What the Heck??

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What the Heck??
« on: 17 Jun 2015, 10:45 am »
Hello gents...

So my Dell laptop is hitting the 5 year mark, which is usually when I like to make an upgrade. It's been making this intermittent buzzing/farting noise for the past six months that has really worked my nerves. I've done as much troubleshooing as one man could possibly do...researching forums...replacing drivers...adjusting settings...defragging this and that...nothing has worked.

Anyway, one of the main needs I have is for my laptop to function as my music server. My music library is over 200g and 10,000 lossless tracks, and if a laptop can't get the job done I cross it off the list. I've recently taken notice of the new Dell XPS and the "hot off the press" Apple Macbook. As I was reviewing the specs on both, I noticed something...no optical drive! What in the world is going on here? I was expecting both would be a great way to watch BLURAYs, yet it appears there isn't ANY optical drive, not even for CD/DVDs.

What is going on here? Do modern laptops no longer include this function?? How am I supposed to rip my CDs?

Any thoughts on what to do, guys?



Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:02 am »
That is correct.  They are wanting everything to be downloaded or streamed.
You may consider an external.  You should be able to use USB port for that.


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Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:06 am »
The drive you crave is offered as an outboard option at about $70 - $80. I bought one when the drive in my iMac quit working. At that price, it seemed like a better and cheaper option than repair. I'm assuming they did it this way in order to make the laptop smaller and lighter and maybe also because not everyone wants the drive. Plugs in via USB.

You'll see it offered as an option when you order a MacBook.


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Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #3 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:32 am »
Heck, even my 2012 iMac didn't come with optical drive, so I bought the Apple super drive. 

Now I can use the super drive with my MacBook Air too (which came with a 256 SSD, so no internal moving parts).  So if they just stop updating OS and softwares (dreaming) I should be good for a very long time (assuming I don't do something stupid with it).


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #4 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:35 am »
Thanks so much for the responses, guys...I truly had no idea. Geesh, by the time I buy an adapter for the USB-C port, and then an outobard optical drive, and whatever else, I'm going to be way over my price point... :duh:


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #5 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:50 am »
Might be better to look at a Macbook Pro.

Personally I hope the new MacBook doesn't sell very well (fat chance) so Apple don't start making all of their computers with just one port  :icon_twisted: Just today I was trying to find an adapter for my iPad so that I can use USB out and charge it at the same time.


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #6 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:55 am »
Might be better to look at a Macbook Pro.

Personally I hope the new MacBook doesn't sell very well so Apple don't start making all of their computers with just one port  :icon_twisted: Just today I was trying to find an adapter for my iPad so that I can use USB out and charge it at the same time.

I was perplexed by that, as well. Here I was getting all excited about this beautiful machine, then realize the HD isn't big enough, I need the adapter, and now the optical drive. Just from a quick glance, looks like they have some aftermarket adapters for the USB-C port, so that's kinda nice. Checking out the Pro as we speak.

I have been wanting to dump the PC and fully commit to the dark side for a while now...especially since the iTunes software is the backbone of my music library. Still hoping I can do exactly that without breaking the bank


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #7 on: 17 Jun 2015, 12:05 pm »
The 12" does look like a beautiful machine but it's hard to see how it's practical as a primary one. Even as a secondary I don't think I'd be able to to it, I constantly having to plug USB ports into things. It's like an iPad-ized laptop. Apple are making themselves harder to recommend to people who are likely to want even just a couple of ports and be able to upgrade RAM and drive storage. If it doesn't need to be portable I would suggest the 2012 (not 2014) mini, which has all of those things.


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #8 on: 17 Jun 2015, 12:20 pm »
The 12" does look like a beautiful machine but it's hard to see how it's practical as a primary one. Even as a secondary I don't think I'd be able to to it, I constantly having to plug USB ports into things. It's like an iPad-ized laptop. Apple are making themselves harder to recommend to people who are likely to want even just a couple of ports and be able to upgrade RAM and drive storage. If it doesn't need to be portable I would suggest the 2012 (not 2014) mini, which has all of those things.

Yeah the port thing is going to end up being a hassle for me, as well.

Maybe it's time to just shove all my music up into the cloud...seems like HDs are getting smaller instead of bigger for some resaon.

Thanks for the suggestion on the Mini...I'll add that to my list. I've been contemplating whether I even need a laptop since I have a Chromebook I like. Maybe something like the Mini is the better option.

EDIT: I have no interest in that Apple "match" service for music since I want to keep my files lossless...looks like I can just buy cloud space and transfer the files intact up there....interesting


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #9 on: 17 Jun 2015, 12:55 pm »
...seems like HDs are getting smaller instead of bigger for some resaon.
That because they are switching to Solid State HDD that are much faster and smaller than the large mechanical drives. Don't forget to check out the certified refurbished Macs in the Apple Store, sometimes there are some pretty good deals. I love my Mac mini btw.

I use this with my Macs for optical http://smile.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-SE-506CB-RSBD-Blu-ray-External/dp/B00JJGFRIQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1434545491&sr=1-1&keywords=external+blu+ray+drive but if you only need DVD this is under $25 http://smile.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Ultra-Slim-SE-208GB-RSBD-compatible/dp/B00MLXA1HG/ref=sr_1_5?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1434545491&sr=1-5&keywords=external+blu+ray+drive.


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #10 on: 17 Jun 2015, 01:24 pm »
Thanks GB! I'd really like to get the retina display version of whatever Mac I get, so having BD capability would make it a worthwhile investment. Not sure what else I'd need the retina display for, even though I love it on my iPhone.

I just had an excellent conversation with Sonos support...I think I'm just going to throw my music library on a NAS and not worry about HD space as much on whatever Mac I get.

Sonos is pricey on the surface, but the support you get after purchase is stellar...worth every penny.

Thanks again all! Excellent info all-around, and makes the purchase part much easier when you have so many helpful people like yourselves available to lend a helping hand.  :thumb:


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #11 on: 17 Jun 2015, 01:51 pm »
Based on your library, if Sonos didn't recommend a NAS, I would recommend the Synology DS215j http://smile.amazon.com/Synology-America-DiskStation-Attached-DS215j/dp/B00PTGJ6XC/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8. I have been using the DS413 for a couple years and love being able to stream videos and music to many devices. Check it out if you get a chance. :thumb:


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #12 on: 17 Jun 2015, 03:46 pm »
Hi ajzepp,

This is the Mac Book Pro with optical drive I’m interested in getting at Best Buy. (Link Below)
Last week it was $100.00 less then the regular sale price listed in the ad but I missed the sale.
It also has a 500GB Hard Drive.... Good luck with your search..   




Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jun 2015, 04:28 pm »
I am using this guy  "Pioneer DVR-XD09 External Slim Portable USB 2.0 DVD/CD Writer"  with my IMac and MB Pro with excellent results. And it costs only 35 bucks  on amazon :thumb:


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Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jun 2015, 06:00 pm »
If Sonos interests you, I'd look into Bluesound too.

With Apple, you need to replace every 10 years, not 5 like with a PC.   :thumb:


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Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #15 on: 17 Jun 2015, 11:36 pm »
Might be better to look at a Macbook Pro.

Personally I hope the new MacBook doesn't sell very well (fat chance) so Apple don't start making all of their computers with just one port  :icon_twisted: Just today I was trying to find an adapter for my iPad so that I can use USB out and charge it at the same time.

OK, that's freaking insane.  Who thought one port was a good idea?

Apple does stuff like that, and it leaves me scratching my head.  The current connector for the iPhone/iPads, for instance.  Just get rid of the old one, so everyone has to buy new everything (we have an alarm clock that no longer works with the new connector, tons of old connectors, etc.).  What hubris.  It's things like this that make me avoid Apple products.  (That and iTunes and the whole "We want to own everything and you'll own nothing" mentality of Apple.) 

I think not having an optical drive is no big deal.  I use an external drive.  I actually use a case that supports a large drive, then put in the drive I want. 

Jonathon Janusz

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Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #16 on: 18 Jun 2015, 02:36 am »
Heh. . .

So, I thought I would catch up with AC as I haven't been here for a while. . . as I'm waiting for updates to download on a fresh (and new to me!) install of SNOW LEOPARD on my 'current' Mac Mini. . .

Without going into a long story, I'm actually sitting on a brand new 2012 Mac Mini 2.3 quad i7 with 16GB RAM, 256GB Apple SSD (so TRIM works), and a 1TB 7200rpm HGST hard drive in the other bay - that I just bought and installed myself after the computer sat in the box since last November - that may likely be all but a paperweight for me because even once I got my monitor (Samsung HDTV) to play as nice as it can with it over HDMI, Mavericks looks poor at best and Yosemite is basically unusable because between the poor support for the display and the UI changes for me it is unreadable.

As much as I have loved Apple products for decades, and as much as it sounds cliche at this point, I am starting to believe that the company became lost again after Steve passed away.  Seems they went from doing everything right to missing every turn.  Even funnier, as they actually wrote the book (literally) on many of the things they are getting wrong about thirty years ago.

Okay, I'll rest my rant.  TL:DR - Apple faithful, seriously considering Windows 8.1/10 as an upgrade, scary as that is.


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #17 on: 18 Jun 2015, 03:10 am »
Based on your library, if Sonos didn't recommend a NAS, I would recommend the Synology DS215j http://smile.amazon.com/Synology-America-DiskStation-Attached-DS215j/dp/B00PTGJ6XC/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8. I have been using the DS413 for a couple years and love being able to stream videos and music to many devices. Check it out if you get a chance. :thumb:

Thanks GB, would you say that's a good choice for a NAS first-timer? The Sonos rep didn't take an "official" stance, but just as I've seen with some of the other people in the Sonos support forum, the one that comes up a lot over there is the WD My Book Live 1-2tb NAS. Seems to have lukewarm ratings on Amazon, but for some reason it seems that every NAS on Amazon has lukewarm reviews...so given that, I'll probably go with what appears to be the most user friendly since this is my initial NAS experience

JLM: Every 10 years would be MUCH better! Thanks for the Bluesound suggestion :)

Art: Thank you, good sir!

Brooklyn: Any concerns about the 4g RAM? I thought what I wanted was actually closer to 16, but then I saw that many of these newer SOTA laptops and ultrabooks have either 4 or 8.  Getting a previous generation macbook is certainly something to consider...especially in light of what John and a couple others said above. Options are good  :thumb:


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #18 on: 18 Jun 2015, 03:12 am »
BTW, this is only my 2nd or 3rd time stopping by the Apple Circle, but just like the first time or two when Steve (SRB) helped me a ton, I really appreciate the hospitality in this circle...I need to stop by more often  :thumb:


Re: What the Heck??
« Reply #19 on: 18 Jun 2015, 03:51 am »
A few more cents from me :)

I think 8GB is the right amount of RAM to get. I don't struggle on my (2013) rMBP with 8GB, unless I try to run two VMs at the same time. All the new ones seem to have 8 GB as standard, so at least you won't be stuck there. I have 16 GB in my Mini because sometimes I do run two VMs at once...

NAS is a great idea, that solves the onboard storage problem. Synology is a completely different experience to the rubbish from WD, Seagate, Maxtor etc. (OK, unless WD/Seagate etc they have made a quantum leap in the last few years). The thing about Synology is that while they have the gamut of models in terms of bays and performance, they all run the same interface software. (A few limitations on the lower end model perhaps, but not much. All the specs and info on their site anyway.) For music serving you don't need a fast one, just be patient when setting it up. This one here would probably be fine for your needs (you will need a separate backup drive for your library anyway):


I think, to be honest, that 10 years from a laptop is not very realistic. I would estimate 5 and any more is a bonus. Yeah I know someone somewhere has a Powerbook 170 still functioning. Apple laptops don't have user-replaceable batteries, I'm not sure with the current models but I suspect the trend there is like everything else, Apple making it harder for you to replace yourself. And it's a laptop, they wear out, with a desktop/mini you can just buy a new keyboard or mouse, not so easy with a laptop. Not trying to put you off, just being realistic :)

A used laptop is not necessarily a bad idea, just be careful :)

brand new 2012 Mac Mini 2.3 quad i7 with 16GB RAM, 256GB Apple SSD (so TRIM works), and a 1TB 7200rpm HGST hard ... that may likely be all but a paperweight for me

Oh, that's too bad. That's the machine I have (with different drives). I could be imagining it but the prices of used ones seem to have gone up, since that's the last quad core model. Perhaps you could try Mountain Lion instead of Snow Leopard? I'm a bit iffy about Yosemite but I'm getting used to it (had to use it to evaluate some new software that is Yosemite-only).