Ne (Revised?) Sanders Electrostat

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Re: Ne (Revised?) Sanders Electrostat
« Reply #20 on: 1 Nov 2014, 12:26 am »
I am extremely familiar with my acoustic spectra 22 speakers.
I have run them full range and I have used their internal crossover (75 Hz I think) into two martin logan (sealed) dynamos.
Either way they still could not touch those sanders!!
Upgrade-itus is upon me!!
I have even sent Roger Sanders and email regarding colour.
Yes, he will paint them any colour that I want!!


Re: Ne (Revised?) Sanders Electrostat
« Reply #21 on: 1 Nov 2014, 12:30 am »
Funny you mention Acoustats.  I had a pair of Spectra 33's for close to 14 years.  They drove me crazy.  They did some things very well, but getting concussive bass was not one of the things they did well.  They did go pretty loud cleanly.  The amps that worked best on them were the high powered tube amps (ARC D-115 II). 

Have not heard the Sanders.  The best ESL's I heard was the Martin-Logan CLS.  No dynamic drivers, just a large ESL panel. 


Re: Ne (Revised?) Sanders Electrostat
« Reply #22 on: 5 Nov 2014, 04:48 pm »
Have not heard the Sanders.  The best ESL's I heard was the Martin-Logan CLS.  No dynamic drivers, just a large ESL panel.

Interesting. I am both a Martin Logan CLS and Sanders owner. I post at the forum at and was asked by a few people there what my thoughts are on how they compare.

Given your above quote, I figured I'd copy and paste here what I answered to them.

"Hopefully this will pass as a review, albeit a very quick and cursory one at that.

I have only directly compared the Sanders rig to my CLS setup though I do have, as a background reference, fairly extensive and varied experience listening to stats, going back close to 30 years now, including offerings from Quad, Dayton Wright, Acoustat not to mention 6 different Logans.

I have run ML for the last 25 years though …. 22 of them with my current CLSes. As for my ownership history. It has included Sequels, Aerius', Quests, ReQuests, SL3's and several CLS incarnations. I also auditioned, on extended loan, Vantages and Summits. I also spent countless hours at my dealer’s home listening to his CLX’s.

My takeaway from all of this is that none gave me the constant goosebump moments I get when playing my CLSes, especially when playing my goto music ...... jazz, acoustic guitar works, blissful classical and vocals. My wife and I both call it the “we are there” factor.

For years I simply accepted the shortcomings of CLSes (that they are devoid of anything resembling proper bass quality) and was fine because they excelled, like no other I could find, where it matted most to my ultimate musical enjoyment. It wasn't until I spent time with this Sanders setup that I finally found a “we are there” speaker but with added dynamic scale that blended in seamlessly.

So, cutting to the chase, what are the differences I have experienced compared to my CLSes? They lie in the dynamics and the deep, high quality and controlled bass output. It’s there in spades with the Sanders and, obviously, not so with the CLSes. In comparison it’s a hugely different sound perspective that has become “highly” addictive and not something I could live without I suspect. But honestly, it’s the similarities, vis-à-vis, “we are there” factor that is most important and impressive to these ears. It’s there but with additional dynamic scale to go along with it.

Though not critically important to my listening enjoyment, these Sanders play incredibly loud if you supply them with gobs of voltage. They very easily pressurize my 19.5 x 21.5 x 9 room with great effect and with nary an inkling of straining. This was foreign to me and probably took the most adjusting to get accustomed too.

I also greatly enjoy the flexibility the DXO affords me in fine tuning things up just right. Though, admittedly, it’s made me even more anal than I already am as I seemingly find myself always wondering, and then tinkering, with EQ and timing adjustments looking to extract even more out of the setup. I'm hoping that this is a novelty thingy that will wear off in due time.

At any rate, I am beyond happy with the Sanders addition. It is, I believe, the final piece of the puzzle that I have been chasing for so long."


Re: Ne (Revised?) Sanders Electrostat
« Reply #23 on: 5 Nov 2014, 09:49 pm »
I to have listened extensively to the Martin Logan CLS.
I was hugely impressed and I consider it to be the best Martin Logan speaker that I have ever heard.
I felt that it did sound different from my Acoustat spectra 22s.
I felt the Quads that I have heard, going back to the 63s, sounded different again.
I guess that, being a stat guy I like all stats.
Or maybe liking all stats makes me a stat guy!.
I guess to me, the sanders had all the good things about stats as well as more base and more dynamic range (loudness?).
I have never heard this sort of base and dynamic range from any stat.
So good!!
Back to what started this thread.
The new/revised model with a new driver and a lengthened transmission line.
So the bar has been raised again.
It would be great to hear some impressions from any one who has heard the new model d.
I wonder just how much better this new sanders actually is!
I suspect it would be quite significant.