Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?

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The title pretty much sums it up. But what cable do you guys like between the table and the phono stage? I'm running a Dynavector 20X2L.


- Woody


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #1 on: 2 Jun 2015, 07:00 am »
I use and love Auditorim 23 between my Versalex/ XV1s and DV P300 phono stage. The A23 may be too revealing for a Simplex 20XL P75 though, good as that combo is. The likes of Charlie (threadliker) may be better able to advise regarding this. A good cheaper alternative is Mogami with bullet plugs. In the past I used them between Versalex/ 20XL and P75 mk2 with good results....


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #2 on: 2 Jun 2015, 09:42 pm »
I'll tell you where I am in this complex equation. Chimera labs interconnects from turntable to phono stage and from phono stage to amp using a Leema Agena phono stage. It made my Versalex rock, pace, timing and detail. I went from SS to valve phono stage and back. The Leema Agena is very revealing and interestingly clearly shows clear changes in the front end both at the cartridge and cable side. The Chimera labs is an interesting cable. Replaced my anti cables which up to then were my best choice.


Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jun 2015, 02:28 am »
There are more products out there now than ever before. It's a daunting task to weed thru it all. I say something's good, someone else recommends another, and so on. Without listening, who knows? I might be deaf, the others crazy.
I do know you've got a great analog system going. The P75- in phono enhanced mode- coupled with the 20L is a combo that never ever fails, unless of course it's on a VPI or Clearaudio or crappier than crap Projects. Like taking a Rolex mud wrestling...
I do like Rob's recommendation of that beloved Auditorium A23. Most sublime in your setup. He has great taste- far better than mine. On the cheaper end of things, I've been hearing nothing but raves about the very inexpensive CablePro Reality cables, out of Dallas. I'll find out soon enough.
There's also the AudioQuest line, which are making some fine sounding cables at all price points. I'd written them off, yet now have seen the light. Kimber bores. Sounds off to me anymore.
And someone played some Blue Jean for me once, I almost puked, it was awful.
So I second Rob again, Mogami with Eichman bullets is wonderful for little money. Also DNM, who use those beloved Eichmanns as well.

Listen first if you can. You'll have a great great rig when you're done. Be sure to keep your stylus clean.
Good luck!


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #4 on: 3 Jun 2015, 04:52 am »
Thanks for the suggestions so far guys. The A23 option might be a bit rich for my blood. I currently use all Clear Day IC's in this system and have considered more of them. But I wanted to see what you guys liked since my setup is a pretty well known commodity.

The cable pro's actually look really nice and the price is though to beat. Please report back your findings. I have one BJC's IC. It a 7ft pair I used in a temp setup where I needed some longer IC's for my 300B monoblocks in another system. They are well made for the money... But pretty bland. I don't think I'd consider them for this setup ever.

- Woody

mick wolfe

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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #5 on: 3 Jun 2015, 08:28 pm »
On the cheap, Mogami is hard to beat in this app. But for a few more bucks my vote goes to the Cable Research Labs Blue Note IC. Super quiet and a tad more refined than the Mogami. Once beyond the phono application, the ClearDay IC's ( which are not shielded) should be fine.


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #6 on: 3 Jun 2015, 08:46 pm »
Chimera labs interconnects similar concept to the anti cables in a way :P; Mogami and the A23 didn't work for me but we all have different lug holes. I am guessing though cable partnering with the phono stage is important, and from that viewpoint I am currently using the Leema Agena, for its transparency timing and pace. First phono stage where I can really hear changes in my system to my ears of course. I guess at the end of the day its how spicy do you want your food!!


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #7 on: 3 Jun 2015, 09:28 pm »
Mannikman's post is interesting and shows me just how like he said "we all have different lug holes"! My view for what it's worth is that most cables are just glorified tone controls. They can certainly add spice to a dull sounding system or appear to refine an edgy one. I've tried many cables at all prices but have yet to find a more neutral and natural sounding one than the A23's. But then I've only used them in my current system which is also very neutral so needs little "tuning" from cables and has been designed with a similar sound philosophy as Auditorium. System matching is surely the key to the "best" cable for each of us....


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #8 on: 4 Jun 2015, 06:12 am »
I very much agree with the "glorified tone controls," statement. Thanks for the input.

- Woody

Mannikman's post is interesting and shows me just how like he said "we all have different lug holes"! My view for what it's worth is that most cables are just glorified tone controls. They can certainly add spice to a dull sounding system or appear to refine an edgy one. I've tried many cables at all prices but have yet to find a more neutral and natural sounding one than the A23's. But then I've only used them in my current system which is also very neutral so needs little "tuning" from cables and has been designed with a similar sound philosophy as Auditorium. System matching is surely the key to the "best" cable for each of us....


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #9 on: 22 Jun 2015, 08:53 am »
Hey guys. I wound up picking up a Signal Cable Inc. Silver Resolution Reference Phono Cable with Eichmann Silver Bullet's for $60 shipped on Agon. I was having trouble making up my mind and in browsing on there this popped up and I thought if nothing else it'll be a suitable stop-gap. Even includes a matching spaded ground wire.

It'll be here in a couple days and I guess we'll see.

Anyone have any experience with the Signal Cable stuff?

- Woody


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Re: Interconnect suggestion between WT Simplex and DV P75?
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jun 2015, 12:24 am »
anyone ever use a "    RCA Male to RCA Male Coupler" to connect their weight supported SUT to the back of WTC eliminating the interconnect cabling to the SUT.