My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe

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OK,  Capital Audio Fest:

2 rooms,  708 and 710
Partner: GIK

Room 1:  Reference $ 6700. system,  same as in Newport Beach (you can read the thread as to what awaits you)

Our furniture:  massive  racks

Kismet ref. floorstanders
Khartago monos
Groneberg Quattros

As for sources, we'll have a VPI table
SL  CD player
Suspiro Reference phono Stage

Room 2:
furniture:  Massive Racks $ 1k  / 4 shelves unit
CD Player,  we'll see next week

$ 2,200  SYSTEM :
Our new   Epiphony Project 4 speakers
Khartago amplifier
New  Etesian preamplifier
Groneberg cables

$ 2,900 SYSTEM:
Our NEW  " Liquid"  loudspeakers
New  Etesian

And I can't stress this enough:  if you want to experience as to what is possible for 2 K + as a system in terms of real, true high end,  you have to come by for a massive reality check !!!!




any info you can already share about those new "Liquid" speakers??
Stands?? Monitors?? etc.?



Big monitors,  all Scan Speak (what else ???)  2 ways,  $ 1,800 / pr

Also, GIK will be able to have a more "flexible on the spot" at any time  demo in room2.


Thanks for that, Klaus.

Guess, pics are not available yet? ;-)


  • Jr. Member
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Can we have more info on the new etesian preamp


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 64
Ditto on the request for more info on the  Etesian preamp. 

Tell us all about it Klaus!



Here's a review of the Etesian:

Hope that helps.


[Edit: pasted the wrong url earlier... Now corrected... Sorry for that irritation]
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2014, 03:57 am by marflao »


btw...the review referral in the aforementioned post can also be found on Klaus`webpage:



Yes,  all very old reviews.....
the products have very, very little in common with the old gear...
Epi's are completely,  100 % new, and a HUGE  step up the high end ladder
Khartago,  well,  it's been maniacally improved
and the Etesian has been revamped again,  based on the same principle,  with much better parts and better executed / i.e. better sounding as well.....  and yup,  it's only $...(will know next week,  but between 400 - 450. with 2nd outs for biamping and sub outs as )

This system, albeit $ 700. more than the old 1.5k system,  is a massive, massive improvement......come on in,  listen to it, and drink the Kool-Aid...




also promised Gary that I'll hold an 1 hour seminar at the capfest  as Captain Obvious.

Don't have anything specific to talk about,  more like showing light into some closets based on my 28 years of experience in the industry....
also, tons of tips regarding setup, audio in general,  physiology, maniac depressive behavior,  you know,  audiophiel and music lovers stuff,  hehehehe

Early B.

Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jul 2014, 11:44 am »

also promised Gary that I'll hold an 1 hour seminar at the capfest  as Captain Obvious.

Don't have anything specific to talk about,  more like showing light into some closets based on my 28 years of experience in the industry....
also, tons of tips regarding setup, audio in general,  physiology, maniac depressive behavior,  you know,  audiophiel and music lovers stuff,  hehehehe

Will your seminar be videotaped for those who are unable to attend?


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Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #11 on: 18 Jul 2014, 01:11 pm »


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Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #12 on: 18 Jul 2014, 07:57 pm »

We're thirsty for that Klaus KoolAid!!

If we can see a recording of your seminar, that would be great. 

Thanks and good luck with the show Klaus. 


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #13 on: 18 Jul 2014, 08:23 pm »
Breaking News:  Etesians Land in the Capital. 

Just what we needed another bunch of aliens taking the jobs away from hard working audio jewelry lines like Jeff Rowland and Pass Labs.  Damn you Claus Bunge and your illegal alien audio line.  They work longer for less and sound better than the others. 

Send the Etesians home.   Write your congressman or sue your president.

We must stop them at our borders.


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #14 on: 20 Jul 2014, 10:52 am »
CHEESY !!!!!!  ??!!/////

Well,  I don't know if I can tape the seminar...heck,  don't even know if people at DC are interested in hearing things like : well, improve your system 30 % on the spot by cleaning your ears regularly.. of the things that I like to do in discussions and seminars is going straight to the paranoia and insecurities and arrogance of audiophiles....not everyone appreciates that,  but then again,  as the other non TV Captain Obvious,  I simply have to state the obvious........


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Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jul 2014, 02:21 pm »
Well,  I don't know if I can tape the seminar...heck,  don't even know if people at DC are interested in hearing things like : well, improve your system 30 % on the spot by cleaning your ears regularly.. of the things that I like to do in discussions and seminars is going straight to the paranoia and insecurities and arrogance of audiophiles....not everyone appreciates that,  but then again,  as the other non TV Captain Obvious,  I simply have to state the obvious........

What time and how long are you speaking?


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #16 on: 21 Jul 2014, 02:29 am »
Looks like Friday..sometimes ???  and for as long ???  depends on when everybody is leaving me,  I guess.....


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #17 on: 21 Jul 2014, 02:30 am »


The show pair will be raffled off.....


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #18 on: 10 Aug 2014, 10:04 am »
Well, didn't raffle them at all...missed it, duh.
And as for the great "talk" that we had (small group of 15 + on Sunday...wrong time was posted, many more waited and left...) it was very nice.

Ira taped nearly all of it,  so I'll probably post a link at sometime.

Looking back,  kind of amazing how well it went,  considering the length of it and considering that I usually don't like to talk at all.......hehehe


Re: My 1 finger salute, or htf is this even possible ???? hehehehe
« Reply #19 on: 24 Sep 2014, 08:28 am »
Well, didn't raffle them at all...missed it, duh.
And as for the great "talk" that we had (small group of 15 + on Sunday...wrong time was posted, many more waited and left...) it was very nice.

Ira taped nearly all of it,  so I'll probably post a link at sometime.

Looking back,  kind of amazing how well it went,  considering the length of it and considering that I usually don't like to talk at all.......hehehe

Hi Klaus,

any chance that you "air" the taped session and share the link?
Or did it fail your "QA" and won´t be approved?  :nono:
