Bolder Summit and Bybee'd Nitro comparison

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Bolder Summit and Bybee'd Nitro comparison
« on: 18 Aug 2004, 05:32 pm »
OK, so I have the bybee'd, cryo'd, bullet-plugged Nitro's and had a chance to hear the new Summit in my system a few days ago.  What can I say, other than I have to agree with Marbles, the Summit was clearly and easily a step up over the bybee'd nitro in my system (Mensa DIO, nOrh cd-1 CDP, AVA T7r pre, AVA 550EXr amp).  The summit bested the nitro in mid range clarity, midbass impact, upper bass definition, but most especially SOUNDSTAGE.  I'm normally not much of a soundstage guy, I tend to focus on things like tonal balance, resolution, and dynamics since those things are most important to me in music, but the difference was so marked and the soundstage so vivid and precise that I couldn't help but notice it.  Very, very nice indeed.

Tonally it was less lush sounding than the bybee'd Nitro's, mainly a result of the upper bass and lower mids being so much cleaner and clearer.  Where the nitro had a slight tendency to drone a bit in this region, the Summit was just laser sharp, detailed, and textured.  Vocals as a result had a more nakedly revealed quality, where every nuance was heard precisely.  Low Bass impact was similar on both cables (great), but the Summit seemed to do midrange and high frequency dynamics better, with more subtle variations and nuances revealed.

You will notice that I use the word "nuance" a lot in describing the sound of the Summit.  I believe the level of detail and nuance is a result of the very good transparency and great microdyanamic tracking the summit exhibits.

So, net result, is it better than my Nitro's?  Yes, without question.  Will I be getting it?  Yes, without question, someday.  Unfortunately I don't have the cash to get a pair, and when I do have cash it's going to room treatments first.  After that, a pair of these will be mine.


Bolder Summit and Bybee'd Nitro comparison
« Reply #1 on: 22 Aug 2004, 05:19 pm »
What has REALLY worked out well is a pair of Summits and a pair of Bybeed Nitro's.

That is a wonderful combo.

I would think that a bybeed pair of Summits would be one hell of a great IC.
One I'm saving up for................


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Bolder Summit and Bybee'd Nitro comparison
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2004, 05:38 pm »
where are you using each?



Bolder Summit and Bybee'd Nitro comparison
« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2004, 05:53 pm »
I currently have a pair of Summits between my DAC and Pre,
I have another pair of Summits between my phono pre and pre, and I have the Bybeed Nitro between my pre and amp.

At this point, I need a bybee in the digital chain, and I think two summits in the analog chain was fine, but more surface noise was making it through than I wanted.  The Bybees do a very good job of removing a lot of this without hurting the signal too bad.

I would love to listen to a bybeed Summit, but they are VERY expensive.
I have to save up for a pair.