I have been holding off telling everyone this...

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  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
Re: I have been holding off telling everyone this...
« Reply #20 on: 8 Jul 2014, 11:15 pm »
Well, what a way to blow a day.

Here is the deal:  BIG cataracts in both eyes with the worst one being the left eye.  The big 'E' was a grey smudge.  To top it off I have self correcting opposite astigmatism in both eyes.  I will need corrective lenses for both distance and close work, but who cares?  Not eye!  Surgery on the left eye is on August 11 with the right eye about six weeks later.  The procedure takes 9 minutes (!!!).  Dr. Weinstein is very cool for and old guy  8)

Thanks to everyone for all of the support.  I have a lot of emails to answer and will eventually get to them.  This is why I love AC.  With but a few exceptions I have never hung out with a better bunch of people.  As I always say:  YOU ROCK!!!   :drums:

I'll be back in the shop tomorrow working on things I can see...


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
Re: I have been holding off telling everyone this...
« Reply #21 on: 8 Jul 2014, 11:18 pm »
Hey Dave,
Hurry up & get your eyes fixed before we "nickname" you!!!

My new blues name is Blind Assed Dave.  Given to me by my favorite musical cohort/luthier/guitar tech, Ian.  Just another reason I like that guy.