McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.

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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #20 on: 25 Mar 2015, 06:53 am »
A sluggish website:

Hence, here on a public forum, a personal message to Scott Faller:

The website keeps sending my personal messages this evening before I can get them typed in. (If that makes sense.) So ... I've tried to send you a message several times this evening. One did appear to be complete before it got sent, but no indication came back to my mail stating that it had been sent. Have any of these messages gotten through? Please do let me know.

Of sore fingers,

Francis Baumli

Scott F.

Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #21 on: 25 Mar 2015, 11:29 am »
Hi Francis,

Received your PMs. Talk to you soon.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #22 on: 25 Mar 2015, 12:45 pm »
.....Of sore fingers.....
This will pay off dividends my friend.
At this rate, your "Junior" status will vanish in no time.

Bob - Post whore extraordinaire


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #23 on: 26 Mar 2015, 08:42 am »
Dear Bob,

I suppose I am resigned to the fact that eventually I shall proceed from "junior" to "senior" status. One doesn't have a right to remain young forever.

I appreciate the several phone calls of inquiry. No new big items have come in, but I did receive more sealed CDs, most of them classical, although not all. (I got a sealed copy of "Abbey Road" by The Beatles in today. But maybe that's classical?) Also, several CDs by classical sopranos came in.

Several people have expressed considerable alarm about buying classical voice or opera. I must take the view that every member of GAS should own some opera and classical voice even if it doesn't get listened to. At least display it so people visiting can see it. Even if you're not cultured, it is important to give the impression that you are. As Oscar Wilde wrote, "The art of appearing to be cultured when you're not--that is the true aesthetic achievement."

One correction to what I had noted before: There aren't four different Nina Simone LPs. I hadn't paid very close attention. There are four Nina Simone LPs, but two are of the same title.

There will be a lot of vinyl for sale. Good vinyl, that is. So do come if you can.

All the best,

Francis Baumli

P.S. Actually Oscar Wilde didn't write that sentence. I did. I was wanting to see if I could be as witty as he is--or was. Obviously I am not capable of it.


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #24 on: 28 Mar 2015, 01:38 am »
Dear gents,

Please remember that the McGurk's event is from 4-7 this Sunday. The price of admission is $25, which I admit is steep, but this includes an open bar, free food, and getting to bid on the many silent auction items, many of which are audio items--most of these, this year, vinyl and also some CDs.

To again inform people who don't know: It's a silent auction because there isn't an auctioneer ratcheting his mouth. For each item, there is a piece of paper listing the opening bid amount. This amount is usually pretty low. You put down what you bid, then other people bid against you, and this amiable process goes on until you give up or the "closing time" is announced. A big advantage is that often no one bids against you. A big disadvantage is that our mortal enemy might outbid you.

It's all fun, and as others have suggested, this can be an informal GAS meeting.

One correction to my previous description is in order here: I had stated that there was a vinyl set of Mozart operas. That was a wishful Freudian slip. They are Verdi operas, seven of them, each opera in its own box and all seven boxes in a huge deluxe box.

But there is a lot of non-classical too, from The Beatles to Nina Simone to Dr. Dimento to Emmylou Harris. All of this on vinyl.

I hope to see you there!. Abbe, and her medical mission, thanks all of you in advance.

Very best,

Francis Baumli


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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #25 on: 30 Mar 2015, 01:25 am »
Thanks Abbe and Francis for another wonderful event! It was a blessing to help out, and Liam was estactic to have the "winning" bid on the Missouri Botanical Gardens visit, while I have the Beatles cd and the outside micrometer for doing dimensionals.

Good friends, victuals, drinks, and auction items made for a very enthusiastic fundraiser :thumb:


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #26 on: 30 Mar 2015, 03:54 am »
Dear Dave,

Actually the big thanks go to you, and other people who were there. Liam was a delight as always; I'm sorry he didn't have the winning bid on those  cupcakes!

And Happy Birthday, on this your 54h! Colleen was being dutiful and loving, staying home to prepare a proper evening repast for you.

It was nice catching up with Scott Faller, his lovely wife Laura, and the people they brought. I daresay we all managed to make a social statement (of some kind) with our genteel display of restrained greed.

As for myself, I bought nothing. But I'll bet Abbe and I put in a total of 100 hours for this event. It was worth it. Money was raised, friends were visited with, and a sense of community was affirmed in many aspects of our lives.

A big thank you to everyone who came, and I appreciate the efforts of those who wanted to attend but couldn't. I know we all have many, many commitments.

So now I'll already be looking forward to next year, and hope that some of the items promised for the auction this year will yet come in and can be in the auction next year. A new Cardas PC? A vintage Tice PC? I want to just see that stuff!

Thanks to all!

Francis Baumli

Scott F.

Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #27 on: 31 Mar 2015, 01:39 am »
Hi Francis,

Great to see you and Abbe again. Sorry I had to leave early but I left behind three women and a checkbook. Based on the number of trips it took for them to haul the stuff into the house, I'd say Abbe's fundraiser was a success :thumb: But seriously, this year looked like one of the best turnouts you've had. If raw numbers equate to success, the event should have gone a long way to funding the mission.



Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #28 on: 31 Mar 2015, 07:21 am »
Dear Scott,

I must say that those three ladies you left behind were having fun--both at imbibing and purchasing. I'm sorry you couldn't stay.

Yes; it felt like the most enjoyable (and frantic) event there at McGurk's so far, and it appears to have raised more money than the previous ones. (I say appears, because we aren't yet sure of the final tally of expenses at McGurk's. They donate most of what is there, but there are a few tabs we have to pick up.)

The womenfolk cleaned up on ... well, womenfolk things. The menfolk cleaned up on manly things. I didn't have as much audio hardware on hand as I had hoped, but there was a lot of vinyl. CDs were there too, but oddly, they didn't sell very well. They can be saved for next year.

For me the best part was just seeing some of the GAS folk, meeting new folk, and also seeing the (growing) children of the GAS members. This brings me to something I realized probably a year ago. I don't know all the members of GAS, but I swear, every one of them I do know, who is a father, is obviously an involved, doting, loving father. I associate with a lot of groups, have traveled much of the world, and so have met a lot of men and have interacted with many groups which are primarily male. The GAS fellows are just nothing less than exemplary when it comes to being what I consider ideal parents. We should get some kind of award just for that. But of course, we already do, because our children return our efforts by being such wonderful family companions!

Thank you again to everyone who participated! Even to those many who helped out although they couldn't make it to the event. It was a busy time for me, busier for my wife Abbe,  but the work was made vastly easier by so many people's generosity. And yes; the mission group is primed to go in May. They've raised enough money, and will continue to keep those people in The Honduras as healthy as they can.

Thanks again to all!

Francis Baumli

P.S. I've just got to add this one joke. I heard it a while back, and have been telling it to everyone. It's just a simple one-liner that goes thus: Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic? He lay awake all night because he couldn't stop wondering if there really is a Dog.


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #29 on: 2 Apr 2015, 09:59 pm »

I feel like I am inflicting a discourtesy on a GAS member, but poor eyesight, and computer idiocy are hampering me. Someone, maybe on the GAS site or on the broader Audio Circle forum, contacted me and I promised to phone him back after the McGurk's event. But I can not for the life of me find that person or phone number.

Would that person kindly come forth with a phone #? Or if someone else remembers where that request occurred, would you kindly inform me?

Your assistance on this personal matter would be appreciated. I make it a point of honor to do what I say I'll do. After all, "A man is only as good as his word." But I just can not find it!

Thanking you in advance,

Francis Baumli

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #30 on: 2 Apr 2015, 11:42 pm »
"Ones and zeros"......the quickest way to vaporize an honest mans words into thin air.

I doubt anyone would think you have anything but honor and integrity coursing through your veins Mr. Baumli.

Best of luck finding your man.



Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #31 on: 3 Apr 2015, 12:45 am »
Dear Bob,

Your declaration of faith in me is most warming, but I do hope you are not entirely correct, since I would like to think there also is testosterone coursing through my veins.

Glandularly yours,

Francis Baumli

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #32 on: 3 Apr 2015, 01:39 am »
Sounds like there may be a wee bit of adrenalin in there too.  :wink:


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #33 on: 3 Apr 2015, 08:35 am »
Dear Master Facilitator,

Adrenaline? I thought it was humility and modesty. Especially about the adjective "wee," which I cravenly admit is all too appropriate.

Chastely yours,

Francis Baumli

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #34 on: 3 Apr 2015, 12:57 pm »
There seems to be a touch of...."vitality", shall we say, in your posts.
Adrenalin may have been a poor choice in words.


Re: McGurk's extravaganza complete with audio toys.
« Reply #35 on: 4 Apr 2015, 06:17 am »

Vitality. I like that. Some people say I'm full of energy. I say I'm nervous as a cat's ass. (That's an old country expression I originated--I think.)

But adrenaline in my veins is appropriate too. After all, at the age of 66, mortality looms. And then there are those other unmentionable diminutions that are said to happen to a man all too soon. I fear for my identity.

Geriatrically yours,

Francis Baumli