Comparing Maraschino to nCore

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steve f

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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #60 on: 22 Apr 2015, 04:06 am »
So why the hostility?


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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #61 on: 22 Apr 2015, 06:48 am »
It's the same kind of hostility I saw from DS-21 over on Danny Richie's board some time back, claiming marketing stunts there. 

I have gained an enormous amount of understanding from respectful discussion here at Audio Circle.  I have also put my money down after careful consideration of all that I read, and feel very grateful for the results.  I've actually heard the Maraschinos, I don't have ears made of lead, I've had chills from what I've heard with my own ears, and I want others to know that in case they would like to try them for themselves.

But attacking the experience of the designer on his own board -- what's the motivation?  I am currently studying psychology; maybe I can learn something from you after all.



Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #62 on: 22 Apr 2015, 07:36 am »
The Ncores are well established. People like them, a lot. And given my own experience with them (they are singing as I type this), I find hyperbolic phrases such as "like bleach in my eyes", well, hyperbolic, and WEIRD. But different strokes I guess, but to me its like Gisselle Bundschen naked and beckoning you is like "bleach in my eyes".

That said, my experience falls in with the vast majority of user reviews. Wonder amps. Marvels of engineering. Product of genius.

Can the same be said of Maraschino and its designer? Is he on par with Bruno Putzeys? That is what I, personally would be asking if I were looking at an alternative, AAAA TIER CLASS D.

That said I'm not emotionally invested in these conversations any more and am pretty much Hypex for Life.

Musicality is what music is for. If your system isnt moving you, find out the problem, but for me, the clarity and effortless transparent power of Ncores is dazzlingly musical.


Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #63 on: 22 Apr 2015, 12:06 pm »
rclark says Ncores for life. I was wandering what these forums would be like 20-30 years from now, will the NC fanboys still be here criticizing the ones that do not like the sound of the NCores? It is now over two years and they still believe nothing will ever sound better. Over the last 12 months, I have seen at least two dozen used ones go up for sale here on AC and Audiogon, so everyone is not happy with the sound.

NC Fanboy: What the heck is wrong with you all selling your Ncores? It is impossible to get any amp to sound better, now, or for life. There must be something wrong with your system to sell these amps. Oh, you have the exact same components and cables that I do? Then obviously it is your room. You need to have a room made just like mine. Oh, you do? Then it must be your ears, you must be deaf. Go get yourself a hearing aid.

I guess time will tell.


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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #64 on: 22 Apr 2015, 12:18 pm »
Tyson:  I think you may be making a gross oversimplification when you suggest that feedback is responsible for a certain type of amplifier "sound", especially when comparing class D to more traditional A or A/B designs.  Feedback means different things to different people.  Do you mean global feedback? Or local feedback around a single gain stage?  Or perhaps the local feedback around a single amplification device (be it tube or transistor, all devices have local feedback)?  And in terms of class D, feedback works in a very different way (at a magnitude higher speed) than it does in a traditional A or A/B amplifier.
I love the sound of simple circuit, class A amplifiers with no global feedback (but, perhaps some feedback around individual stages), but I also love the sound of my Ncore amp after tuning it for my system.

I think the thing is, when someone tests a new component, and drops it into a highly tuned system, it is silly to think things are going to gel right away without re-tuning the system to suit the new component.  Example: someone has system featuring a relatively acidic sounding DAC, with loads of detail, neutral speakers, and a warm smooth amp like an old Pass Aleph 30.  The system could sound great!  But drop an Ncore amp into it and, whammo, the acidic sound of the DAC is revealed, but the Ncore is blamed when all along the very warm/smooth Aleph was balancing out the acid from the DAC...
The "feed-backy" sound happens in Class-D too.

We're kind of on a tangent here.  Would you mind re-posting?  Here:

Ahhhhh, revealing source issues by improving the downstream.......  You must be a fan of minimalist systems, just like I.

Thanks for your post.


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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #65 on: 22 Apr 2015, 12:20 pm »


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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #66 on: 22 Apr 2015, 12:55 pm »
Nope, just more hot air.
Normally, this negative post would just get deleted, but I want everybody to see the kind of negativity that comes from some "contributors".

Fortunately, there are only a few mean spirited AC members.  Isn't it ironic how they all seem to have the same posting style and "anonymous" identity?

So here's a great big THANK YOU to the haters that are helping us show what kind of people don't like us.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


steve f

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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #67 on: 22 Apr 2015, 08:13 pm »
The great majority of people on the circle are really nice people. That is once you get past a few rude haters, and a few who hear magical things in an audio product. I know I've learned a lot from my friends' postings. I hope they/you learn from my experiences too. Audio isn't a contact sport.



Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #68 on: 22 Apr 2015, 09:54 pm »
Sadly, this type of thread always winds up with the same old "objective vs. subjective" debate.   These debates never end well.  The objective camp point to their specs and state "A is better! My meter says so!"  The subjective camp will point to the sound of a given amp, and state that " it sounds more like live music" than "A", because "A" sounds like crap, regardless of what your meter says.   :duh:

While I am in full support of good measurements, those alone do not tell the whole story.  I honestly do not think the industry has adequately "captured all the necessary parameters" to explain the sound a given set of amps will provide.  The amp's interaction with the speaker can and does vary some for each speaker.  Better designed amps will suffer less from this than ones with more pedestrian designs.  The speaker's interaction with the room is FAR more important in the overall sound.

My preference for amps tends towards well designed tube amps with higher power outputs (80 watts or greater).  I've heard good sounding amps of all types of topologies.  I have heard a couple of Class D amps that I thought were good sounding (Yamaha MX-D1).  At the end of the day, IMHO, with my system, the tube amps just get closer to the illusion of re-creating a musical event.

Trying to argue about which two amps are better is an exercise in futility.  It's like trying to teach a pig to sing:  "It won't work, and just annoys the pig".


Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #69 on: 22 Apr 2015, 10:06 pm »
My Daddy always told me "don't knock it till you try it."

So I did. :thumb:


Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #70 on: 22 Apr 2015, 10:24 pm »
My Daddy always told me "don't knock it till you try it."

So I did. :thumb:
I agree,I did that when cherry first started,alot of components change in my system except Cherry amp and SP Tech speakers stay. :thumb:


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Re: Comparing Maraschino to nCore
« Reply #71 on: 24 Apr 2015, 04:26 pm »
I agree,I did that when cherry first started,alot of components change in my system except Cherry amp and SP Tech speakers stay. :thumb:
Check this out:

Maybe it's time to give the new Cherry a try.