VR 35 Mk II

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VR 35 Mk II
« on: 9 Jun 2014, 05:12 pm »
Hello fellow VSA owners.

I own (and love) my 10 year old pair of VSA VR 3.5s and Sub 1, but now that I have a quasi dedicated room, I have been on the search for a new speaker system...  To be honest, my two favorite speakers are:

1 - VSA VR 5 Annis
2 - Wilson Audio Sasha Gen 2s

Both are my favorite speakers, but for different reasons.

The problem is that with two small children, I cannot invest  $30 K on a new set of speakers (well, I could, but I'd be divorced).  Ideally, I would love to stay within the VSA line in order to minimize disruption to the rest of the system.   I have a good sized room - unfinished poured concrete basement, but treated.  My listening area, is 14 X 17 X 7.5 foot ceiling.  My VR 3.5s are 5 feet into the listening area, and about 9 feet apart - the side walls are much further away, basically an open, insulated basement, with furniture, under pad, wool carpet, in the 14 X 17 foot area.   My Sub 1 sits against the back wall in-between the two VR 3.5s, and my amps are the Bryston 7BSSTs monoblocks.  My speaker cable (which the 3.5s really really love) are the MIT Magnum 1.3s (the newest versions), bi-wired.

I started an email conversation with Albert about the possibility of upgrading my VR 3.5s (would sort of be like a mark 2 status with the sound damping / isolation, better tweeter, and upgrades made to the crossover).   This path would be the most economical for me, but I would be upgrading a 10 year old pair of speakers, versus going to something new.  I am wondering if anyone has experiences with the newest revision of the VR 35 MK 2, and can someone comment on the sonic differences between the original versions?   Does anyone have a comparison against either the VR 3.5s or any of the older generation VSA line?   

This may be a question for Albert, and since I haven't heard the VR 35s MK IIs I need to rely on user feedback.   I have read many user comments that the VR 35s are a different sounding speaker - what do they mean by that?

Appreciate any assistance, opinion, or guidance that this group can provide (THANK YOU!)


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jun 2014, 04:19 am »
I've got my VR-4s upgraded by Albert last year. It is essentially a complete rebuild - drives, wiring, crossover, cabinets and even external cloth. I don't actually know what original left in these speakers except top and bottom wooden pieces :-)


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2014, 10:43 am »
I've got my VR-4s upgraded by Albert last year. It is essentially a complete rebuild - drives, wiring, crossover, cabinets and even external cloth. I don't actually know what original left in these speakers except top and bottom wooden pieces :)

Thanks rouslanbel, yours were, the original 4's?  Are you happy with the improvement?    Upgrading my 3.5s is still an option, whatever I decide to do I want to be a long term decision....  What were the greatest improvements for you?


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jun 2014, 12:35 pm »
Hi Walter

Not entirely equivalent but I hope slightly relevant: I had my VR5SEs upgraded for the Anni II level late last year. The originals were probably 6 years old when I did this. Like you, I enjoyed what I had but the opportunity to improve while retaining the essence of the speaker was too tempting to resist,,  especially when compared to the cost of going for a new speaker. So far, I would say I have zero regrets about this, the speakers seem to take forever to break-in but they are undoubtedly better now than before the upgrade in terms of bass accuracy and resolution, while keeping the timbral accuracy that I love in these speakers. So, if you can reasonably expect a similar basic result (keeping the many qualities you like but improving some key areas of performance) then upgrading is attractive.

I have heard the 35s at shows only but have heard the VR22s at length in the same room as my VR5SEs. The 5s, as you might expect, were better but the differences were not huge and the 22s gave them a run for their money, always sounding good. I suspect the 35s would narrow the gap further, and I don't know what others hear but for me, the Von sound is fairly consistent across models so I don't think there's anything drastically different sounding in these newer models. It's more a case of you getting great sound with plane-jane looks and (what is remarkable) an ease of placement near walls that is very impressive with these lower priced models.

So, my point is really that if you love the looks and sonics of your 10 year old 3.5s, I think an upgrade is the way to go. Of course, I've not heard the 3.5 you own but a 10 year old speaker is not particularly old, and with an upgrade, it's effectively a new speaker anyway :)

Good luck and keep us posted on your journey.



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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jun 2014, 02:07 pm »
Thanks Delacroix,

Upgrading is appealing...   The 3.5s have one advantage over many speakers - and that is the narrow baffle, they will be able to disappear, but that advantage is also something that can work against them in that they will never be able to play full-range, or as full scale like the VR 35 II for example.   I currently have a sub 1, but could eventually add on a new Shockwave 12, but we are still talking a relatively small speaker - well narrow baffle.   I guess the question would be that of sonics of a yet to be upgraded VR 3.5 with supplemental sub(s) to that of the VR 35 MK II - which is a larger box, and will play louder and deeper than the 3.5s will ever be able to do.    Again, the 3.5s are fast, and do a great disappearing act...  which is shy the upgrade is so appealing.


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jun 2014, 06:47 pm »
I own a pair of the VR35s (not Mk II) and have heard a few different pair of VSA speakers (but not the 3.5s).    I think there is a commonality to the sound of Von Schweikert speakers (that personally really works for me).  So many new speakers these days seem to go way over the top in extracting detail that they often lose musicality.  Not sure any of the VSA speakers can be accused of that although I've certainly not heard them all.   

The most obvious distinction of the VR-35s (and 33s and 22s) is that they are designed to be placed against the wall and they absolutely excel in that position.  It flies against what most of us believe to be true about speaker placement but trust me - Albert knows of what he's doing.  It just works.  (I used to own a pair of Allison 1s back in the day which were also designed to be against the wall.  They were great for the time (mid 70s), but trust me - Albert got it right!).

I will say that my VR-35s can be a bit bass heavy at times.  While the bass is tight, tuneful and deep, it can be a bit too dominant at times... likely more about my room than the speakers but I've struggled some to get them positioned well.  Of course, the rear ports can always be stuffed if needed although I've not tried that on mine.

I also would love to hear more about how the VR-35 MkII is different from the original.


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jun 2014, 03:02 pm »
Adding Dacron stuffing should tame the bass, and I suspect, tighten the bass as well.  Do check with VSA since they use a specific type of damping material.


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jun 2014, 05:25 pm »
Kernel...did you ever get your 100s?


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #8 on: 12 Jun 2014, 12:03 am »
re: my VR100XS system.  The Delphi cabling has been delivered to VSA, so the internals are now being installed.  Albert is booking his flights to my place to oversee the installation.  The other pair (those shown at the Newport show a few weeks ago) may also be coming this way since a good friend of mine is considering purchasing them.  In that case Albert will be installing both sets during the one trip east.  We're looking at 30 days to get reasonable prices on flights.


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #9 on: 13 Jun 2014, 01:52 am »
Another option (don't know your budget) to consider might be to get a pair of used VR4 SR's cheap and have them upgraded to VR 5 Anni MK2. I did mine over a year ago, it was very economical and a wonderful increase in sound quality in most every way, balance, improved treble, and amazing bass. all the drivers would be new as well as the special granite lined cabinets and new crossovers and wire, so it would be like new. Sound as mentioned is consistent in my opinion through the VS line so if you like the ones you have, you should like the rest of the line. Be careful with the other option of Wilson IMO they sound much less musical-natural-accurate over time.


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #10 on: 13 Jun 2014, 03:03 am »
+1 on the upgrade from VR4SR to VR5-Annis.  I did the upgrade of a pair of VR4SR Mk-1 to VR5-Annis (Mk-1 since this was before the Mk-2 upgrade was available).  Much better top to bottom.  Going from the aluminum to magnesium woofers was a huge improvement.  You can go all the way to the Mk-2 level in one step.


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #11 on: 13 Jun 2014, 04:13 am »
Currently a pair of VRSR4 on a'gon for $4,800 - no relation to seller


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #12 on: 13 Jun 2014, 03:53 pm »
Ouch - I paid $900 for mine 1.5years ago. Are we sure we don't have an inflation? :-)


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #13 on: 13 Jun 2014, 04:02 pm »
Correction - these are Mk 3 speakers upgraded by Albert in 2009. Totally different from my mk 1 and with upgrade priced in I wouldn't call them overpriced at all.


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #14 on: 13 Jun 2014, 06:08 pm »
Ouch - I paid $900 for mine 1.5years ago. Are we sure we don't have an inflation? :-)

You paid only $900 for a Mk1? You sure it's not a VR-4 Gen I and not a VR-4 SR MK1? If it's an SR, Wow man LUCKY YOU!

Gen 1



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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #15 on: 14 Jun 2014, 08:57 am »
It is emberessing - I thought I new VSA lign up better :-(

I've got Gen 1


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #16 on: 14 Jun 2014, 09:48 am »
Don't feel bad bro. 900 bucks for a true full range speaker that still kicks butt today is still a fantastic deal!


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #17 on: 14 Jun 2014, 02:27 pm »
As Jack said, you got a great deal on the original VR4 speakers.  I first heard a VonSchweikert speaker back in the early 1990's at an audio store in Michigan.  These were the same VR4 speakers that you now have.  The quality of the sound is still very clear in my memory-- tremendous imaging, deep sound staging, realistic timbre of instruments, and the ability to differentiate individual voices across the stage.

I'm a slow shopper, and I continued to search for my next speaker for a long time, but the memory of those VR4 speakers kept me from being satisfied by alternatives that I auditioned.  I was fortunate to eventually hear the VR6 speakers in the late 1990's when Albert brought them to a local audio store and demoed them in person (when I first met Albert).  I bought them on the spot and still have them.  They were the only speakers that had that same sense of musicality and spatial realism since my experience with the VR4's.  I've been a happy VSA customer since then.

Yes, you've got a great pair of speakers.  Enjoy.
« Last Edit: 14 Jun 2014, 05:21 pm by kernelbob »


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Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #18 on: 22 Jun 2014, 04:41 pm »
Well, after talking to the fine folks at VSA, and convincing my wife that this would be my final loudspeaker purchase for a very long time, I decided to purchase a pair of VR5 Anniversary MK II from VSA (no dealers where I live).  If all goes well with the build, I should have them mid July.   So excited!   


Re: VR 35 Mk II
« Reply #19 on: 22 Jun 2014, 10:04 pm »
Walter -Wow! Prepared to be absolutely delighted! I could live with my Anni MK2's the rest of my life happily. What will you be using for front end, preamp and amps? To my putting tubes in someplace (for me preamp) really helps with how these speakers are voiced.