the stupidity of no tone controls on high end gear. If I have to make the excuse that the system sounds like sh*t because its a crappy recording, I'll toss the towel in completely and go buy Bose. I want the ability to level out the sound on a crappy recording by twisting a bass or treble control. Sure, it may not be perfect but remember, I don't care anymore. The lack of tone controls [alone] excludes a very large segment of the music I listen to, regularly. I spend about half my time listening to Country music, a genre soundly rejected by 'audiophiles' along with techno/electronic/chill/trance and the occasional (and select) pop/hip hop. I listen to everything, not just audiophile music. If I have to listen to another audiophile piece of music, I may slit my wrists.

Anymore, I could care less about depth of stage, placement across the soundstage, extension or any of the other audiophile obsessions. I get more pleasure listening to country music over the (nearly) 50 year old, full range speaker in our '66 Thunderbird than I do a high end stereo.

Now that I've outed myself as a reformed-audiophile, I have to say I still enjoy some of the audiophile trappings...and want to retain them on some level, hence this system. I'm just not going to let those obsessions get in the way of my musical enjoyment because they really are nothing more than a distraction in my enjoyment of music.

I guess that was a long way of saying, I don't care about the audiophile trappings anymore but I still want something cool looking that sounds decent.

This is a great post I can relate to completely at this point in my life. I feel like I'm definitely on the verge of much of what you've described. I love cars too, but already have several other pursuits to fill the space of high end audio. Recently, adding Vinnie Rossi's new LIO Swiss Army knife in my system has really changed how I look at all things HE audio a lot. The LIO and an Auralic Aries puts as much music as I want at at my fingertips on an iPad. This is by no means a sonic compromise, quite the opposite actually, but does everything I need to just enjoy listening to music. A great set of speakers certainly does help as well  :wink:

Have fun!



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Thanks for replying Scott. 

Burn out happens.  My audio is part of my private time, when I don't feel like being a socialite, but so glad to hear you've found a pastime you can enjoy with your wife.  Do understand the Icarus effect (in reaching for ultimate resolution, the last 10%, you made most of your collection "unenjoyable").  After years of purist systems, don't feel the need for tone controls (let the performers/studio dictate how it should sound), but I certainly don't begrudge them. 

Visual aesthetics is always in the eye of the beholder, but as I age won't give up remote control (and now computer sourcing).  My current system consists of a DAC/pre and mono-blocks on a spiked shelf on the floor with single driver speakers.  Sound is musical, lots of resolution, yet old time jazz is still highly listenable.

Scott F.

In the 69 T Bird all i hear is wind noise and the motor.  I don't use the AM mono radio setup at all.  The burble of a big block is all I need out there!

I know what you mean about the sound of the big block FE motor. That blublublublublublub sound can be better than music.


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Cool Scott!

I completely understand, I just went through my own mid-life audio crisis.  Sold all my tube amps... So now I am solid-state (except for my Wright phono stage)...Simple, easy...All good. Play 50% 50% vinyl and digital. Loving the music, as it should be...

Good luck with your new system! (Btw, I haven't forgotten that I contacted you. I'll be back in touch soon.)



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We who are about to buy all your crap, SALUTE YOU!    :notworthy:

Scott F.


Just wanted to let you know I'm running WAY behind on getting pics and posting all the gear. just pulled in from my KC office and all of a sudden I'm booked for the best part of a week and then some.

I'll get everything posted as soon as I can.


Perhaps Scott has evolved to a higher level of audiophile being. Audiophile 2.0 with DSD and HDCP2.2 with 4K resolution.
We should bow down to his new state of ascension. All hail the new supreme audiophile.

Bob in St. Louis

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I thought he was already there?  :lol:


 Ah shucks Scott ........., now who am I gonna trade Triode stories with ?
 I'm just finishing up another DHT amp.  Well maybe when you finally retire, you'll rejoin the Burnt Solder crowd.

        Testing  :  http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/set/messages/7/79752.html


Scott F.

Maybe in a few years. I've still got a dual mono, tube rectified phonostage with eq settings covering all the years that I'm determined to build. It will also have at minimum 4 inputs and a gain stage for low output carts. I've got all the parts sitting in a box just waiting for some spare time.

Who knows, maybe once I perfect it I can build them and supplement my retirement :D

Scott F.

Thought you guys might get a kick out of some quick cell phone pics of the new system now that it's installed....and well...I still haven't gotten my act together on pics and prices on all the gear for sale. Maybe today since it's raining :thumb:

Anyway, a big shout out to Bryan, Mark B and John for coming over to help wrestle all of this gear down the basement...and it WAS quite a chore. Those flippin speakers are just plain heavy at 225lbs each.

Here is a pic of the trailer with the gear strapped down on the back
20150725_122359 by sfaller_99, on Flickr

20150725_122328 by sfaller_99, on Flickr

20150726_100908 by sfaller_99, on Flickr

20150726_101034 by sfaller_99, on Flickr

20150726_101256_001 by sfaller_99, on Flickr

Sounds pretty darned good. Not hyper detailed yet retains plenty of detail....just what I was looking for  :thumb:

Bob in St. Louis

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Tone-Loc?  :scratch:

Scott F.

..yup..old school :lol:

Like I said in a different post, I listen to everything. Heck, one of the first songs we used to test the new system was NIN Closer, then Head Like a Hole, some Alice in Chains, P.O.D. BOOM....nothing was off limits.

Dude, we ROCKED (and rappped, and jazzed) out :banana piano:


Tone-Loc?  :scratch:

All about the Funky Cold Medina.

Bob in St. Louis

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I'll have to admit....I own that CD.  :oops:

Nice toys Scott. Would love to hear the new system when you've got it where you like it.
Looking good my friend.  :thumb: