Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now

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Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« on: 8 Sep 2014, 09:58 pm »
Let me see, there's a video of Ray dragging his unconscious fiance out of an elevator, but it isn't until the video shows him actually hitting her comes out that the team and NFL does anything serious.  Just how did they think she got unconscious in the first place?  Especially after admitting they were fighting and going to court over it.  The only reason he didn't get jail time is that he agreed to an intervention program prior to his trial, which is tantamount to pleading guilty.


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #1 on: 8 Sep 2014, 10:11 pm »
This really baffles me for the reasons you mention. I don't think the video that was released today (or whenever) showed him doing anything I didn't already think he did. He hit her, which we all understood to be the case. I'm just not getting it.
Maybe the NFL and the Ravens see this as an opportunity to do what they now believe they should have done in the first place.


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #2 on: 8 Sep 2014, 10:28 pm »
Hi Guys -

I'd like to keep this civil, and I'm equally baffled by the actions of the league.  The picture of the knocked out woman Rice was dragging out of the elevator only warranted a 2 game suspension?  Showing the actual punch, IMO, that did the damage changed nothing, except highlight the softness of the original penalty.  From what I understand, the team made the call this time and just cut him.  I do not think this was mandated by the league, although I have not spent any time researching. 

The NBA did a similar thing with the owner of the LA Clippers. For years, the league (David Stern) knew this guy was a racist and overall kooky dude who said crazy stuff about blacks and discriminated against minorities (refusing to rent them apartments, etc.).  Nothing was done until his young mistress recorded his statements.  His good friend Jerry Reinsdorf and other owners supposedly were "shocked" by his racist comments which he seemed to make so openly. 

It's all about PR.  The NBA, MLB, NHL and NFL could care less about the views or actions of its owners...until those actions potentially poison the goose laying the golden eggs.  As soon as that happens (and someone gets them on tape) the leagues are QUICK to take action and create distance between the offender. 

The Rice video was chilling and I hope he never sets foot on the field in an NFL game as long as he lives.  I'm hoping the local DA can press charges and put this guy in jail for as long as possible to teach other thugs a lesson.  That kind of violence against women is unacceptable in a civilized society. I'm sure Michael Vick and Ray Lewis are relieved their actions were not captured on video tape. 


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #3 on: 9 Sep 2014, 02:09 am »
The takeaway for these athletes is simple enough - make sure you're not on camera when you teach her a lesson.

dB Cooper

Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #4 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:32 am »
Since he likes to throw left hooks, maybe he should take up boxing. Only problem for him is, those guys punch back. I agree with jackman... he shouldn't even be allowed to buy a ticket to a game. Disgusting.

Rob Babcock

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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #5 on: 9 Sep 2014, 05:30 am »
I'm torn.  On the one hand I think it's hypocritical nonsense to expect professional athletes to be held to different standards than, say, a pizza delivery driver.  He didn't hit her on the field so in one sense it has nothing to do with his job (which realistically is just doing the same thing to men on the job).  The NFL likes to wrap the flag around their product and sell football as an American institution but to me that's a crock.  It's all about making a shitload of cash.  The NFL has shown complete indifference to the health and safety of the men that play their games, responding only to things that threaten their bottom line.  Ultimately though if the players have signed agreements that they are employed at the pleasure of the NFL then I suppose the NFL can implement whatever rules they like.

On a saner planet this wouldn't matter.  Rice should be in prison.  The issue of his job with the NFL would be irrelevant if he was serving time for assault and battery.  I'm not trying to skip the trial, he is innocent til a court finds him guilty. But the video doesn't leave a lot of doubt.

I think what we're really seeing is that when we knew he did something awful but no one saw the actual crime it could be swept under the rug.  Now that TMZ posted the shocking video it has led to outrage.  Now it's reached the point where it could threaten the NFL's bottom line.  That is the truly unforgivable crime- you will not be allowed to threaten profits.


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #6 on: 9 Sep 2014, 09:54 am »
With more rights/rewards come more responsibilities in life. 

Profession athletes get paid (a great deal in this case) to be our modern day idols/heroes and as such are under more scrutiny, so it's OK for the NFL to take additional measures against him. 

Sometimes success is harder to deal with than failure (at least it makes for bigger headlines).

We must stop these anti-civilization "cultures" that believes violence (person to person/nation against nation/religion vs. religion/etc.) is the answer.

dB Cooper

Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #7 on: 9 Sep 2014, 11:19 am »
He didn't hit her on the field so in one sense it has nothing to do with his job (which realistically is just doing the same thing to men on the job).
Well, not exactly... Left hooks to the jaw are not part of his job description. Hence my suggestion that he should be a prizefighter if he wants to hit people. The rest of your post I agree with 100%.


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #8 on: 9 Sep 2014, 11:51 am »
He actually did go through the court system and they determined he should not serve time but rather go through some sort of counseling program for a year.  This is very much in line with all first offenders whose victims are not pressing charges.  I don't think he got some sort of special treatment, he was treated like any other person who does something really stupid.  He's not a serial abuser, and he's being tried in the court of public opinion very unfairly in my view.  And according to NFL rules he should be serving a six game suspension as a first offender, instead he gets an indefinite ban.  He deserves his due punishment, and I don't disagree with the Ravens cutting him, but why does he deserve more punishment than any other citizen?


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #9 on: 9 Sep 2014, 12:53 pm »
Yesterday I kept hearing about the "shocking" new video which led to Rice's firing. I was expecting to see a lot more violence than one punch. Not sure what was shocking about it as we knew he knocked her out.

As they changed the rules previously, I just don't see how the lifetime suspension is warranted. Is the NFL now going to have two separate standards for spousal abuse? Six game suspension if not caught on video, lifetime ban if video evidence exists? WTF?


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #10 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:06 pm »
As they changed the rules previously, I just don't see how the lifetime suspension is warranted. Is the NFL now going to have two separate standards for spousal abuse? Six game suspension if not caught on video, lifetime ban if video evidence exists? WTF?
My understanding is that it's an "indefinite" suspension and not lifetime. What the difference is IDK.

I was confused why anything changed after the video as we all knew what happened even before we saw it. One of the sports talk shows (Mike and Mike) suggested that he gave a softer version of the incident as if he was defending himself, and the video clearly shows that is not the case. So I guess that clarifies it a little for me (i.e.: Why he got 2 games and his team was behind him at first, and now indefinite and he got cut).


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #11 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:14 pm »
I think the punishment should have been an indefinite suspension for Comish Godell. All that happened when the video came out was that it proved without a doubt that the NFL tried to cover it up. They should also make the Raven's owner sell the team because of their lack of action when the first video-tape was released. Would be fitting when you consider what happened with the Clippers and now the Hawks.


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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #12 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:40 pm »
    Indefinite is a "weasel" word. 

    It sounds like one thing, but really means another. 

    An indefinite suspension can end tomorrow, or it can go on on for ever.

    It is no surprise, considering how the NFL has handled this entire situation,

    that it chose to use a weasel word. 


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #13 on: 9 Sep 2014, 04:29 pm »
I think the punishment should have been an indefinite suspension for Comish Godell.

agreed, the guy's a 'tool' ……….


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #14 on: 9 Sep 2014, 05:11 pm »
"New" video gives the league and the team the excuse to do it over again, and get it right this time. Hopefully, he'll never play in the league again, but that's doubtful. Some teams are always willing to give the worst thugs a reprieve if they think he can fill a position of need. Wanting to win now trumps everything else.


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #15 on: 9 Sep 2014, 05:40 pm »
u know What shocking is  :o,that woman married him after all that?wtf :(


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #16 on: 9 Sep 2014, 06:15 pm »
Hell!  The guy makes 10 million dollars a year!  For that kind of money I  would marry him.


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #17 on: 9 Sep 2014, 06:23 pm »
u know What shocking is  :o,that woman married him after all that?wtf :(

She's also gone out and defended him on twitter, but like milford3 says it's about the money

Rob Babcock

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Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #18 on: 9 Sep 2014, 07:43 pm »
Well, not exactly... Left hooks to the jaw are not part of his job description. Hence my suggestion that he should be a prizefighter if he wants to hit people. The rest of your post I agree with 100%.

In the sense I mean driving home after the game isn't in the job description.  Nor is going to the movies, tucking in your kids, performing jury duty, etc.  Essentially the NFL is saying that the players are "on the clock" 24/7 and accountable for all their off hours, too.  That's a lot for an employer to ask even if they are paying millions.  Still, he knew the deal when he signed.


Re: Ray Rice - so it wasn't obvious before now
« Reply #19 on: 9 Sep 2014, 09:15 pm »
The takeaway for these athletes is simple enough - make sure you're not on camera when you teach her a lesson.

There's such a sad and disgusting reality to this statement.  The level of immunity afforded to mega $$$ pro players and actors is equally saddening.  My bottom line here...this kind of behavior just plain sucks.  Domestic violence sucks.   Tough guy, really?   I welcome that his life is about to fall apart.  Only he can help himself now.  We'll see.