NFL Football ('15 -'16)

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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #360 on: 9 Feb 2016, 02:29 am »
He acted like a soiled brat at the press conference. No class at all. One can be dejected abut losing, but still be professional and handle the moment with class. Also, I wonder what his teammates are thinking when the watch him back away from the fumble.

I'm really not a fan of Cam, and I did have the same reaction initially, but upon reflection, he's still a kid, but I understand your position, perfectly reasonable view on his actions at the press conference.  I did hear today that he was right next to the Bronco's interview stage and he, as well as everyone else, could hear the Bronco players being asked about him.  I didn't hear it, but I wasn't listening all that close.  Perhaps that had a bit to do with his petulance.  In either case he sure needs some growing up to do.

I thought about his dodging the pile being something he's coached to do, but the situation is so instinctual that I think one just reacts.  It would be interesting if someone asks Cam or one of the coaches if he's instructed to stay away from pile ups.  I would think that someone has his back if that's the case and we'd hear about it.  Otherwise he comes up pretty small when facing the most crucial moment of the game.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #361 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:11 am »
Cam's persona is gone forever. The fumble-stumble is just icing.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #362 on: 9 Feb 2016, 01:20 pm »
Cam's persona is gone forever. The fumble-stumble is just icing.

Are you saying that mythology has been obliterated by reality live on a world stage? I hope so ---- we need a lot more of that.


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #363 on: 9 Feb 2016, 01:35 pm »
I've read some comments about people trying to make excuses for Cam's decision to not fall on the fumble: because he was coached not to? Hogwash!  :roll:  I doubt he is following the coaches' advice to stretch out and fly over people like Superman to score a touchdown. I think it is in every serious athlete's DNA to do whatever it takes to win, and Cam is a serious athlete and often does whatever it takes to win. IMO, by that part of the game he was just flat worn out. When you are worn out physically it can affect your judgment. I think he just mentally checked out there for a moment and did not do what he would normally have done. In other words, he made a mistake. And everyone makes them, even the greatest of athletes. Just bad timing for him. (p.s. I am no fan of his at all, but I highly respect his talent and drive to win.)


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #364 on: 9 Feb 2016, 02:26 pm »
+1!   :thumb:  There is too damned much analysis and minutia in sports media right now.  They were quoting stats from way the hell back, stats that did nothing but fill up air time.   We are buried in information but fail to gain knowledge.   I'm surprised they didn't run sentimental stories of the two QBs growing up.  Hell, maybe they did but I didn't turn the TV on until the coin toss.     :duh:

S Clark

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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #365 on: 9 Feb 2016, 02:42 pm »
Yep, Cam looked small in the moment, but not as small as Eli.  Sure looked like he was pissed because his older brother had just clinched another championship.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #366 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:02 pm »
Well, I have to say I agree 100% with ALL the posts.... And remember, ol' Cam likes fun, and the press conference aint no fun...  People should stop calling him a kid.. He is 26....mature enough for a classy press conference...  Makes me even more proud of my hawks Russell Wilson.. TOTAL CLASS....

The half time show super sucked, SICK of  Beyonce etc...and the ads????  the worst I have ever seen...BRING BACK Bud Light's REAL MEN OF GENIUS!!!  haha loved those....

When Cam was going for the ball, a Denver guy was already on the fly diving for it, so I think he wanted to avoid a helmet crashing collision...

I think Cam will reinvent himself next year and just be focused to win a SB and play with humility... It would be the BEST thing for him to do to repair all the nonsense that he created for himself this year...


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #367 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:08 pm »
I couldn't watch the game but in the highlights, it's pretty clear that Cam was folding under the pressure. A number of bad and just inaccurate passes - even on the fumble-td, there was a player right in front of him wide open.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #368 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:09 pm »
All in all, GREAT GREAT game!!! again , GREAT defense is damn near impossible to beat...and because of all the hype and exposure regarding Carolina's offense all season, and all the ups and downs that Denver endured yet still continued to win with 2 QBs no less.. It was EXCEPTIONAL to see Denver prevail with that GREAT defensive performance.... Another SB for the ages....


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #369 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:15 pm »
What amazed me was on an aerial veiw, when Cam started the play was just how ultra quick the Denver defensive line immediately "horseshoed" around him giving him no time to throw.. He HAD to feel the pressure AND really for the first time all season.. I think he was shocked at how his line kept breaking down.... Stuff he hasnt seen all season... That Denver line has to be just plain awesome... Because Carolina's offensive line was NO slouch all year!!


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #370 on: 9 Feb 2016, 03:41 pm »

Sure, Cam is a bit of a showboat and his behaviour after the game was childish but I'll give him a pass on all of that with he way he would light up a kids face by personally giving him/her the ball after a TD.

So he's not a total ass :lol:


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #371 on: 9 Feb 2016, 04:22 pm »

I agree re the kids. He could use a little more humility and maturity in his life. I don't think he has ever been hit so hard so many times in all of his football career. Plus, he had to feel a ton of pressure even when they didn't hit him.


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #372 on: 9 Feb 2016, 05:01 pm »
What amazed me was on an aerial veiw, when Cam started the play was just how ultra quick the Denver defensive line immediately "horseshoed" around him giving him no time to throw.. He HAD to feel the pressure AND really for the first time all season.. I think he was shocked at how his line kept breaking down.... Stuff he hasnt seen all season... That Denver line has to be just plain awesome... Because Carolina's offensive line was NO slouch all year!!

yeah and what cracks me up is EVERYBODY knew there would be pressure ………………… the amount of grass stain on Brady's uniform two weeks ago telegraphed everything you needed to know !


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #373 on: 9 Feb 2016, 05:14 pm »
It was a good game.  I enjoyed it a lot.

Agree that there were some interesting twists - Denver's D contributing in this game as the Panther's had in every other was the difference maker I think.

There were some bad calls made against the Panthers in my mind, but nothing more than can happen with the human element involved.

As for Newton not diving into the pile for the ball - many replays showed what looked like a Panther lineman landing on the ball, and Newton would no doubt be reamed by the offensive coach for busting a finger trying to recover a fumble in that pile.  No win situation I figure.

Glad to see how important defense really is!  My brother is a coach, and reinforces this all the time.


Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #374 on: 9 Feb 2016, 05:57 pm »
The only questionable call against the Panthers I can remember was the failure to overturn the incompletion call very early in the game. I think most viewers thought the receiver had and maintained control, but the replay booth obviously thought there wasn't indisputable evidence to overturn the call on the field. I think if the call on the field had been a catch, it would have stood. Overall, it seems the refs got high marks,


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #375 on: 9 Feb 2016, 06:03 pm »
True, but he threw away a lot of passes.  Surprised there wasn't intentional grounding called at least one.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #376 on: 9 Feb 2016, 08:11 pm »
True, but he threw away a lot of passes.  Surprised there wasn't intentional grounding called at least one.

I agree, Bob. There must have been at least 4 passes that Newton threw away while in the grasp. I recall the commentator remarking about his arm strength when he somehow threw the ball over the line of scrimmage and out of bounds when he was horizontal in mid air with a big Bronco riding him down to earth.
Against the Seahawks, the Panthers shot their wad in the first half. They were stopped cold in the second stanza and damn near gave the game away. When things aren't going their way, they seem to tighten up and lose that joyful fluid thang that carried them past nearly everyone they faced. Finding themselves behind 10-0 early with an increasingly stymied offense seemed to throw their entire team metabolism into an apoplectic seizure. The defense held together but Cam could not. When his composure went out the window, so did Carolina's chances. I loved it.

Rob Babcock

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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #377 on: 9 Feb 2016, 08:58 pm »
How many of you remember that when Manning lost to the 'Aints in the Super Bowl Manning wouldn't even shake Brees's hand?  The media said it was understandable due to his fierce desire to win (as if that makes sportsmanship irrelevant).  Cam came over and graciously congratulated Manning but I guess his press conference wasn't obsequious enough for some.  So tell me, why it is "fierce" when Manning does it and "thuggish" when Newton does it?  It could be simple boot licking on the part of the media. After all Manning was a media superstar before he even threw the first pass owing to being born into football royalty.  When he allegedly sexually harassed a respected female trainer the apologists were out to cover it up instantly, and even after he violated an NDA to smear her he still had plenty of defenders.  When the HGH accusations came up they were rejected out of hand because of who he is.  Of course, it could be that what we dismiss as "boys being boys" with white athletes is something to fear when it's done by black athletes.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #378 on: 9 Feb 2016, 09:00 pm »
How many of you remember that when Manning lost to the 'Aints in the Super Bowl Manning wouldn't even shake Brees's hand?  The media said it was understandable due to his fierce desire to win (as if that makes sportsmanship irrelevant).  Cam came over and graciously congratulated Manning but I guess his press conference wasn't obsequious enough for some.  So tell me, why it is "fierce" when Manning does it and "thuggish" when Newton does it?  It could be simple boot licking on the part of the media. After all Manning was a media superstar before he even threw the first pass owing to being born into football royalty.  When he allegedly sexually harassed a respected female trainer the apologists were out to cover it up instantly, and even after he violated an NDA to smear her he still had plenty of defenders.  When the HGH accusations came up they were rejected out of hand because of who he is.  Of course, it could be that what we dismiss as "boys being boys" with white athletes is something to fear when it's done by black athletes.
Convincing arguments, Rob.


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Re: NFL Football ('15 -'16)
« Reply #379 on: 10 Feb 2016, 09:34 am »
I know, I have been out of the country for 7 years and just came back this year, and so I dont know the new rules regarding intentional grounding.. I think there has to be an eligable receiver in the vicinity or something like that?. Makes sense to me, HOWEVER, it seems like they are pretty DAMN lax on that rule... I have seen MANY balls thrown away to avoid a sack that were questionable at best... Years ago, ALL of those would have been IG for sure....