Vandy Treo's

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Vandy Treo's
« on: 15 May 2015, 11:58 am »
Well, I just got the op to upgrade.  I had the Vandy Treo's (ceramic version), the Ayre AX7e, Music Hall 25.3 DAC, Basis 1400 TT with Benz cart, Heed Quasar phono all connected with AQ cabling.  The sound has been so tuneful and enjoyable.  Those reading this don't need special terms to describe what I was hearing.  It was music and enjoyable.  I heard plenty of detail and the sound wasn't tube nor was it SS. 

My father recently passed and gave me a bit to spend on audio as he was the one who actually got me involved when I was 9 (in 1969).  I also am selling off a ton of my old gear (I never realized how many wanted pieces I had over the years.  I have always purchased great products that have longevity and the proof is that folks want to purchase what I sell most of the time.) in order to pay for the upgrades I'm making.  I met Johnny at Audio Connection a couple of years ago and that started this whole upgrade thing.  I trust him and he really knows his stuff.  That said, I also have gone to countless high end stores over the last couple of years.  I travel a bit and get to hear amazing gear.  I've heard products that I love and would enjoy in my system.  There isn't just one line of anything that is 'best'.  I"m very open minded. 

Originally I was going to just upgrade my Proac's to the newer D series, however I went to Audio Connection and heard the Vandy Treo's and it was game on.  For the next year I traveled all over listening to anything I could hear to try and get better than the Treo's for the price.  I just didn't do that.  Even in other stores that sold Vandy's (not set up as well as AC) I just didn't hear speakers that sounded so natural on any amps I heard them on.  I really wanted the Quatro's, but couldn't afford them, so I figured the Treo's would be the best bet for what I could afford.  They just seemed like a bargain vs what else I could get for the money. I didn't want speakers from upstart companies even though I did hear a few I really liked.  I always want to know a company will be around to service and support what I purchase.  To me, that's soo important, plus I've learned over the years that it also helps resale value.

Well, I've had the Treo's in the system for 8 month or so I guess (I don't really track these things too much) and recently I had the chance to get a GREAT deal on the Ayre AX5 Twenty so I jumped.  I also have now upgraded my digital to the Empirical Audio OSDE (all upgrades) DAC.  I have loved the TReo's, but now the sound is out of this world.  I want the Quatro's badly as I have the system to help maximize what they can do.  (make a bid on my Treo's/cherry, lol).  I just want more bass, although I don't need it.  This is the best I've ever heard the Treo's and I've actually heard a pair at another store and they were using about 80k worth of tube gear.  I love what the Ayre does with the speakers.  The AX7e is an amazing piece of gear (also selling it, lol), but the AX5 Twenty is another many leagues above that piece.  Ayre hit a home run with this integrated. 

I am feeding the Treo's such an amazing signal, but the nice thing is that you can hear any little change in the system.  Even footers will change the sound. Not always for the better either. I have played with the only high end cable that I own and it does change the sound based on where I use it in the system.  It's amazing to me. Thankfully the cable I have really does upgrade the sound. I've heard my same system with a 5k cable and it actually hurt the sound (it's from a well known designer too).  I've learned to keep things simple at times.  It's fun listening with my daughter (home from her first year in college) as she sings and loves my 70/80's music as well as classical, blues and jazz.  I've rediscovered music and I have Ayre and Vandersteen to thank for that.  They both seem to have great dealers who understand music so you can go anywhere these products are sold and most probably walk out very happy for a long time.  I personally drive a few hours to Audio Connection when I'm able to (I have MS and can't just take off when I want to) as I love Johnny and trust him, but I'm sure most other Vandy dealers are also very good and know how to help you set up your system properly for your budget.

It's a long story, but I wanted to share.  I'd love to hear others experiences with Vandy speakers and how they got involved with them.


Re: Vandy Treo's
« Reply #1 on: 15 May 2015, 04:30 pm »
Ct the situation whereby you came into Vandersteen speakers is very similar to mine. Although I have the lower end model, the 2CE Sig II. I had wanted to upgrade from Snell speakers, and had a budget so I went for a listen to as many floorstanding speakers as I could find within 90 miles of my home. There are not as many audio stores today, as there existed some 20 years plus ago. But I had heard B&W, Klipsch, Rega, KEF, DefTech, Magnepan and others. I stumbled upon Don Better Audio in Ohio and he told me I might want to listen to the 2CE Sig II. I had not heard the brand, but I had read about them. After listening for about 2 hrs with my music...I thought they were very musical, much moreso than with everything else I had heard.

I envy you, because I am sure the Treos sound really great. And with Ayre.... it must really sing well. The only speakers I would get beside the Vandy would be the Mag 1.7 with quick subs.


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Re: Vandy Treo's
« Reply #2 on: 15 May 2015, 05:15 pm »
Years ago (80's) I heard the 2's in San Diego when I was stationed there. I loved them and when I moved back to CT, I went to a dealer in RI who had them and tried to purchase them. He instead had me listen to Proac Super Tower Demo's that were much more money (but close once he gave me the Demo price) and they sounded better to me at the time.  Funny as the reverse happened this time.  Now I can't listen to Proac's or most other speakers.  There are some high end speakers that sound great too, but different.  This is why you need to go to a dealer and listen.  There is no way I could ever take someones recommendation and buy without hearing.