LeBron Going Home

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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #20 on: 13 Jul 2014, 02:32 am »
Maybe I'm too harsh, but your post had me thinking he really has had a clean record in life.  And maybe the referred post was shallow.  Just the last sentence hit me wrong, but again, maybe I'm what's wrong.

As far as slamming public figures, both morally and legally fine if they choose to be public figures.  I don't feel one tiny bit of sympathy as he sits on his multi-million pile of cash.  He is entitled to make it as much as we are allowed to comment on what he does in a public forum free from any accusations of libel.  And it's not like Cleveland or Miami ran him out of town, he jumped ship in search of both money and glory in both cases.  I take umbrage at him saying it was anything else.  Contrast to Payton Manning who stuck with the Colts thru thick and thin until they showed him the door.  A lot easier for me to root for Manning than James despite the fact that they are both good citizens.


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #21 on: 13 Jul 2014, 08:09 am »
LeBum?  Sounds like sour grapes to me. He gave Miami two rings and I hope Heat fans have long memories because those are the last two rings you may see this century.  Riley signed Bosch to a max deal?  Chris Bosch?  I think Pat may be going senile. That team is going to be painful to watch with the geriatric D Wade sucking up huge salary cap space and disappearing during the playoffs.

Lebon did the right thing, handled his departure with class and no drama, unlike when he left to join Miami. At least he didn't public ally humiliate the Heat by making the process into a reality show. Basketball has become more interesting for everyone outside of Miami. I look forward to the bandwagon jumping heat fans to show their true colors when their team tanks.

Sour grapes ....

 not from my camp , it does sound like Miami took something from you thou .....:)

 when he came  in he had nothing , he left the Cav's because he had nothing , he leaves Miami with two wins and his planned departure affected the heat in the Finals as this was a done deal long before. The Heat has won a Championship without LeBum, LeBum has not without the Heat , so now he leaves town and  Miami Dies ... 

The Heat will survive , He goes back to Cav's a winner , he was not so when he came here, his departure was not classy IMO and i was always worried about the door hitting him on the way out  , a pity he couldn't take Wade with him ... :)

PS: Lebum is a classy name compared to what CAV fans thought/think said of Lebum ..... : )
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2014, 09:23 am by a.wayne »


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #22 on: 13 Jul 2014, 08:21 am »



Let's see...

Maybe you mean LeBron is shallow because he grew up in Akron in an environment where he could have easily taken the other road to a life of petty crime.  Hmmmmmmmm

Oh wait...

Maybe you mean the LeBron that was never in trouble and led an Akron high school team to 3 out of 4 state championships and made his city proud.  Hmmmmmmmm

Oh wait...

Maybe you mean the LeBron who was always courteous to everyone including the press, fans, etc.  Who always said the right thing. Hmmmmmm

Oh wait...

Maybe you mean the LeBron who carried the Cavs on his back for 7 years and took them to the NBA finals where they had no business being.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh wait...

Maybe you mean the LeBron who has and continually gives back to the boys and girls of the city of Akron through his foundation.  He is responsible for computers in inner city schools, making sure underprivledged kids have bikes, etc.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh wait...

Maybe you mean the LeBron who has NEVER been in trouble with the law, fathered children with multiple partners, killed people outside a nightclub, etc, etc, etc....  Hmmmmmmmmmmm

The ONLY thing LeBron did that was not right was how he left Cleveland for Miami.  Yes it was vain, selfish, self-centered, etc.  However, he was a 24 year old being advised by other 24 year olds.  He certainly handled this time around with incredible class.  Hmmmmmmmmm

Oh wait...

The only shallow thing is a post on this very thread....  Hmmmmmmmm



My apologies ,

Totally forgot we live in a time and place where medals and awards are given out if one  actually dont turn to crime ,complete high school,  get a job and actually look after and feed one's kids..

You may want to take this up with  Cleveland fans , they had a lot more to say than I ... :)

PS: For the record i have no Beef with LeBum , i actually like the guy , lack of  professionalism not with standing....


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #23 on: 13 Jul 2014, 08:28 am »
Could someone please post the link to  the press conference of this classy departure i somehow managed to miss ....



Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #24 on: 13 Jul 2014, 06:05 pm »
No press conference or classless showboating like he did when he left to join Miami, just the low key  interview with SI. Maybe Lebron was tired of all of the big three talk. In the playoffs this year it looked like the big one, Lebron versus a great team in San Antonio. Wade and Bosch watched while Lebron tried to carry the Heat. I hope Wade and Bosch grow some testicles in the off season because they certainly did not hold up their end of the deal on the court last year.  Miami should be grateful because Lebron gifted them two championships.

The only unclassy thing Lebron did was to come to Miami.  It looks like he is going to make up for it by going back to his home town to try to help them win a championship. I don't blame you for being bitter and calling him names. You are now left with a broken down Wade and a version of Bosch who was soundly dominated by a 38 year old Dunkin...making max money.  Max money for a big guy who disappeared in the playoffs, chucking up threes and playing no defense.  I can't wait to watch the heat next year.  Oh happy days!


Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #25 on: 13 Jul 2014, 08:20 pm »
  Miami should be grateful because Lebron gifted them two championships.

And vice versa, Lebron had plenty of help during those 2 championship years. Not  so much this year.


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #26 on: 13 Jul 2014, 08:21 pm »
My apologies ,

Totally forgot we live in a time and place where medals and awards are given out if one  actually dont turn to crime ,complete high school,  get a job and actually look after and feed one's kids..

Look, its not that I don't agree with this.  However, you conveniently gloss over the other points that I have made.  In addition, back in 1980, I used to drive my wife to her teaching job at Vaux Junior High School in North Philadelphia.   This was the ghetto plain and simple.  An environment that has multitudes of people huddled around a fire started in a trash can or drunks sleeping in doorways, or where a kid has a single parent because the other one is either in prison or just took off.  Let me tell you, I absolutely feel any kid who studies hard and gets out of the poor inner city and actually goes to college and makes something of themselves does deserve an award.

Yes, LeBron went to a private catholic school in St. Vincent St Mary.  But I can assure you that the only way he even sniffed a school like that was on a full sports scholarship.  Most of his neighborhood friends ended up at Buchtel High which is a public school.

I don't have to take anything up with my fellow Cleveland fans.  Most of them have forgiven the infamous Decision.  Yes, there are those who still harbor hate for that night.  They are entitled to their position and feelings. 

when he came  in he had nothing , he left the Cav's because he had nothing , he leaves Miami with two wins

Really??!  I readily have admitted that without LeBron the Cavs would have never even come close to the NBA finals.  You need to come to grips with the same.  Miami didn't give LeBron two championships.  I believe it was the other way around.

PS: For the record i have no Beef with LeBum , i actually like the guy

What do you call the people who you actually don't like...

I just hope that with the first round picks combined with some good veteran signings that LeBron can finally bring a major sports championship back to Cleveland.




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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #27 on: 14 Jul 2014, 12:57 am »
Strange, this Cleveland logic ....

Miami has won an NBA championship without James , James have never won without Miami, very simply , the math,

I will reiterate....:)

   So he plays for years in Cleveland comes in with zero and he leaves with 2 and he is not the one gifted  :lol: now he's back , a winner no less , a feeling he never experienced in Cleveland before , yet cant wait to see how he handles losing in Cleveland again

Deja vu.....?

Still no links to his classy exit huh  ......  :lol:


Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #28 on: 14 Jul 2014, 01:51 am »
I wouldn't expect a Miami person to know the meaning of classy anyway.  Just kidding! Miami is my favorite third world country.

Lebron left without a flashy dance party or press conference. He didn't recreate the "announcement" or say that he was taking his talents back to Cleveland.  He just did a single low key interview. I would have paid money to see Riley's face when the announcement was made. He probably soiled his grampers.

In the end, Miami was lucky to get Lebron and the two championships and James was lucky to orchestrate the Miami relocation. The Heat are going to be fun to watch this year. I can't wait to see D Wade and Bosch try to win without Lebron carrying their sorry asses. 

The Big Three is no more. Without King James, a more accurate description of today's Heat team is the Big Number Two...a big steamy pile of it!



Rob Babcock

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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #29 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:29 am »
LeBum?  Sounds like sour grapes to me. He gave Miami two rings and I hope Heat fans have long memories because those are the last two rings you may see this century.  Riley signed Bosch to a max deal?  Chris Bosch?  I think Pat may be going senile. That team is going to be painful to watch with the geriatric D Wade sucking up huge salary cap space and disappearing during the playoffs.

Lebon did the right thing, handled his departure with class and no drama, unlike when he left to join Miami. At least he didn't public ally humiliate the Heat by making the process into a reality show. Basketball has become more interesting for everyone outside of Miami. I look forward to the bandwagon jumping heat fans to show their true colors when their team tanks.

I know nothing about James except what I've seen him do on the court, and this strikes me as a pretty accurate assessment.  James did a pretty shrewd analysis of the situation; Wade is a broken down shell of the gifted player he once was, Bosh is role player.  They couldn't win with what they had this year and even if if James stayed they'd be worse next year. On the other hand the Cavs are young and very talented.  James will probably have a fair chance at another ring the first season back.  If they manage to land Love then they really might win not one, not two but several championships.  Lebron was smart get off that ship before it hit the bottom of the sea.

What is "class" anymore?  I'll grant that The Decision made him look like a giant douchebag, but in reality Cleveland treated "The King" like shit.  He busted his ass year after year while the assclowns in the front office did jack squat to make the team better.  Kind of like Barry Sanders in Detroit.  Those of you over 30 might remember that even Jordan couldn't win a title he got some talent around him.  When after years of blood sweat and tears he finally left to work on his own dreams he was branded a coward (!) and a traitor (!!).  Really?  Like playing basketball for $20mil a year is brave or cowardly?  You can bet your ass that even if you're Micheal Jordan, if your production falls off or you get hurt badly YOU'RE GONE!  Loyaltay is a one-way street in pro sports, with the athletes giving it and the owners lapping it up.  Maybe James is a saint or maybe he's got bodies in the crawlspace, I don't know the guy at all.  But free agent means free to do what you want.  Does anyone here think they should be forced to stay at their job forever just because their boss and customers prefer it that way?  Get real!

Rob Babcock

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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #30 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:29 am »
BTW, a max contract for Bosh? :o  I guess the crack pipe must still be smoldering in Miami! :thumb:


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #31 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:41 am »
Yeah Cleveland fans  have class alright , is that what was pulled from their website last week ,  class ...:lol:

Remind me again , how many championships in Cleveland :)


Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #32 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:43 am »
BTW, a max contract for Bosh? :o  I guess the crack pipe must still be smoldering in Miami! :thumb:

 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Max contract for that clown?  :scratch:

All that grease Riley puts on his hair must be seeping into his brain. That dude is senile or maybe he's hitting the crizack pipe!


Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #33 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:50 am »
Yeah Cleveland fans  have class alright , is that what was pulled from their website last week ,  class ...:lol:

Remind me again , how many championships in Cleveland :)

Let's see how many championships you guys get without Lebron.  Care to bet who has a better record this next season, Cavs or Heat?  At least you won't have to worry about Wade not showing up again in the playoffs next year, unless Lebron gives him a couple tickets...for old times sake. I can't wait for next year!


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #34 on: 14 Jul 2014, 03:53 am »

Your comments on Riley is a bit premature , best to wait until you have at least one championship in the bag, have James show the rings , it might just  be the closest  Cleveland fans get to one ....



Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #35 on: 14 Jul 2014, 04:01 am »

Your comments on Riley is a bit premature , best to wait until you have at least one championship in the bag, have James show the rings , it might just  be the closest  Cleveland fans get to one ....


For the record, I hate Cleveland. I'm from Chicago and was sickened when James "took his talents" to Miami. Going back to Cleveland was the right move.

If you think signing Bosch to a max deal was a good idea, I will respectfully disagree with you. That might be one of the worst decisions I've seen a team make in years. Riley is a great GM, but even great GM's occasionally make bad decisions. This one looks really bad…

Rob Babcock

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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #36 on: 14 Jul 2014, 05:02 am »
The max deal for CB would be like Hugh Grant marrying Divine Brown after getting dumped by Elizabeth Hurley! :lol:  I guess you gotta save face but still... :P


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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #37 on: 14 Jul 2014, 02:15 pm »
Chicago! Well we all know how classy Chicago can be, only Classy comes out of Chicago ...:)

I understand why he kept Bosh, and it took what it took to keep him out of Houston, he had to match the deal so mark that as two crazy GM's ..:)

I will hold to see who else he Pr's with knuckles (wade) and I'm no Bosh fan, but if you follow the  game ,Riley's history is a bigman in the middle  , so we will see, they got 2 out of him before , so where's the beef and in case you missed it SA SHOWED THE world how to shut james down . I'm confident the CAV 's aren't going anywhere its going to take LeBum sometime to teach them how to win ,something he picked up in Miami ...



Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #38 on: 14 Jul 2014, 05:12 pm »
Chicago! Well we all know how classy Chicago can be, only Classy comes out of Chicago ...:)

I understand why he kept Bosh, and it took what it took to keep him out of Houston, he had to match the deal so mark that as two crazy GM's ..:)

I will hold to see who else he Pr's with knuckles (wade) and I'm no Bosh fan, but if you follow the  game ,Riley's history is a bigman in the middle  , so we will see, they got 2 out of him before , so where's the beef and in case you missed it SA SHOWED THE world how to shut james down . I'm confident the CAV 's aren't going anywhere its going to take LeBum sometime to teach them how to win ,something he picked up in Miami ...


I guess the world now knows how to shut down Lebron...put him on a declining team with overpaid geezers (WADE and BOSCH) and ask him to carry the team on his back.  I guess Lebron took care of that problem by cutting bait on the Miami losers.  Now Wade and Bosch will have to do their fair share and live up to the name, the Big Two or is it the Big Steamy Pile of #2? I can't wait to see what happens when these two are expected to actually play, without the King carrying them as he has done the past few years.

You also have a bit of amnesia.  SA shut down the Heat and Lebron did everything he could to carry the team this year but it's impossible to do it without some help from a declining Wade and a fading Bosch.  Not that Bosch did anything the prior year when I believe he was held scoreless in the clinching final game.  SA had that series won and totally choked...but that's a different story. 

Regarding class, I stand by my statements.  LeBron, Bosch and Wade showboating on a stage, dancing and thumbing their noses to the rest of the league was a classless display, as was the handling of the original "decision".  One you will never see again and one that would never take place in Chicago.  Say what you want, that sort of thing would never fly in this town. 

Slick Riley is going to have to earn his money this year.  I'm betting against him and offered you a chance to put your money where your mouth is.  I bet Miami will have a worse record than Cleveland this year, even though they (Cavs) are going to be much younger and inexperienced than your Heat.  Maybe the max $$$'s will inspire Bosch to show up once in a while...don't bet on it.



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Re: LeBron Going Home
« Reply #39 on: 14 Jul 2014, 07:09 pm »
Talk about carrying , the Cav won  36 games , thats a lot of carrying for James next year. That classless display you described was easily exceeded by Cleveland fans on his departure, akin to  calling your ex-wife a tramp , then remarry 4 yrs later ....,


PS: By the way its Bosh, if he was really good , it would be Bosch .....