Mensa + Trinaural equals ?

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Mensa + Trinaural equals ?
« on: 19 Feb 2003, 02:33 am »
I will be receiving my upgraded MENSA DAC back shortly ( with Waynes secret sauce he mentioned in his post).. After reading the posts about the CES show I asked Wayne about the Trinaural processor used in his booth. Wayne replied it sounded amazing.
I placed my order for one today.
Is anyone else contemplating this?
I think the $1500  the processor costs is about the same price as an AV receiver. I look forward to escaping all the format wars and ending the DPL, DVD A , SACD battles. Hopefully this will blow them all away using my current software.
I already have 3 matched front channel speakers ( Paradigm Active 40's) with balanced
I will post my results as I add the new gear.


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Mensa + Trinaural equals ?
« Reply #1 on: 19 Feb 2003, 04:02 am »
I started a discussion about the trinaural processor awhile back.  A lot
'think' it's a gimmick and I have yet to read an honost (read non-biased) review.  Of course until I actually hear one I have no true comment.  I do find it odd that there has been zero interest shown by the manufacture here or anywhere else I frequent on the web in getting people interested.
A $1500 novelty product needs some word of mouth and a 30 day trial and money back guarantee.  Winning the Tech TV award just doesn't cut it.  Until then it might as well be a Hans Weimann miracle hair grow treatment, in other words something I don't need.

Just to add:  I don't think by adding the Trinaural processor will solve the format wars for you.  I dare say it might even complicate things further. Even after listening to SACD on an inexpensive player, 2 channel only I realize it is superior to redbook playback.  The source quality IMO is more important than how many channels it is broken into.  With all of that said I and I'm sure many others look forward to your experiences with great interest and hope that you enjoy your purchase.


Mensa + Trinaural equals ?
« Reply #2 on: 19 Feb 2003, 04:29 am »
That is exactly why I bought mine ASAP. I would hate for it to not succeed
out of the gate when there is the possibility of something that has such promise to turn our concepts of high end upside down.
The interesting premise behind this device is all of our high end experience has been based on STEREO. What if we are trying to improve an ultimately unsatisfying format? Surround sound attempts to get us
out of being glued to the sweet spot and I hope it succeeds, it is not a mature enough format yet to be able to tell.
What I do know is that STEREO is firmly embedded in the high end, I agree that it will take a lot more than an award to displace it.
I will post my experience and am hoping other owners will post here as well.


Mensa + Trinaural equals ?
« Reply #3 on: 19 Feb 2003, 07:13 am »
Cool, would love to hear your thoughts. Always interesting to hear about stuff that "breaks the mold" so to speak :-)