how did the story end? --"Advice Needed - possible record store dishonesty"

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 34
I would like the OP to tell us how the story ended.  No one else need reply.  The facilitator can shut down the thread after that.
Don't leave us hanging....


Yes, I would like to know as well. We offered some ideas to help.....


  • Volunteer
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  • I'm just not right!
Yeah, is the LP still on epay?   :nono:


Sorry for taking so long to get back to you guys. I just stepped away for a while after the thread was shut down.

I stopped by the shop and decided that I would be calm and give him the chance to be honest because as I had said multiple times in the thread that I hoped it was a misunderstanding.

This is basically what happened:

I asked him if his friend was enjoying the record. I needed to know if he would answer that question honestly. If so, that would be a step in the right direction at least. The shop owner said that his friend , who is now a HE, came buy but said he didn't have any cash right now. That threw me off completely because the person who was buying this record up to this point had been a SHE. The shop owner said that after I dropped off the record he posted a pic on his facebook to show his friend (a male) that he had the album and that he should come on down to the store to get it. The other day he said that he had already talked to his friend (a female) and that she was going to be in to get the record later that day. He was definitely anxious to get the record because he had already promised the record to this person and from what i could gather it was a done deal. So, according to the shop owner he told his friend that he would put it up on eBay at a high price to give him time to scrape the money together. He admitted to putting the record on eBay, which was good but there are so many little details that just seem so odd to make sense.

The only sense I could make of the female/male thing is that the female is the wife/girlfriend and she was going to buy it for him BUT

a) then why would she have the money and the husband not have the money?

b) why would he tell me he talked to his friend before i brought the record in and tell me she was on the way and then show me the post on facebook made after i dropped the record off to prove that there is a guy he is going to sell the record to?

c) perhaps there was miscommunication between the buyer and the shop owner? i really don't know, but he certainly had me convinced that this was all a done deal, just waiting for me to sell him the record.

I have no idea whether I trust his version of what happened, its plausable but I think its better off If I just cut bait. I decided to place an order with the store credit and be done with it.

That being said, i shouldnt have posted so much information about the record as it did allow people to look up the sellers identity. That wasnt my intention. Especially since i wasnt absolutely certain he was guilty. Despite what some had said i truly wanted to get advice, and i got plenty of good advice. thank you.


I think all in all you misinterpreted acquaintance with friendship. Not hard to do.



  • Volunteer
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  • I'm just not right!
Or integrity.


I think all in all you misinterpreted acquaintance with friendship. Not hard to do.




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  • I'm just not right!
And the dealer rule #57………….


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 3239
  • Washington State
IMO the dealer has marginal ethics. His story sounds like pieced together BS. I wouldn't patronize his store again.
BTW why didn't you ask him to return the record since it hasn't been sold?


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 413
Joe,you made the right decision to "cut bait",or at least put this guy on "retail probation" for six months.At first he will wonder about you not coming in,then he will forget all about it.You can show back up and browse around a few times, tight lipped and not buy anything,and if he pushes it you can tell him how "disappointed" you are in him regarding this deal.
     A few years back,at one of my local vinyl farms I kept coming across these records,expensive imports,some of which I had ordered and sold locally at a store I was a buyer for.Nobody else sold these records.As the weeks went on I kept seeing more and more of these one of a kind records.I finally asked the owner who was parting out this collection? It turns out I knew the guy and he had fallen on hard times,his mental state had always been suspicious,but now he had lost his job and was living out of his car,just him and his records.The owner of the store went on about how he knew the guy needed money and he lowballed him everytime he came in.This was a cruel act to take advantage of this guy and profit on his misfortune.I felt bad that I had actually purchased some of those records and pictured this guy sleeping in his car in a supermarket parking lot,using his beloved Grateful Dead records for warmth.I never went back to that store. 


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I have no idea whether I trust his version of what happened, its plausable but I think its better off If I just cut bait. I decided to place an order with the store credit and be done with it.

That being said, i shouldnt have posted so much information about the record as it did allow people to look up the sellers identity. That wasnt my intention. Especially since i wasnt absolutely certain he was guilty. Despite what some had said i truly wanted to get advice, and i got plenty of good advice. thank you.

Seems to me the store owner is now the injured party.  You say it wasn't your intention to reveal the store identity, then why did you post all the info? 
You've hurt the reputation of the store, yet his version of events  is "plausible". 

I don't understand how you were hurt in this transaction.  Story aside, weren't you paid a fair price for the item?  You received $100 cash and $40 credit, and you said the item is overpriced at $210???   What is it worth?  You wanted retail for the item and only sold it because of the story?   You had the option of selling it privately on fleabey, craigs list, whatever, and chose not to. 

If the store owner made up the story it would be unethical, but not fraudulent.   The story did not diminish the value of the item and you weren't forced to sell, yet you revealed the perpetrator of this dastardly deed before you knew the true story.  You still don't know.

Now we have other people chiming in with a story of record store guy taking advantage of the homeless.   Bet he also kicks dogs and takes candy from little kids.  Although this has nothing to do with the original record store guy, the comparison has been made.  Another example of bad behavior in the acquisition of records, yet the truth of the original story is still unknown. 

See where I'm going with this?  You've already taken revenge by revealing details of the transaction and thus the identity of this guy/store.   He has been convicted in the court of public opinion, yet.....

I hope Woodsyi shuts down this thread like the other.   It's disgusting.   


  • Restricted
  • Posts: 3826
Seems to me the store owner is now the injured party.  You say it wasn't your intention to reveal the store identity, then why did you post all the info? 
You've hurt the reputation of the store, yet his version of events  is "plausible". 

I don't understand how you were hurt in this transaction.  Story aside, weren't you paid a fair price for the item?  You received $100 cash and $40 credit, and you said the item is overpriced at $210???   What is it worth?  You wanted retail for the item and only sold it because of the story?   You had the option of selling it privately on fleabey, craigs list, whatever, and chose not to. 

If the store owner made up the story it would be unethical, but not fraudulent.   The story did not diminish the value of the item and you weren't forced to sell, yet you revealed the perpetrator of this dastardly deed before you knew the true story.  You still don't know.

Now we have other people chiming in with a story of record store guy taking advantage of the homeless.   Bet he also kicks dogs and takes candy from little kids.  Although this has nothing to do with the original record store guy, the comparison has been made.  Another example of bad behavior in the acquisition of records, yet the truth of the original story is still unknown. 

See where I'm going with this?  You've already taken revenge by revealing details of the transaction and thus the identity of this guy/store.   He has been convicted in the court of public opinion, yet.....

I hope Woodsyi shuts down this thread like the other.   It's disgusting.   



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 34
minus 1

I think the divergence of opinion on this thread tells you all you need to know.   Time to move on.
« Last Edit: 24 Nov 2014, 04:47 am by Packfill »


You've already taken revenge by revealing details of the transaction and thus the identity of this guy/store.   He has been convicted in the court of public opinion, yet.....

He said above that he made the mistake of posting too much information.

Time to move on. Nothing to see here folks.....hopefully.


Seems to me the store owner is now the injured party.  You say it wasn't your intention to reveal the store identity, then why did you post all the info? 
You've hurt the reputation of the store, yet his version of events  is "plausible". 

I don't understand how you were hurt in this transaction.  Story aside, weren't you paid a fair price for the item?  You received $100 cash and $40 credit, and you said the item is overpriced at $210???   What is it worth?  You wanted retail for the item and only sold it because of the story?   You had the option of selling it privately on fleabey, craigs list, whatever, and chose not to. 

If the store owner made up the story it would be unethical, but not fraudulent.   The story did not diminish the value of the item and you weren't forced to sell, yet you revealed the perpetrator of this dastardly deed before you knew the true story.  You still don't know.

Now we have other people chiming in with a story of record store guy taking advantage of the homeless.   Bet he also kicks dogs and takes candy from little kids.  Although this has nothing to do with the original record store guy, the comparison has been made.  Another example of bad behavior in the acquisition of records, yet the truth of the original story is still unknown. 

See where I'm going with this?  You've already taken revenge by revealing details of the transaction and thus the identity of this guy/store.   He has been convicted in the court of public opinion, yet.....

I hope Woodsyi shuts down this thread like the other.   It's disgusting.   

I don't feel bad. I just went in to collect a record I had him order for me so I could use up the credit. The record goes for $40 or less everywhere else I've seen it sold. He charged me $50. When I ordered the record in his store, I saw the $36 next to the record. I said "$36, that sounds fine. order it". He said ok. I show up today and he said $49.99 plus tax. He showed me on the computer where it had that price next to the $36 dollar price. I didn't even feel like asking him what the difference in prices was or why he didn't say anything to me the other day when I ordered it. But hey, that doesn't meet the fraudulent threshold does it? Just unethical, which I know some of you don't have a problem with, so you can go ahead and support him then.

I'm through with his crap and anyone else who wants to think differently is welcome to but I've had enough. Shopped there since the beginning, i'm done. I don't care if he's a small shop owner, i'll give my money to all day long and save some money while i'm at it.


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I will close this now. 


Don't get dismayed with vinyl.  The world is not black or white.  People do business in the gray area all the time and you can make things work for you if you go in there with the proper perspective.  It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around.  Keep spinning and happy hunting for records.