iPhone 6 released

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Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #20 on: 26 Sep 2014, 12:08 am »
I had an iPhone 4 and liked the phone but hated iTunes being "up in my business" 24/7. iTunes on a PC behaves like a virus rather than a useful program.
Of course there was no bendgate with my iPhone 4. I think the word that currently apply to the latest iPhone is cheap.
 At this point the build quality is no better than my Galaxy S4, you can just look at and know that you should sit on it. In my opinion its a hell of a "fall from grace", from industry leader in build quality and innovation, to just as cheap as anyone else.
They do not build them as they once did.


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Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #21 on: 26 Sep 2014, 05:41 pm »
build quality is the same as first generation and recent iphone models, aluminum and glass... and all just as bendable.. 

I think it's too soon to call bendgate as a real problem or more idiots showing off their dumb user tricks.  Antennagate didn't turn out to be a problem for most but Apple sent everyone free covers anyways, maybe they will send outter boxes to all the plus sized owners out there..    The iphone 4 with the glass on both sides plagued many of my friends, it's bad enough to have the display cracked, but also glass on the back.....

A few things with iOS8 are a bit buggy, i've had to restart more apps with this release than previous ones.   Clearly software quality control took a huge step back at Apple.

The iPhone 6 camera's are best in class according to DXOmark/DPreview, an improved LCD over previous generation, supports more wireless stuff (802.11ac, NFC, more LTE bands, etc).

Calling it 'cheap' is a little harsh though...

Windows phones are not cheap, but who wants windows on their phone...
Android phones have a huge market share and very favorable reviews, but most folks i talk to either have the same issues iphone users have or become frustrated with apps they buy that won't run on their phone, which you get with a fragmented hardware model.. and frankly the good phones aren't any cheaper than the iphone...
Blackberry... poor blackberry... does that thing even fit in a pocket?


Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #22 on: 26 Sep 2014, 06:49 pm »
Iphone 6 is just a strange beast for me.  I cancelled my 6 plus order from ATT knowing fully well that it would take almost 1 month and a half to even get it in here.  Moreover, I cancelled my order, went to the Apple store down the road, got the 6 with 64GB of capacity....  Only white and silver....I traded my old Iphone 5 32 GB for $205 and just paid the $119 of difference after whatever fees. Got to keep my unlimited grandfathered data plan....  But the phone is just strange to the touch.  More slippery than the Iphones I have had and it is just very slim, slippery.  I am waiting for my OTTBX case to come but until then I will have to keep it safe.  The 6+ I felt is just bizarre and big.  The 6 is the ideal in terms of technology and more sturdiness that can be an issue with a larger phone.  I will need to use it for a while to see if there are any quirks but so far so good......  Nevertheless, I feel that the upgrade was not as momentous as the upgrade I did from a I4 to a I5, the I5 being the sleekest and sturdiest Iphone design so far.  The I6 is just a step below, in terms of case and sturdiness I feel.   :thumb:


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Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #23 on: 1 Oct 2014, 05:17 am »
Consumer reports did some tests with the iPhones and some other cellphones, not sure what to believe. In any case i will wait for a month to see how the issue develops.

Jon L

Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #24 on: 1 Oct 2014, 12:06 pm »
I had an iPhone 4 and liked the phone but hated iTunes being "up in my business" 24/7. iTunes on a PC behaves like a virus rather than a useful program.

"Up in my business" is exactly what I would call that PC virus called iTunes.  Hate, hate it on Windows machines. 

I tried the iPhone 6 ad 6+ at Apple store, and I felt like I was holding on to greased ice that could slip out of my grip at any moment.  I am really not liking these phones with thin, rounded-out side edges, which feel very unnatural to me.  They also felt very flimsy and cheap, which bears out in the Consumer Reports test:

Results of Consumer Reports smart phone bend test
                           Deformation   Case separation
HTC One (M8)            70 pounds        90 pounds
Apple iPhone 6           70 pounds       100 pounds
Apple iPhone 6 Plus    90 pounds       110 pounds
LG G3                       130 pounds       130 pounds
Apple iPhone 5          130 pounds       150 pounds
Samsung Note 3         150 pounds      150 pounds

I was willing to give Apple a chance due to all the pre-launch hype, but iPhone 6/6S is out for me.

By chance, I tried a friend's LG G3, whose 2560 x 1440 screen was flat-out gorgeous.  Samsung is obviously an easy choice, but this LG I believe is better than Samsung's available currently. 

Samsung Note 4 has been released in Korea with the 2560 x 1440 screen, so one could wait for the U.S. release, but the 5.7" screen and overall size is just too big IMO.  That leaves Samsung S6, which should arrive early 2015, with the 2560 x 1440 screen and substantial upgrade (unlike the S5 upgrade). 


Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #25 on: 1 Oct 2014, 12:49 pm »
Wait 3 months and let them vet the software along with implementing corresponding fixes and then  choose a good case that mitigates the bending -  problems fixed.

If you don't use a case your probably going to break it before you bend it anyway.

I think people would rather complain than use common sense.

Jon L

Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #26 on: 1 Oct 2014, 02:27 pm »
I think people would rather complain than use common sense.

What!? People are complaining on internet forums ?!   :green:

At any rate, I think people tend to get used to lower phone prices with "2-year contract" deals, but iPhone 6 plus, for example, is a serious piece of electronic purchase costing $849-$949 depending on memory.  Needing "software fixes" and requiring an aftermarket case to prevent bending, breaking?   :scratch:


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Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #27 on: 1 Oct 2014, 04:22 pm »
The problem is that Apple is thinking of business in the same ways that everyone else does.  I told Jason (PEZ) that if/when Apple starts coming out with a bunch of different sizes/forms to "capture market share", then that is the end, they are doomed and here we are, watching it in real time....


Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #28 on: 1 Oct 2014, 04:31 pm »
I used android phone before and now I have Samsung note along with Ipad. Everybody in house prefer to use Apple electronic. Even my 6 years old son like the ipad more than Samsung note. I will give iphone 6 a chance.


Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #29 on: 1 Oct 2014, 04:56 pm »
At any rate, I think people tend to get used to lower phone prices with "2-year contract" deals, but iPhone 6 plus, for example, is a serious piece of electronic purchase costing $849-$949 depending on memory.  Needing "software fixes" and requiring an aftermarket case to prevent bending, breaking?

Doesn't every new release of anything that pushes the technology have a few software glitches? And by the way.. Apple is American not German or Japanese. They don't sit on prototypes for a year and then release a perfect product. They put them out there and leave the perfectionists in the dust, while they play catch up and never catch up... ask Sony an Nokia. if you want a perfect product and last years technology buy a Mercedes.

Sell your old Iphone on Craigslist for $180 and buy the new phone with a two year contract for $200. OK... you want the super duper 1/2 tablet 1/2 phone you gots to pay an additional $100. That's the deal of the  century. I do this every two years. But here's the catch... wait 3 months and let them iron out the software glitches. Oh yea, I already mentioned that.

Regarding the after market case- yes a case is required with your phone. The cute pink $20 ones work just as good as the $100 Duck Dynasty Otter Boxes (almost).

It's 2014- this isn't the first new I phone release. Learn the ropes people. Oh the humanity!

I'm not really the king of smart asses but sometimes I play one on the internet.

Tech Talk

Phil A

Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #30 on: 1 Oct 2014, 05:08 pm »
I am due for an upgrade in mid-January and even if I was due today, I'd wait at least a few months.  I have an iPhone 5, would love to use the 6 plus and perhaps get away without using the iPad mini for a music server, but I looked at them in the store and for me it is too big as a phone.  So if they have their act together in 3.5 months, I'll get the 6.  If not, then I'll evaluate what is out there.  There is no rush, the iPhone 5 works great.  I still have my iPhone 4 (used it as an iPod for a spare system for a bit and briefly as a remote control with a device that converts Bluetooth to IR) in case the iPhone ever crapped out before the end of the contract.  Didn't Apple (from memory but could be mistaken) have that problem with their maps on their last release?  Just about everything has a glitch or two (some minor, some lasting longer).  If they get their act together in a reasonable amount of time it should not be a big deal.


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Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #31 on: 1 Oct 2014, 05:20 pm »
If I were to update my iPhone 5, it would be mostly just to get a fresh battery. Yesterday I found out I am eligible for a new battery for free so I guess I'll be staying with my 5. Check it out below --- you might be eligible as well.



Re: iPhone 6 released
« Reply #32 on: 1 Oct 2014, 07:58 pm »
If I were to update my iPhone 5, it would be mostly just to get a fresh battery. Yesterday I found out I am eligible for a new battery for free so I guess I'll be staying with my 5. Check it out below --- you might be eligible as well.


Macrojack you are the man!

You get a cookie and I get a new battery. Thanks!

My current battery is limping along right now.